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Nama : Renaka Agusta

Class : CC-26

Capstone Project Briefing that will be held on the last of program, there ae two scenarios that
we can take they are product and company. Student Monthly Recap that allow us and our
mentor to monitor our progress on any event on bangkit and course that we take and alose
assignment. Reward System & First Challenge that we will get in certain condition such ae we
join the unmandatory event and we answering some question on meeting .

The topic of getting up so our team build blog those students parents are commenting on site
office meeting so Ating Let's Start by the students to meeting am today will have view agenda
Yes the first one is Communication and chord guitar the second is the dashboard access to to
any scoring presented mssecsvc rules face iltv by Richard and the last is gone so as a means
your wild Please deh FNB attention to the explanation ya If you have any question please
chatbox and attention is in description boks keso coatink Let's start with the first part of the
blue beam started with a hai okay thank you okay helm one I hope you guys in healthy
condition and stay focus to complete the Olos bangk it Tasya Instagram soya we will have
credentials and communication Of Soul the courts just remind you about the yes information
intake briefing klasmens go-shop indies credentials Please make sure you guys access all of the
materials in Naik like Adek presentation credit materials without using your Rise Academy
account so don't ask the request access to all of material or DX in rise so only keep the bank's
up Academy account to access It okay.

We have the communication channel Endless channel time won't you please don't context this
of rise facilitator instructor team Via Vallen personal chat odm writes she or he allows you to do
so because I have a report of get a report from any of facilitator team that you guys students a-
levels edn dmdh unless They don't allow you to the show yah so please Hai comply to this rules
about and if you want to ask of permissions approval withdrawals or advice fashion text email
our email incandes cent it at rise Dota kademi so you can get more the best experience in rise
eh with Don refrains annie-rose in rise Okay because file Essence of this communication aspect
will reduce your Attitude score so please be aware of that Okay n- max two-headed update we
have three update info drive less dense means we have three update this district update so
please check your Courage to get the detail of this updates About Us permissions when you are
connected the weekly concert at consultation with your facilitator so please If you have any
question that not address in this could get please us to our email John Edwards gets up
Academy key and next nah we go to the timeline eating most of students icon style from
machine-learning students have a ask the students the facilitator the rise team about the clear
nice the timeline and giving a most of the machine learning students have misunderstanding
when they read the timeline big Oh ya dreamin i n your compustore your last activity you
haven't read any time Thailand table like this so ya will explain the timeline here okay eh fresh
from the week for this week is for you so Hai on this week with fork Mei You will have a Free
Single Nations The First is all the text The Second I'll take the the second is your first english
lessons Bleach SpongeBobs and the touch It's your weekly consultation with your facilitator and
for the sophistication wide wide Fight The timeline Especially For machine learning because
they have a specializations course in our server We want you to have a ya good time
management in Minutes your time.

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