Violence and Offences

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1. Punching another' s time card requesting another to do so S12 S30 D    

2. Failure to punch in or out WW WS S7 S12 D

3.Falsifiying or tempering documents and/ or official records D        

4. Pilferage or theft of company property of those belonging to

other personnel or being an accessory / accomplice to such D        

5. Unauthorized acceptance directly or indirectly, of any sum of

money, commission, other promises in consideration of any act
decision or service connected with performance of an employee's
duties D        

6. Failure to inform the (HR) management section of any change

address, civil status, increase / decreases in the number of
dependents, and other pertinent information to the 201 files WW WS S7 S12 D

7. Failure to submit annual and other medical examination WW WS S7 S12 D

8. Unauthorized possession and/or use od Company keys or other

devices used for opening locks in Company premises WW S7 S12 D  

9. Loss confidence, fraud and or, breach of trust D        

10. Malversation of funds D        

11. Giving false or misleading information or testimony during a

Company inquiry or investigation D        
12.Dishonety of any type. D        
13. Failure to report within 48 hours knowledge of mistaken
payment and/or over payment of salary/ wage, allowance or other
forms of reimbursement WW S7 S12 D  
14. Giving false or misleading information in applying for
employment or to seek or to qualify for any benefit from the
company D        

15.All other acts of dishonesty which cause or tend to cause

prejudice to the company D        

  1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH

1. Insubordination
2. By definition, this is the willful refusal of a subordinate to S30
comply with proper orders/instructions from a superior or
a recognized authority in connection with official
performance of assigned duties and responsibilities D      
2. Sleeping while on duty S12 D      

3. Trespassing / unauthorized use of Company facilities  S12 S30 D    

4. Unexcused non-compliance to wear the prescribed Company
uniform during duty- S12  D       
5. Reporting for work intoxicated drinking S12  D       
6. Use or possession of prohibited drugs/alcohol within Company
premises S12  D       

7. Fighting, provoking a fight, and inflicting or attempting to injure

a co-employee or other individuals within Company premises.
In imposing the penalty, the deciding body shall consider the
gravity of the injuries and other such factors and circumstances
relevant to the offense, S12  D       

8. Committing an immoral or indecent act, thereby jeopardizing

the good name and prestige of the company as determined by the
Management Committee  D        

9. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information or divulging

of Company trade secrets. Divulging, by definition, is the
disclosure, transmission and/or communication by personnel
entrusted with special Company information, formula, or
processing techniques to unauthorized persons.  D        

10. Circulation of written or printed materials contrary to law,

public order, morals or policy within the Company premises S12  D       

11. Any act of disloyalty to the company in word or deed and/or

circulation of malicious rumors calculated to harm or destroy the
reputation of the Company, its officers, and/or staff members  WW  S7 S12  D   
12. Gambling or betting within Company premises  WW  S7 S12  D   

13. Selling/Soliciting/receiving money, gifts, or anything of value

from any person through mediation form another, perform an act
prejudicial to the company or as a condition for the performance
of one's duty within the Company premises without authorization
from Management  WW  S7 S12  D   

14. Improper use of Company vehicle/equipment contrary to

standard operation procedures or unauthorized use of Company
vehicle, equipment, or time  WW  S7 S12  D   
15. Conviction of crime involving moral turpitude  D        
16. Changing approved work schedules and/or altering day-off
schedules without the prior consent of the Immediate
Supervisor/Manager.  WW  S7 S12  D   

  1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH

18. Vandalism
Willful or malicious destruction or defacement of Company
property  D        

19. Unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, flammable

materials or any deadly weapon inside the Company premises  D        

20. Making personal gain out of Company material or property  WW  S7 S12  D   
21. Lending money to the other co-employees at usurious rates of
interest  WW  S7 S12  D   

22. Loafing or loitering: Wasting time and prolonged rest periods  S7 S12  D     
23. Discourtesy, rudeness or indifference in dealing with guests,
customers, and/or Company officers  WW  S7 S12  D   

24. Threatening, intimidating, coercing, or serious insult on the

honor and person of a co-employee within the Company premises  S7 S12  D     

25. Failure to report for overtime work without valid reason after
having been duly advised and schedule for work.  WW  S7 S12  D   
26. Failure to clear the table of records, files, and other types of
papers; unplug and cover machines and other equipment and lock
safe, cabinets and drawers; and violation of housekeeping
regulations  WW  S7 S12  D   
27. Leaving work assignment, company premises or work area
during work hours, without permission form or approval of the
immediate supervisor  WW  S7 S12  D   

28. Failure to wear prescribed work uniforms when on duty  WW  S7 S12  D   
29. Losing or misplacing Company records which causes prejudice
to the Company   D         

30. Failure to inform the Human Resources department on any

change in civil status, address, dependents or other relevant
information within 30 days from starting date.  WW  S7 S12 s D   

31. Any other act/s of negligence or carelessness committed

during working time or on Company premises resulting in injury to
oneself or to third persons or to loss or damage to Company
property or otherwise causing expenses to be incurred by the
Company  WW  S7 S12  D   
32. Using profane or indecent language and act in addressing
another person and/or using indecent, abusive, derogatory,
indecorous words during working time or within company
premises  D        
33. Intriguing another employee who tend to cast dishonor,
discredit or contempt upon the latter including that of rumor
mongering  WW  S7 S12  D   

34. Encouraging or inducing another employee to perform an act

constituting a violation of this Code of Conduct or allowing him
persuaded, induced or influenced to commit such and offense.  S7 S12  D     
  1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH
35. Working for another employer without prior consent of the
Company  S7 S12  D     
36. Indulging in unauthorized and unofficial vending at any time
within the Company premises  D        
37. Posting, altering or removing any matter posted on the bulletin
board unless specifically authorized  D        
38. Any act of discourtesy or disrespect to fellow employees,
Company visitors, guests, clients at any time within Company
premises  WW  S7 S12  D   

39. Knowingly harboring a contagious disease which may endanger

the health of fellow employees without notifying appropriate
Company authorities S12  D       
40. Sexual Harassment or including other employees to participate
such offense.  D        
41. Insulting, threatening, coercing and/or intimidating or showing
willful disrespect to anybody at any given time inside the store
premises.  D        

42. Committing other acts of misconduct, discourtesy and insulting

behaviors not embraced by other provisions of this Code.  D        


1. Unexcused absences or absence without leave (AWOL) S30
2. 1-2-consecutive days D
3. 3-5 Consecutive days D
4. 6 consecutive days
2. Habitual Absenteeism
This means absences in excess of three (3) times within a month,
regardless of whether it is excused or not. WS S12 D    
3. Unexcused tardiness
this means three (3) or more unexcused late with a month, each
in excess of the five (5) minute grace period.
In addition, deduction shall be affected on the salary, according to
the period of tardiness as follows;
1-15 Minutes: no deduction
16 Minutes and above: deduction equivalent to actual time late
W S15  D    
 4. Habitual Tardiness

Excessive tardiness, of four (4) times or more within a month,

regardless of whether it is excused or not W12   S30  D    
 5. Unexcused under time

Leaving work or punching out at an earlier time than official’s

dismissal time without permission from the immediate
department head; this also refers to lunch break taken in excess of
one (1) hour. In addition, salary deduction will be effective
corresponding to the number of minutes or hour(s) of under time.
WS S15 S30 D  


Employees are required to retain proper and professional demeanor while at work. The GMRC
is a code that means Good Manners and Right Conduct. Employees are required to practice the
following standard operating procedures to show good manners and right conduct at all times.

 Use of polite words like excuse me, please, thank you, I beg your pardon (pardon me)
I’m sorry, may I help you and other courtesies and greetings whenever the needs arise.
 Helping clients with their questions and need proper reply
 Extending help to co-employees if necessary.
 Modesty, simplicity, and courtesy are the key words to a pleasant attitude.


All Superiors must see to it that all employees under them are aware of the offenses defined
here and the penalty prescribed for each. In case an employee needs clarification on a
particular provision, the Supervisor or Department Head concerned is duty-bound to explain it
clearly and completely, preferably in the dialect of the employee, giving illustrative examples.
Each employee, on the other hand, is duty-bound to read and understand the definitions and
penalties. This is because ignorance of the definition and/or penalties does not excuse the
employee from being penalized. If a particular provision under to the employee, he must ask
for explanation from his immediate superior. He may also consult HRD as to the meaning of a
particular definition(s) and as to how it applies in specific cases.
Whenever necessary or advisable as practically and prudently dictated by the exigencies of the
operation. Management may define additional offenses and prescribed corresponding
penalties. Such additions, deletions or amendment will be issued in memorandum form to be
posted on the employees’ bulletin board.

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