100 KVA DG 12 MLD MPS Zone II

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‘Meenul tl Design lira g/m oS Heda tw, args M/S Shapoori Pallonji & Co. Pvt.Ltd. SP Centre 41/44 , ‘Minoo Desai Marg, Colaba , Mumbai- 400005, & Quer fet: 09/0 6/0 Revised DNIT for Providing & Laying DIK7 Pipes for Water Supply , S.W Pipe & RCC Pipe for Sewer Lines & DIK9 Pipe for Rising Main, Boring Installing & Commissioning of Tubewells, Construction of OHSR, MPS, Roads, Street Lights, Making House Connections, Water Meters, Flow Meters & Desilting of Sewer Lines and construction of STPs Based cn any Suitable Technology including O & M of existing and proposed services for W/S, Sewerage Lines, MPS, STP’s, Proposed Roads, Street Lights, Revernue Collection for construction period of 18 months +10Years & all other works Contingent thereto as Per DNIT at Sangrur and Dhuri Distt. Sangrur (Under BUCIP Scheme) —Revised Drawing document & QAP for 100 KVA DG Set Sangrur 12 MLD MPS Zone - IT noms Ht = Use S: SPCL/PWSSB/SANGRUR/Site/174/2019-20 first 19.02.2020 wig fen ess & Usa S: 1286 fHST 08.03.2019 fam waite ate a ae Use ATT YUT Revised Diawiny ducumeut & QAP for 100 KVA DG set Sangin 12. MED MPS ZonesIT Gri sizes dtsbors, ire ei mi vibetnt Ge vise $2 Hayy cB ott at Ste m3 Micra § whe dufioat mw § aw fiseott wast wert nuge ase Gules mai Sate wach fais Shot what aw 1 fen oy ot fener sadtet 3a 3 DNIT ysis IS odie 31 2 fen wesa oe feo viftars dear fe fot 2S at fen ot RiPifeaas ws wae wes HART 3 urgien 2 ues Je ot gus fee aeae ot tert nm dt Seah 4, fen vesg 2 Usd J; 1286 fist 08.03.2019 585 DG Set few FRidt RT yea de ofS Wet 31 Revised Drawing document & QAP for 100 KVA DG set Sangrur 12 MLD MPS Zone-IL ? Baer” det/-as niga oronodt fetes, unre S/F oes Aiea Vise, 285 !\Meent\LetterDesign flo nia 3: fist: Sos vt sae Ans fetes Gu ise Rttsbas, Uae en md Heda Gu iss 3:2 Hage § Gat F Use S: 197 fest 29.05.2020 & Tes mals Sect arseet wet Sat wet a 3e/-Sas vigATS oranorat frtaborg, 286 1918, “. mame > “UNI "MSY SIMA ad Je2UI6Uy SAY soa: (e2ueapssy Anjend ) 2) ewfeg mines V/ unyoNysS ‘Z "ON MOS B SIM Cd ‘reouibuz, ae ars Yet rymmonsg to aap 7 a D TSF DC so) envew sued pue weO} ‘Ado> piEH JE2EWIBYY 40} /ENUELY APR ‘squawnsogy s 7509 705 PH I ue ad sof — Hoot 7a pat See —_ einai we To TERR Lv 7 payD0U: yun poe wy ors ounBioue vosonsoiis9@.08 4} oot ven po a tnsensweusty éesios8ets) aso ae 080)» ape aye peor oe} odor sons 99:04 54] oor msn yen uuenénsin vopsunsucajond| odes ee 50:00 | wO0t on [eon eBeyejoaudvazueoooiend] - TSO TT Tana NTT sa amedue, i 2-91 oe | sedern oom on suo sony nen go eo | uu Aaonba.=porivaun’eRon nu THN EDP 0g | 09 0 ypc eae | UIA SO -P207 % O} | | cone i SUJON aoueyde2oy| Suljdues y01 Jo odAL aq sel i waa NV Id 3ONVUNSSv ALNVND GYVGNVIS SL3SN39 13S310 (SSANISN@ YAMOd AUYVITIXNY) GALI NOLLOD SAAYaND GREAWE * sel Generator Specification Sheet - 100 kVA [Recommended lube ol grade 15W#0, APLC |complying to IS 1460 and tolerances with respe Recommended hubeail Sewetintem | _ fto 50 3046 5 print POWER RamGephyfie power tings appr to instalation where wt powers unvalble or unreliable At varying ne ier tino ai8:0% rint ee nl rom neh A ~ sub bividional Engineer, Pb. 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