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College of Education
Capas, 2315, Tarlac, Philippines
Second Semester, A.Y. 2017-2018

Name of Student Teacher:______________________________________________________________

Grade & Section: _____________________________________________________________________
Subject / Subject Matter _______________________________________________________________
Cooperating Teacher:__________________________________________________________________

Criteria Rating
A. Personal Appearance (10%) ____________
The student teacher…
1. is well-poised
2. is properly groomed
3. is free from unnecessary mannerisms
4. has pleasant disposition

B. Lesson Planning (10%)

1. Lesson plan contains relevant appropriate activities ____________
2. Lesson plan is well-written requiring minimum or no revision
3. Neatness and proper format observed
4. Lesson plan is submitted on time

C. Preparation and Utilization of Instructional Materials/Media (10%)

1. Instructional materials are appropriate for the activities given ____________
2. Visual materials are clear, neat and attractive
3. Instructional materials used show teacher’s creativity and resourcefulness
4. Instructional materials are utilized properly and effectively

D. Classroom Management (10%)

1. Pays attention to routine manners ____________
2. Handles disciplinary problems effectively
3. Motivates and keeps students’ attention and interest

E. Guiding Teaching and Learning Experience (60%)

1. Makes effective introduction and motivation ____________
2. Gives clear directions and logical explanations
3. Has mastery of subject matter
4. Strategies well-planned and executed
5. Board work is well done
6. Asks appropriate questions
7. Uses appropriate questioning techniques
8. Provides varied learning tasks
9. Gives incidental teaching when necessary
10. Focuses students’ attention on important points in the lesson
11. Guides students in summarizing main ideas/concepts learned
12. Handles wrong answers tactfully
13. Provides appropriate reinforcement
14. Conducts written evaluation efficiency
15. Presents homework/agreement properly
TOTAL __________

_______________________ _____
Panelist’s Signature over Printed Name

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