MKM 1014 #1-2 Advanced PH Research Methods

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MKM 1014

Advanced Public Health

Research Methods

Sesi: #1-2
Prof. Asnawi Abdullah, PhD

Prodi S2 MKM

Pascasarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh

Learning Objective
1. Mahasiswa memahami proses, pendekatan dan ouput
2. Memahami proses dan tahap-tahap melakukan penelitian
3. Memahami Langkah-Langkah mendapatkan ide penelitian
4. Menghasilkan ide dan topik penelitian tesis
5. Memahami penulisan rumusan masalah yang benar
Flowchart: Steps in the
development of a
health systems research

Varkevisser, C. M., Pathmanathan, I., & Brownlee, A. (2003). Module 11:

RESEARCH PROJECTS: VOLUME 1 Proposal Development and Fieldwork.
Canada: International Development Research Center. Retrieved
12 Steps of Research
1. Identify the research question
2. Initial review of literature
3. Distilling the question to a researchable problem
4. Continued review of literature
5. Formulation of hypothesis
6. Determining the basic research approach
7. Identifying the population and sample
8. Designing the data collection plan
9. Selecting or developing data collection instruments
10. Choosing the method of data analysis
11. Implementing the research plan
12. Interpreting the results
The Research Question

The foundation of the research process

It all begins with a question
Finding a Research Question
From where?
Information Gaps
Literature Review
Other People
Steps in research problem formulation

Broad areas

Dissect into subareas

Select the most interest

Raise research questions

Formulate objectives
Research areas and topics
Research areas are usually stated in a few words, and sometimes just one
Research topics are a few words, but usually more than those describing the
research areas
Research topics to
General research questions
General to specific research questions
Problem Statement
 In 200 words or less (about 1-2 paragraphs) you need
to convince the reader that this study MUST be done!
 Society, or one of its institutions has some pressing
problem that needs closer attention. You will provide
evidence that this problem is serious and in need of
further investigation.
 You will convince the reader that the problem can be
solved with the methodology selected.
NTT merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia dengan angka
kematian neonatal yang cukup tinggi . Berbagai
program inovatif telah dilaksanakan untuk menurunkan angka
kematian neonatal. Selama periode x-y, angka kematian telah menurun
secara significan. Namun periode berikut angka kematian meningkat
kembali. Hal tersebut belum sepenuhnya diketahui. Apakah karena A, B,
C atau D. Studi ini akan mengidentifikasi dan menghitung efek
dari sejumlah variabel terkait dengan kesehatan ibu dan neonatal yang
mempengaruhi kematian neonatal dan variabel tersebut memungkinkan
untuk diintervensi melalui pelayanan kesehatan dan intervensi terkait. (5-7
kalimat singkat)
Early and targeted warning of dengue Peringatan dini dan yang ditargetkan tentang wabah
outbreaks is critical for vector
demam berdarah sangat penting untuk pengendalian
control. Current studies have
primarily focused on the role of vektor. Studi saat ini terutama berfokus pada peran
weather conditions in dengue kondisi cuaca dalam peramalan demam berdarah.
forecasting. Environmental and Kesesuaian lingkungan dan lingkungan mikro untuk
microenvironmental suitability for pengembangbiakan nyamuk telah sangat diabaikan
mosquito breeding has been sorely sebagai faktor penting, terutama di lingkungan
neglected as a crucial factor, perkotaan. Lonjakan demam berdarah dan infeksi yang
particularly in the urban setting. The ditularkan nyamuk lainnya di kota-kota metropolitan
surge in dengue and other mosquito- India pada 2020-2021 menyoroti kebutuhan mendesak
borne infections in India metropolitan
untuk mengidentifikasi fitur yang kondusif untuk
cities in 2020–2021 highlights the
urgent need to identify conducive melacak dan memprediksi wabah dengan lebih baik.
features to better track and predict Studi ini mengusulkan kerangka kerja untuk
outbreaks. This study proposes a menerapkan peramalan demam berdarah intra-urban
framework for implementing intra- oleh...
urban dengue forecasting by… Melalui penyelidikan ini, kami bertujuan untuk
Through this investigation, we aim to mengembangkan serangkaian prediktor awal untuk
develop a set of early predictors for meningkatkan pengawasan demam berdarah di petak
improved surveillance of dengue in perkotaan besar di kota-kota metropolitan India.
large urban swathes in Indian
metropolitan cities.
Cari Ide
Formulasi Ide
Diskusi apakah ide dapat diteruskan menjadi judul penelitian

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