Activity No. 5 - Dianne Balili

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Name: Dianne Balili Year and Course: BSED – Filipino 3

Learning Application

1.Should Joe refuse to give his father the money? Why or why not?
If I am in this circumstance, I will give the money to my father since you can have and
attend camp whenever you like, but if you refuse to provide the money to your father,
your father may have negative thoughts toward you. Will you be delighted if you insist
on attending the camp, just to find out that your father is upset? After all, what counts
most is your father's happiness. Even if you only done your best to get that money,
seeing your father happy because of you will make you happy.
2. Does the father have the right to tell Joe to give him the money? Why or why
Yes, because Joe is still under his father's influence because he is still young. Even if
Joe got the money on his own, he still needs his father's advice, especially when it
comes to money.
3. Does giving the money have anything to do with being a good son? Why or
why not?
It's not just about giving your father money; it's about how you appreciate and value
your father. Money doesn't matter to me anymore; what matters is the willing heart with
which you sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of your father.
4. Is the fact that Joe earned the money himself important in this situation?
Justify your answer?
At first glance, it seems reasonable that money belongs to Joe because he is the one
who earns it. Because he didn’t even know yet that moment that his father also needs
money because he promises to joe that the money, he is saving is for him, for the camp.
But, since he is in the middle of saving, a significant situation arises: his father requires
additional funds for a special fishing trip, proving that earned money is the most
5. The father promised Joe he could go to camp if he earned the money. Is the
fact that the father promised the most important thing in the situation? Why or
why not?
Joe's father's pledge is particularly significant in this case since it motivates him to work
hard in order to save money. But, because of the unexpected, Joe's father is unable to
keep his commitment to him.
6. In general, why should a promise have kept?
If you can't keep your word, you're not only disappointing that individual; you're also
giving that person the freedom to do anything they want without having to rely on your
promises. Essentially, we should follow our word and not break someone's heart.
7. Is it important to keep a promise to someone you do not know well and
probably will not see again? Justify your answer.
Even if you don't know that individual well, you made a commitment, and you must
follow it. Simply do your best to maintain that commitment, even if you have no certainty
that the person will return your favor after you have fulfilled your obligations.
8. What do you think is the most important thing a father should be concerned
about in his relationship to his son?
The most fundamental lesson I took away from the incident was that it is not just about
the son appreciating and obeying his father, but also about how the father values his
son's effort and sacrifices. Always be aware of the other's perspective.
9. In general, what should be the authority of a father over his son?
The father's primary responsibility to his son is to guide him in the proper direction. Be a
good role model for your son so that he grows up looking up to you.
10. What do you think is the most important thin a son should be concerned
about in his relationship to his father?
The most crucial aspect of a son's relationship with his father is reciprocating love,
because I feel that if there is love, everything else will come, including respect and
obedience. Keep in mind that your father would never do something that will hurt you;
instead, they will always prioritize what will benefit you.
11. In thinking back over the dilemma, what would you say is the most
responsible thing for Joe to do in this situation? Why?
Joe can be the most responsible to his father by sacrificing his own happiness for the
sake of his father. Earning money on his own is also an act of being a responsible son
because not all children will work hard to meet their personal wants and will instead rely
on their parents for financial support.
B. Where are you now in your moral development based on Kohlberg’s Stages of
Moral Development? Cite situations to illustrate your answer in 15-20 sentences.
My moral development is now in stage 5 according to Kohlberg's Stages of Moral
Development. The fifth stage, also known as Social Contract Orientation, is when my
own point of view takes precedence over that of the rest of society. According to
philosopher Stuart Rachels, morality is simply a set of principles that rational people
embrace on the premise that others do as well. As I grow older, I begin to think more
philosophically about society, taking a step back from my immediate surroundings and
analyzing the rights and ideals that a society should uphold. I remembered the things
I've done to the point where I can claim I've arrived at this point, where I'm attempting to
figure out what any society should value on my own. I've always believed that without
life, all of our possessions are nothing. We are always thinking about what is vital to our
society. In my perspective, the ideal conception of a good society is a social contract
into which people willingly participate to work for the common good. I also recognize
that different social groups within a society hold different values, yet they believe that all
rational people would agree. Certain essential rights, such as life, should, in my opinion,
be protected. I got to the conclusion that humans are not the same as society. We don't
share the same perspectives, ideas, or opinions. In order for people to respect and
comprehend mine, I must accept and understand everyone's opinions. As a result, I
must obey rules and orders in order to maintain society's harmony and order.

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