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Utilitarianism explanation

Let’s move on to
•Utilitarianism what is utilitarianism?
At its most basic, states that something is moral, or good when it produces the greatest
amount of good for the greatest number of people. This basically means na kinoconsider
ang isang bagay na good or ethical if ang ethical choice ng isang tao ay nakapagbebenifit or
that thing will produce the best outcome sa maraming tao and ini-aim nito na makamazimize ng
kasiyahan at kabutihan sa maraming tao.
It's a theory of normative ethics that asks whether a specific action is good or bad, moral
or immoral.
Like for instance, yung sa video, sabi may apat na tao sa emergency room, and bawat isa sa
kanila kailangan ng transplant like sa kidney, heart, lungs, and etc. and there’s this one person
na pumunta sa emergency room, and he chose na idonate yung organs niya sa bawat isa para
masave yung apat, but at the end of it, siya yung namatay. This only means na he gave or
sacrifice his organs or life to save those 4 individuals, but take note na ito ay may limitations.
Utilitarianism answers this question with an economic analysis that focuses on human
lives and says that those actions that make people happy are good.
For example, a utilitarian may ask whether it's moral for politicians to spend billions of dollars on
campaign ads. He or she would examine how the money is spent and whether the ads directly
resulted in improving people's lives pero knowing hindi nakapagbebenefit ang ads sa maraming
tao, or if that money could have been better spent on something else like pagbibigay na lang ng
mga ayuda sa mga tao, edi sana mas marami pang naibigay na tulong sa mga tao, right?

Types of Utilitarianism
There are basically two branches of utilitarianism.
They both agrees that the goal of ethics is to maximize happiness and they overall aim in evaluating
actions should be to create the best results possible, But they disagree on where that decision
should be applied and they differ about how to do that. It basically means na both of them aiming
for better satisfaction or result sa specific action but sa way kung paano gagawin is magkaiba.
1. Act Utilitarianism argues that we should always choose our actions based on what will cause the

greatest amount of happiness. To cut it short, it mainly based on “the end justifies the
means.” used to say that a desired result is so good or important that any method, even a morally
bad one, may be used to achieve it 
Like for instance, yung pagnanakaw, ang pagnanakaw is a morally bad choice pero yung ninakaw or
nakuha ng isang tao ay way para may maipakain siya sa mga anak niya, it is part of act utilitarianism.
It doesn’t matter how you do the action, what all matters is the result or the outcome of what you
have done.
Act utilitarians believe that whenever we are deciding what to do, we should perform the
action that will create the greatest net utility. In their view, the principle of utility—do
whatever will produce the best overall results—should be applied on a case by case basis. The
right action in any situation is the one that yields more utility (i.e. creates more well-being) than
other available actions.
Suppose that a person is given a book as a birthday present and when they are done reading it, a
friend asks to borrow it. The person does not want to lend out their book because they do not want it
to be damaged, but they also do not want to be rude to their friend. Act utilitarianism says that the
person should choose from potential options based on the results they would have. Lending the
book would risk a small amount of pain if the book were damaged but would lead to a lot of
happiness for the friend who got to read it, so overall it would have positive utility. Not lending the
book would cause pain to their friend, so overall it would have negative utility. Act utilitarianism
would therefore dictate that the person should lend the book, because the overall utility would be
higher in such a situation.

2. Rule Utilitarianism argues that we should figure out what sort of behavior usually causes
happiness and turn it into a set of rules.
Rule utilitarians adopt a two part view that stresses the importance of moral rules.
According to rule utilitarians, a) a specific action is morally justified if it conforms to a
justified moral rule; and b) a moral rule is justified if its inclusion into our moral code
would create more utility than other possible rules (or no rule at all) . According to
this perspective, we should judge the morality of individual actions by reference to general moral
rules, and we should judge particular moral rules by seeing whether their acceptance into our
moral code would produce more well-being than other possible rules.
In this case, a person will consider the law and fairness before an action is taken.
S/he will want to achieve maximum good through the most just means.
A rule utilitarian thinks that people being allowed in certain circumstances to kill or
let die would have generally good consequences, then they will think such acts are
morally allowed in the specified circumstances. They will also think the law should
allow them in the specified conditions, and if they think the consequences would be
generally bad, then they will think morality does, and the law should prohibit the
For some instance, rule utilitarians ang sinasabi rito is that murder is morally wrong, mali talaga ang
pagpatay since it leads to reduced utility and reduced happiness in society, ano ang madederived after
ng murder? Takot at kaba sa mga tao. Kasi una, nilabag mo ang batas, pangalawa, nakakitil ka ng buhay

ng tao na In any view, murder is wrong. Since killing someone without reason, it becomes a

crime. It isn’t right to kill someone without cause or even if may reason ka man, according to
rule, it specifically wrong.

The key difference between act and rule utilitarianism is that act utilitarians apply the utilitarian
principle directly to the evaluation of individual actions while rule utilitarians apply the utilitarian
principle directly to the evaluation of rules and then evaluate individual actions by seeing if they
obey or disobey those rules whose acceptance will produce the most utility.

Utilitarianism is a philosophical view or theory about how we should evaluate a wide
range of things that involve choices that people face. Among the things that can be
evaluated are actions, laws, policies, character traits, and moral codes. Utilitarianism is a
form of consequentialism because it rests on the idea that it is the consequences or
results of actions, laws, policies, etc. that determine whether they are good or bad, right
or wrong. In general, whatever is being evaluated, we ought to choose the one that will
produce the best overall results. In the language of utilitarians, we should choose the option that
“maximizes utility,” i.e. that action or policy that produces the largest amount of good.

Utilitarianism appears to be a simple theory because it consists of only one evaluative principle:
Do what produces the best consequences. In fact, however, the theory is complex because we
cannot understand that single principle unless we know (at least) three things: a) what things
are good and bad;b) whose good (i.e. which individuals or groups) we should aim to maximize;
and c) whether actions, policies, etc. are made right or wrong by their actual consequences (the
results that our actions actually produce) or by their foreseeable consequences (the
results that we predict will occur based on the evidence that we have).

Communism type of government serves equally treatment for each and every individual. Communist
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