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DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY COURSE NO. : EEE 260. EXPT. NO.-1 VERIFICATION OF THREE PHASE.-VOLTAGE AND CURRENT RELATIONS BY BALANCED RESISTIVE LOAD. EQUIPMENTS: 1, One ac voltmeter (0-150-300V) 2. One ac ammeter (0-2A, 0-5A) i [Use ammeter across switches to measure various currents] 3. Three lampboards (cach containing at least 3 lamps) [Be sure that all lamps are of identical rating] 4, Six SPST switches. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP: A___/Si__ A —____* 220V Lampboard 3-phase B Sr pee & c c. < Ss ‘Wye load a Delta load PROCEDURE: 1, Connect the lampboards in Wye. Have balanced load by putting the same number of lamps of the same rating in each branch. 2, Measuré line voltage and phase voltages. 3, Measule line current (=phase current) by placing an ammeter acfoss the switch S 5. Change the number of lamps and obtain a balanced load again and repeat step 2 to step3 | 4. Connects the lampboards in Delta, 5. Measure line voltage (=phase voltage) 6. Measure line currents current by placing an by placing ammeters across switch S,, S, ammeter across switch Sy. 7. Change the number of lamps in the lampboard keeping it balanced. 8, Repeat steps 5 and 6, \i | | Set a Data sheet: Connections | No. oflamps | Line Phase Line Phase Voltage |Current Current Wye 1 2 3+ Delta 1 ; 2 3 \ Report: ) 1. Verify the voltage and the current relations for wye and delta connections, 2. Draw the vector diagram for each set of reading for wye and delta connection and clearly label the voltage and current vectors ae OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING ESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY ‘COURSE NO. 7 EEE 260 " EXPT. NO.-2 ‘TWO WATTMETER METHOD OF MEASURING POWER IN A BALANCED ‘THREE PHASE WYE CONNECTED R-L LOAD APPARATUS: L. One ac voltmeter 2. Two wattmeters (5A, 150V) 3. Three lamp boards . 4, Three phase inductor bank /or three laboratory transformers whose secondaries are to be used as inductor coils 5 Three SPST & one DPST switch. 6. Two ammeters(0-1 A, 0-5A) CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: 2 : R-Lload PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the lamp board and the inductor coils in balanced wye. Keep switch DS in position 1, 2. Open switch S; . Keep S; and S; close. Make wattmeter W; read upscale 3. Open 8). Keep S; and S; closed. Make wattmeter W3 upscale 4. Close all the switch downscale reading, deduct “i total power, ies. Take readings of both W; and. W2.If any one shows i i onnection of ei f the coils and make it upscale by changing the connection of either one of : its reading from the other one, Otherwise add the two readings to obtain 5. To measure single phase Power, throw the switch DS on position 2 and take the reading of W; f, Chanee the load by varying the inductance only and repeat the previous steps for four different sets, Always keep the load balanced. DATA SHEET: Noof][ W, Wr We Wp We Vp Obs. | (watts) | (watts) | Wy, (watts) | 3Wp | (volts) (watts) (watts) Tr ptm (amps) | W/3Vplp REPORTS: Wattmeter for each set of data, 2, Draws a phasor diagram showing the vectors that determine REFERENCE: A.C. Circuits by Corcoran, Wy and Wp, DEPARTMENT OF SANGLADESH De CEE CTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY COURSE NO. : EEE 260 EXPT. NO.-3 NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: STUDY OF A SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMER AND DETERMINATION OF TURN RATIO. INTRODUCTION: A trnsfomer is static device comprising exis coupled towels © [ ignetic medium connecting two ports at different or same voltage levels in an electric system lowing ‘the interchange of electrical energy between the ports in either direction via the ‘Magnetic field. The most important tasks performed by transformers are: (1). Changing voltage and current levels in electric power systems. . . 2). Matching source and load impedances for maximum power transfer in electronic and communication system. @). Electrical isolation ( isolating one circuit from another). A (transformer, in its simplest form, consists essentially of two insulated windings interlinked bya common or mutual magnetic field established in a core of magnetic material. When one of thé|windings, termed the primary, is connected to an alternating voltage source, an alternating Ally is produced in the core with amplitude depending on the primary voltage’and number of prhary turns. This mutual flux links the other windings, célled the secondary. A. voltage is inghced in this secondary and its magnitude will depend on the number-of secondary turns. If thd|secondary voltage is greater than the primary value, the transformer is called a step up |sformer; if it is less, it is known as a step down transformer; if primary and secondary vollages are equal, the transformer is said to have a one-to-one ratio. One to one transformers ardlused to electrically isolate two parts of a circuit. Any transformer may be used as a step up or rh, down depending on the way it is connected, The turn ratio of a transformer is defined as is experiment, we shall determine the tum ratio of a power transformer. AFPARATUS: 1. || Two ac voltmeters ( 0-300V, 0-150V ) 2. ||Two ac ammeters ( 0-10A, 0-30V ) 3. ||One single phase transformer 4, | One rheostat ( current rating greater than or equal to 5A) 5, ||Auto transformer ( variac) 6. || Wires & chords | | EXPERIMENTAL SETUP: Hy = 7% e 7 Single Variable ac phase supply 220 transformer = Hy * q (A. Hy x aii A Single Variabie ac 7 phase supply 220¥ i transformer i Hs X% Figure (b) PROCEDURE: a) Voltage Ratio: (Connect the primary ( ;-Hy) terminals of the Primary to 220V ac supply as’shown in the figure (a). Measure the voltage at the supply and also across secondary (X1-X; ). Find the tum ratio tising the formula aa liHy-H,) V(X, -X;) 4. Repeat step to step3 for supply voltage 200V, 180V, 160V, 140V & 120V, b) Current Ration: 3. Connect two ammeter in the primary & secondary cieuit as shown in the figure (b), §. Adjust the sheostat such thatthe reading of any ammeter does ove exceed the current rating of the ammeters and the theostat. Take three readings of both mee by adjusting the 7. Find the.tumn ratio using the formula i i oe -%) AH, -H,) Pop Popo REPORT: 1. Show all the data in tabular form, q Determine the tum ratio ( a.) of the transformer from the voltage and current readings using the appropriate formula, Discuss the discrepancies, if any. 3. Which method of, determining tum ratio is more accurate and why? ratio, step up & 4. Define the terms ideal transformer, turn ratio, nominal ratio transformation ratio, step down transformer. 5. Why transformers are rated in kVA instead of kW? 6. the Aen er. Define all Draw the exact & approximate equivalent circuit of a transform parameters, istive, nonindutive and capacitive Draw the vector diagram of a real transfomier for resistive, nonindu load, DEPARTMENT OF ELE BANGLADESH CTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY COURSE NO. : EEE 260 EXPT. NO.-4 NAME 0) E ane F THE EXPT: DETERMINATION OF THE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PARAMETERS 0) PARAMETERS OF A TRANSFORMER AND CALCULATION OF EFFICIENCY INTRODUCTION: : : , ‘The approximate equivalent circuit of a transformer is given in the following figure- poe ——___—_ “Thelfarious parameters of ths circuit can be determined by open cicit test and short circuit teatl Various performance charactritis (such as regulation, efficiency ) ean be determine? ‘Shel lthe help of this circuit without actually loading the transformer, This experiment is Gesined to perform the open circuit and short circuit test. The tassformer wil be loaded selia certain RL load and regulation and efficiency will be experimentally measured. Sbthined results will be compared with those from theoretical ealculations. APPARATUS: 1) Qne ac voltmeter ( 0-300 ) 2) two ac ammeters ( 0-10A, 0-30 ) 3) [wo 1-$ wattmeter 4) One 1-$ variac 5) One 120 resistance bank 6) One inductance bank | | || y EXPERIMENTAL SETUP: | We co : oc I aT (eae © x | HY UAT Rated ATSIDE ie “Elo. ae & zt |i | tov head CIRGUITED yA x Hs ; | C FIG. 1: OPEN CIRCUIT TEST i f i 4 ty fe ae u fA | Rated aL fe PR } Curent LT $IDE a Vs * sHdRT. ae 7 cirputrep XA EE c [ Bs. 1: SHORT CIRCUIT TEST eee eee | Wn Wour Hg re nt cen Hs FIG. 1: LOADING TEST PROCEDURE: 1) Open Circuit " d rated volage ere ee cotnecicns as ehova|a te experiment setup. APY. its uuineter Weliseier @ cies oe side) of the transformer. Note the readings 2 cae Circuit Test: Complete connections as shown in the experimental setup. Giadually apply voltage across the primary (High Tension sie ) oe transformer until rated primary current flows through the ammeter. Quickly take ¢ readings of the ammeter, voltmeter & wattmeter. 3) Loading Test : Load the secondary with an RL load and complete connections a5 shown the figure. Apply rated voltage across the HT side. Measure ‘the secondary current, voltage and readings of the both wattmeters. DATA: Name plate data of the transformer: ating Itage rating: 34 for open circuit test (referred to LT side): splat power ( Woc), watts = it current (Toc), amps = it power ( Voc, Volts = o Srey a for short circuit test (referred to HT side): SERRE ooOF power (Wn), watts = [put power (Wour) Wat ut current (Ja), amp vat voltage( V2), volts CULATIONS: | Core loss, Woors = Woc watt : Core loss resistance (referred to the, HT side): to= (Voc) X#Y/Woc © resistance (referred to the HT side ): X a2 )/ Iocsingo , where do = cos" ( Wod Vocloc) = Wsc 2 tance, Ri = Wso! Isc ' 2 ©) Equivalent reactance, X; = V (Vsollsc)* —Ri?) 7) Power factor of RL load: cos8 = (Wour/ Vala) 8) Voltage regulation: (22=V2)/V2X 100% oe where, Ez = (Va cos0+ Inn )-+j | (V2sind+ Tx) t= Ry/a? and x = Xy/ 9) Efficiency ; Wour Wnx= (Va Icos0 )/ (V2 lcos0 + Weone-+ Wav) REPORTS; 3. Detetiaing the equivalent circuit arameters of the transformer from the'test dati. 2. Using the equate given in ris Preceding part, determine efficiency and oan oF the transformer for the given RL load. Compare the results with those obtain experimentally, 8. What are the approximations of the short ‘and the open circuit tests? _ 4 Why open cireut test is performed inthe ton tension side whereas short circuit test Performed in the high tension side? REFERENCES: i. Electrical machines By I. L. Kosow 2+ A textbook of Blectrical Technology, Vol-2 By BL, Theraja & A. K. Theraja. 8. Electric Machines By I. J. Nagrath « D. P. Kothari DEI ae OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING H UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY COURSE NO.: EEE 260 EXPT. NO.-5 CHARACTERISTIC OF A D.C. SHUNT GENERATOR OBJECTIVE: 1) To draw the O.C.C, curve (Ep vs Ii) of ad.c. shunt generator for two different spreds. 2) To determine the eritical speed and critical resistance from the 0.C.C. APPARATUS: One d.c. voltmeter(0-300V) Two dc, ammeters(0-5A, 0-50A) Tachometer One SPST switch Rheostat(0-3609, 1.1 A) One ac surge motor generator couple aw syNe EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP: AC IM pc Suppl} Gen PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the D.C. generator according to the diagram i | should be supplied with 2. The A.C. surge motor, coupled to the D.C. generator, phase 400 volts -) through its pushbutton starter. The speed of A.C. motod and hence that of generator can be controled by adjusting. the brush refi Imotor, Adjust the brush position so that the generator speed remains at 1400 r.p-m. 3. Keeping the field switch S, open note the terminal voltage. 4. Close the switch Keeping field rheostat maximum resistance value, Note the terminal Voltage. fits les than the voltage recorded in step3 reverse the field connection or ¢ direction of rotation of the motor 5. Vary the field current by adjusting the field rheostat, Note and record the terminal Voltage (Eq) and the field Current (I). Take readings till the field rheostat is fully cut out of the circuit. 6. Adjust the motor speed to a new value of 1100 rpm. and repeat steps 1 to 5 7 Stop the motor and reverse the direction of rotation by changing any two terminals of the three phase supply tothe motor, Nowowme, terminal voltage. 8. Stop the motor and Te-establish the former direction of rotation. This time interchange the field terminals of the d.c.generator. Note the terminal voltage, 9. To draw the external characteristics of the generator at rated condition, operate the ac motor at rated speed, REPORTS: Graphs: 1) Plot O.C.C. for two different speeds on the same raph paper, 2) Find the ertcal speed and critical resistance of saws for each speed of operation, 3) Caleulate field resistance from 0.C.C. curve Questions: 1) What could be the reasons when the shunt generator doesn’t build up voltage? 2) Why don’t you get sufficient reading of voltage in step 7 and step 8? 3) What are the conditions for voltage build up ina self-excited she generator? REFERENCE: A Text -Book of Electrical Technology--—-Theraja DEPARTME! BANGLADESH UNIVER ft ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING iGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, COURSE NO.: EEE 260 . 7 EXPT. NO.-6 SPEED CONTR’ = Oren DC SHUNT MOTOR AND OBSERVATION OF EXISTANCE OF BACK EME. INTRODUCTION: Speed of ade motor may be given by the following equstion NEK (V-RQM npn, Where 5 ;pplied terminal voltage I,=armature current R,=armature resistance eld flux ‘a constant which’ depends on the winding and construction of the motor “Thetefore speed of a de shunt motor can be varied by the following methods: 1) Flux Control method : Equation 01 deseribes an inverse relationship deoreasing the field flux of a de shunt motor, by Ghrnit, speed can be increased above the base speed. tween speed and flux. So by inserting résistance in the field 2) Armature rheostat method: : : : nthe method, armature current Jeis varied by inserting @ rheostat in the armature se anit and speed can be decreased below base speed. 3) By applying a variable de voltage across the motor terminals , speed can be varied below or above the base speed In this experiment all of these’ methods of speed control will be accomplished. In’ excess, the existence of back EMF will observed through a simple test. APPARATUS: Two J hmsetes Two rheostats One cloltmeter DC motor ayy EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP: 8 Rjeld Tehostat | | II Armature theostat Vv lamp O Field “ [Armature pf Complete the conn i terminals. Keep the field theostat at mihimum resistance position, Start the motor, Observe the ‘high deflection of the armature circuit ammeter, x - Proof of the existence of back EMF; When the motor is running, the Jamp will glow steadily. Now, open the switch S, Had there be no back emf, the light would instantaneously tum off. However, due to the presence of back emf the light will gradually fade out as the motor coasts down (Why does the motor stop running when the switeh is open?) . Field Control Method: Apply 12Sde volt across the motor terminals, Keep the armature theostat and field theostat to the minimum positions. Start the motor, Vary the field theostat in step and measure Irand speed N. Take 10 sets of reading at stable stepping, 4. Armature rheostat Method: Keeping the supply voltage V and field theostat fixed, vary the armature theostat insteps. eke readings ofl, and N, Take at least 10 sets of readings at suitable steepingt REPORTs; 1) Plot N vs, Ig, and V eueyé He ea ‘es on the samé graph paper. ‘merits and demerits of various methods of speed control of a de shunt motor. 3) Why is a starter required to start ade shunt motor? 4) Draw an elaborate view of a four-point starter and briefly mention its functions. 5 How do you get a proof of the existence of back emf in step 2 of the procedure? REFERENCE: 1) Electrical Machinery- 2) Electrical Machines- a 3) A textbook of Electrical Technology-—-B.L.Theraja. DEPARTMENT OF E] sANGLADESH LECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING ‘UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, COURSE NO: EEE 260 NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: STUDY OF DIODE CHARACTERISTICS OBJECTIVE: ‘To study the I-V characteristics of p-n junction diodes. EQUIPMENTS: (@) p-njunction diode(IN4003) one piece Gi) resistor (1K) one piece (iii) de power suply one piece . Gv) signal generator ‘one piece = () oscilloscope (vi) chords and wire CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS: : + Vb Fig: 1 ¥ B (Circuit diagram for diode characteristics.) +¥CH1- 1K 10 V (p-P)» : . : 1ooHz § (~ : cH2 Fig: 2 VS | (Circuit diagram for obtaining diode characteristics PROCEDURE: 1. Measure resistance accurately using multimeter. Construct the cf Fig.1.Vary input voltage (V ge) and measure Vp, Vp for values of 0.3V, 0.4V, 0.5V, 0:6V, 0.7¥ anid 0 on: Obtain thaximiimi valde of inoreasing V g, beyond 25 V.(Note that Ip=Vp/ R). - Construct the circuit as shown in the Fig.2. Set.the oscilloscope in Identify zero record on oscilloscope display. Make proper connecti( to Fig. 2) and observe the output. 3, Repeat step2 by increasing supply frequency 5 kHz: v REPORT: i 1, Plot diode I-V characteristics for different readings obtain in this experiment. 2. Calculate static and dynamic resistance for Ip=5 mA, 10 mA and also for Vp= V, 0.72 V for circuit in Fig. 1. 3. Determine the Q-point for the circuit in Fig, 1 when Vac=15 V. 4. Explain the result obtained in step 3, DEPARTMENT BANGLADESH Ge ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 'RSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY COURSE NO. ‘EEE 260 EXPT. NO.-8 NAME OF THE EXPT.; STUDY OF DIODE RECTIFIER CIRCUITS 4 OBJECTIVE: To study different diode tectifier circuits. APPARATUS: . Trainer board . Multimeter . Resistor 1kQ |. Capacitor 1yF,47HF . Diode 4 pieces, waene CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: o Chi 10V p-p 100 Hz Fg2, Circuit diagram for bridge rectifier | \| \ | | \| | | | PROCEDURE: ; 1. Construct circuit of fig.1 without the capacitor. Observe Vi and V. simultaneously on the oscilloscope. Sketch input and output waveforms. Measures Vijfvith multimeter in de and ac mode. | | . Connect 1pF Capacitors across the load resistof. BE CAREFUL abott the. polarity of the capacitor, Sketch input and output waveform. Measure with smultimeter. 4 ? . Replace 1yF Capacitor with 474F and repeat step 2. oe |. Construct the circuit of fig.2 without the capacitor. Observe andfsketches Vi, Vo. DO NOT TRY to observe Vi, Vo with simultaneously. Measure Vo with multimeter ac and de mode. 3. Connect 1\F capacitor as shown in Fig.2 and repeat step 4. . Replace 1 iF capacitor by 47}1F for Fig.2 and repeat step 4. AY » a REPORT: ! 1. Calculate the average and effective values of the load voltages in circuits of Fig.1 and Fig.2 without capacitor. Compare these values with those obtained with the | multimeter. . 2. Calculate the ripple factors for the two circuits for each of the three eases and compare with the ideal values. é 3. Which capacitor acts as a better filter? Explain your answer. 4.” What are the advantages and disadvantages of the full wave center tapped and bridge rectifier cigcuit? v

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