Doctors Without Borders

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Borders. Then check the adjectives that describe the organization, 1 1. Oslo-based (D3.award-winning 5. internationally minced CT 2.owverly bureaucratic 0 4. narrow-minded ?! STINGUIS EG | SERVICE Shortly before the winner ofthe 1999 Nobel | __ MSF has always asserted its a ( Peace Prize was announced, staffers at the | from governments or large bureaucratic Pars headquarters of Mdcins Sans Fontiées | organizations like the International Red = Doctors Without Borders ~ played down their] Cross. In fac, it was created largely as a chances, "We've been nominated so many times | reaction to the Red Cross approach of strict already,” said one, “but we're always passed | neutrality and respec for diplomatic niceties. lover.” Not this time, The Oslo-based Nobel | "International relief agencies were too committee named the crusading medical | respectful of nations of noninterference and land humanitarian organization as its newest | sovereignty,” recalls MSF co-founder Rony peace laureate Brauman, “When we sav The committee's people dying on the other statement praised the fide of the frontiers, we 2é-yearold group for its asked ourselves, ‘What Is *ploneering humanitarian this border? It doesn’t mean ‘work on several continents” anything tous.” and for championing “the While the Red Cross fundamental principle that would only enter a crisis all disaster vitins, whether 2one with loal government the disaster is natural or permission and forbade its hnuman in origin, have a volunteers and staffers to Tight to professional side with any political assistance given as quickly entity, the founders of MSF and efficiently as possible” rere sctivists who insisted ‘The prestigious $975,000 ona “duty to interfere" in ‘avard was quite 2 recompense for what tated | troubled areas and to speak out about what as a ragtag band of antiestablishment French | they saw. “The movement was political from octors. thas since grow into an international | the start,” explained co-founder Bernaré network with 23 offices, fielding 2,000 medical | Kouchner, “The tradition was medical, the volunteers in 80 counties and commanding an | action was metical, but we had to coavince annual budget of $167 million ~ nearly 80 | people that borders should not protect Decent of which comes fom private donations, | disgraceful conduct and suffering.” 5] A. Read this article about Médecins Sans Frontidres (MSF, or Doctors Without reading B Check (7) whether each satement applies to MSF orto the Red Cros. MSF Red Gross 1. Te started with a small, informal group of doctors. a 2, Itreceived the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999, a a 3. Itpays attention to diplomatic concerns. a a 4, Ttwaits for local governments’ permission before a ‘entering crisis zones, 45, Tetris to make poliial points a a

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