Simple Life

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vading Return to simpli A. Pair work Would you reduce your income by half in exchange for more free time and less stress? Discuss with a partner. Then read the article. Time is more precious than money for an increasing number of people who are choosing to live more with less~and welcome the change. Kay and Charles Giddens, paralegal anda trial lawyer respectively, sod theirhometostartabed ‘and breaast. Four years later, the couple dishes ‘ut banana pancake breakfasts cleans tolets, serves homemade chocolate chip cookies 10 ‘guests in bed and breakfast surrounded by trees ‘on mesa known for colorful sunsets, "Do | miss the freeways? Do miss the traffic? (Do I miss the stress? No,” says Ms. Giddens. This isa phenomenon tha’ fity widespread. Alot of people are reevaluating their ives and figuring fut what they want to do. ‘Simple living ranges from cutting down on ‘weeknight activities to sharing housing, living closer to work and commuting less, avoiding shopping malls borrowing books from the library instead of buying them, and taking acutin pay 0 Workat a more pleasurable job VickiRobin awriter, tellsushow shecopeswith the changesin her budgot, now just ith of what she used to make, three words from the article. ‘Many, people have come to think that time is (1) —_ Giddenses gave up their law careers to ran a (2) happy they did. Others have chosen to (3) “You become conscious about where yourmoney Isgoing anahow vahable tis” Ms-Robin sys. "You © tend not to use things up. You cook at home rather ‘than eatour.Yourfeis ss fants and you dscaver | your expenses have gone way down. People are Very interested in how they can simplify their lives save money, and get out of debt.” Janet Luhrs, a lawyer, quit her practice after giving birth and leaving her daughter with 3 fanny for woweeks, "twas not the wayl wanted toralse my kids,’ she says. “Simplicity snot just about saving money, i's about me sitting down every night with my kids toacandielt dinner with classical music” Mrs. Luhrs now edits an online newsletter, "Simple Living, which publishes tips on how to buy recycled furniture and shoes, organize potluck dinnersinstead fancy receptions andadvocates, ‘hangesin consumption pattems. | “Its not about poverty or deprivation” Mrs, Luhes explains, “t's about conscious living and ‘reating the life you want, The less stuff you buy, the less money goes aut the door, and the les ‘money youhavetoeain* so Me Pee aig at Seb Man ese B Complete the summnary ofthe article. Bilin each blank with no more than than money. The ‘and they are heir lives by, for example, sharing housing or cutting expenses, Janct Lubrs quit her job as a lawyer to spend more time with (4) —__ . She now edits a (5) called Simple Living, She understands that the less stuf you (6) the Jess (7) you need to eam. Group work Discuss these questions. Then share your answers with the class. 1, Do you think the people in the article have improved their lives? Why? 2. What changes would you make to live more simply?

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