Sample Debate Script2

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Sample 1

1st Speaker

Honorable judges, beloved teachers, audiences, ladies and gentlemen. A very good afternoon.

We are very glad to be here to debate under the motion "Parents should be punished for their children's
mistakes" Today, I and my team have brought up main three arguments to make this motion stand, but before
get started our arguments. I would like to define some key term. First is parents, means........................ and
the second key word is punish, it means.................. last but not least key term is children's mistake,

To sum up this motion, it simplifies that................................................

Ladies and gentlemen, before I start my main points. I would love to introduce my teammates. I am the first
speaker will be responsible for the first argument, (Name………), the second speaker will be resoponsible for
the second and third arguments and the last speaker (Name…………..) will wrap up the whole debate.

Ladies..........................let jump straight to my first argument...................................

Parents should punish for their children's mistakes for changing their behavior. Every child in this universe is
not the same behavior, they conduct or perform in different ways, some kids perform or behave nicely but
some are not. Parents really love their children and all parents may have different ways to educate their kids.
For example, children that are behaved bad at school and parents are invited to hear the problems from school
management team. So after getting home, parents can also punish their kids in order to change their bad
performance at school by giving them small punishment, Like let them write 500 times of English words or
others and telling them the reasons why I do this I do that for your mistakes.

2nd Speaker

A very good afternoon my beloved adjudicators, ladies and gentlemen.

Before I start my second and third arguments, let me rebut some of the flaws that opposition side has just
made..........................................Now let move to my second argument. To let them know how to live in their
society from their young age to explain what is wrong and what is right.

Comparing the two families, one family has good discipline and good way of living and every mistake that
children have made in family or in their community, parents should punish them and to let them what's wrong
and what's right. More importantly, children imitate what their parents advice step by step respectively. These
acts will always remind all children not to do something wrong or against the living style.
Why I dear to say that? Because punishment is one of the warning or rule that government, managers, head of
family like parents to punish all the citizens, staffs and children to stop them from doing bad thing or against
the rules. For example, our country has set many categories of law to punish all people that against the laws to
prohibit them from doing that again, one example our school has also set up the school for its students and
staff to abbey. It's just like the family set the family rules to punish their children be good daughters and sons
for family, community and society as well. Ladies and gentlemen, punishment is very important! country,
school and family to ban them not to make one again, and also can educate them to know what is wrong, what
is right. The last argument is ………………………………………………… In conclusion, my team strongly
support the motion that ‘Parents should be punished for their children's mistakes.’

3rd Speaker

Judges, distinguished guests, teachers and students.

The first speaker for the negative has tried to tell you………………………………… This is wrong
because…………………………and the second negative speaker has tried to tell you…………………… This
is wrong because…………………………..

And now I would like to summarize the points that my team made so, parents should punish for their children
mistakes because they want to see their kids to be good or nice person in the society. For example, you are all
the teachers and students don't do homework and you just say it’s not good don’t do it again and they say yes
and yes, but if that kids or that students have misbehavior and they don’t listen to you so, what’s the point?

It does not get better if you want to say that again and again. they don’t listen to you, so the best way is to
punish them, so they’ll recognize their mistakes and correct it. now take a look at the second point that my
team said: the countries has laws and school has rules, also the families can has a rules to punish their kids to
be good when they do sth bad or against the laws, so they should be punished for their mistake, too. So, ladies
and gentlemen, we are from proposition side still strong propose to this motion. Thank you!

Country need laws, company needs procedure and rules, school needs disciplines and family need family rules
in order to change them from bad to good. Ladies and gentlemen, now it's time to reply speech, rule is form or
system that is needed to be used in country and family. beloved judges, why do we need rules to ban people
from doing something because we want something better by giving them the punishment, it depends on big or
small mistakes they have made. So parents should punish to their children while they doing something wrong
or against the society, community or family because we want them to be a good child for family and society.
Punishment doesn't mean bad for people or kids. It is good people and kids. Ladies and gentlemen, one
Khmer slogan said" ben the mental while it's hot, and change children attitude since the young age" don't just
wait till they get older. It's really hard to change them. I and my team still strongly support this motion. Thank

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