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Microbiol. Immunol.

, 51(4), 429–433, 2007

Distinct Function of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Type

IV Pili Disclosed in the Bacterial Pass-Through of
Membrane Filter with Smaller Pore Sizes
Hiroyuki Hasegawa†, 1, Taichiro Tanikawa†, 1, Takashi Nozawa1, Kentaro Nakazawa1,
Yoji Nakagawa1, and Tohey Matsuyama*, 2
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University, Niigata, Niigata 950–2181, Japan,
and 2Department of Infectious Disease Control and International Medicine, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical
and Dental Sciences, Niigata, Niigata 951–8510, Japan

Received October 31, 2006; in revised form, December 28, 2006. Accepted January 5, 2007

Abstract: Membrane filter pass-through ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was analyzed with isogenic
mutants. A flagellum-deficient fliC mutant required two-times longer time (12 hr) to pass through a 0.45-
m pore size filter. With 0.3- and 0.22-m filters, however, the fliC mutant showed no remarkable disabil-
ity. Meanwhile a pilA mutant defective in twitching motility failed to pass through the 0.22-m filter.
Complementation of the mutant with pilA gene on a plasmid restored the twitching motility and the 0.22-
m filter pass-through activity. Thus, the distinctive role of P. aeruginosa type IV pili in infiltration into
finer reticulate structures was indicated.

Key words: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Type IV pili, Filter pass-through activity, Pilus-dependent infiltration

We have recently reported that many bacterial very short time), passively streaming bacteria may be
species point-inoculated on the surface of the mem- pushed into the narrow reticulate structure having 150
brane filter placed on a hard agar medium passed µm thickness (Fig. 1).
through the filter during long time incubation (10–96 Thus bacterial ability to infiltrate into reticulate
hr) (5). These pass-through-permitted filters were structure was recognized in vitro and became measur-
examined for the intactness and destructive effects due able by using membrane filters with strictly defined
to the bacterial infiltration. The results obtained by the chemical compositions and graded filtration ability. For
conventional filtration test and the bubble point test active bacterial translocation in such reticulated struc-
indicated intactness of the filters (5, 11). Scanning elec- tures, flagella and type IV pili were supposed to work as
tron micrographs (SEM) of uninoculated filters showed motility organs. By mutational studies with isogenic
broad void spaces with longer distances (1.0 µm) mutants, peritrichous flagella of Listeria monocytogenes
between polymer net fibers composing filters (5, 11). were shown to work distinctly in the pass-through of
Thus, indicated pore-size values with the membrane fil- membrane filters with a 0.45-µm pore size, but not with
ters are not morphologically determined ones but are the 0.22-µm pore size (11). With regard to the type IV
instead functional values for the ordinary pressure filtra- pili of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, twitching motility-
tion method (11). Consistent with these findings, SEM positive strain PAO1 T demonstrated the pass-through
also indicated that the bacteria in the process of infiltra- of 0.22-µm pore size filter, but the twitching motility-
tion were not remarkably downsizing (5, 11). The negative strain PAO1 C did not (5). Although such
semi-quantitative studies showed that required times for results suggest contribution of type IV pili to the pass-
the bacterial pass-through were dependent on the indi- through of the smaller sized pores, the mutational status
cated filter pore sizes and bacterial species and strains of the strain PAO1 C has been unclear. So, we prepared
(5). In the ordinary pressure filtration method (done in a an isogenic pilA mutant of a PAO1 T strain then exam-
ined the effects of genetic complementation to confirm
*Address correspondence to Dr. Tohey Matsuyama,
special roles of type IV pili in the pass-through of retic-
Kamiokawamae-dori 5–64–1–108, Niigata, Niigata 951–8068,
Japan (present address). Fax: 81–25–222–7503. E-mail: hy5s- Abbreviations: Ap, ampicillin; Cm, chloramphenicol; LB, Luria-Bertani; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; SEM, scanning

These authors contributed equally to this work. electron micrographs; Tc, tetracycline.


Basic DNA manipulation procedures were carried

out as described by Ausubel et al. (1) and Sambrook et
al. (12). Southern hybridization and preparation of a
labeled probe were performed by using AlkPhos Direct
(Amersham Biosciences) as described by the manufac-
turer. PCR primers used are listed in Table 2. DNA of
fliC and pilA genes were obtained by PCR using primer
pairs FLIF2/FLIR2 and PILF2/PILR2, respectively,
with genomic DNA template of PAO1 T. Then, XbaI-
SphI digested DNA of fliC and pilA were inserted into
the XbaI-SphI digested pUC19 and pFS200GM to create
pPF and pFPIL, respectively. For cassette mutagenesis
Fig. 1. Side view of a membrane filter (pore size, 0.3 µm) visu-
alized by scanning electron microscopy as described previously
using antibiotics selection, DNA 1 and 2 of chloram-
by using an ion sputter (E-1030, Hitachi) and an S-5000N phenicol resistant gene (Cmr) were obtained by PCR
microscope (Hitachi) (5). The membrane filter was mechanically using primer pairs CPF/CPR and CPFK/CPRK, respec-
torn to see the thick reticulate structure of the membrane filter. tively, with template DNA of pFS200. The Cmr DNA 1
Bar, 100 µm. was inserted into partial DNA of fliC in pPF by TA
cloning to create pPFCM, then XbaI-SphI digested
pPFCM fragment was inserted into the XbaI-SphI
ulate structures of membrane filters. cleavage site of pFS200GM to create pFPFCM. The
The bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study Cmr DNA 2 was digested with KpnI and inserted into
are listed in Table 1. Luria-Bertani (LB) broth or agar the KpnI cleavage site of pilA in pFPIL to create
medium was used routinely as described previously pFPILCM. Thereafter, these constructed conjugative
(10). Bacterial suspensions (5108 CFU/ml of saline) vector pFPFCM and pFPILCM were transferred into
for examination of the pass-through activity were pre- PAO1 T via Escherichia coli S17-1 λpir. Cm-resistant
pared by centrifugation and washing of late-log phase transconjugants generated by homologous recombina-
bacterial cells grown in LB broth. Susceptibility of P. tion were selected as a mutant (TF2 or TP2) and con-
aeruginosa PAO1 T and its derivatives to fimbriae-spe- firmed by PCR analysis, Southern hybridization with
cific bacteriophage PP7 (ATCC 15692-B2, purchased probes specific to fliC, pilA, and Cmr genes. For confir-
from American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, mation of phenotypes of mutants and a revertant, fla-
Md., U.S.A.) (2) was carried out by spotting of the gella staining by Leifson’s method, PP7 phage-suscepti-
phage lysate on a bacterial sheet on an LB plate. bility test, and motility test in agar plates were carried

Table 1. Strains and plasmids used in this study

Strain or plasmid Relevant characteristics Source or reference
P. aeruginosa
PAO1 T Twitching motility-positive wild type 5
PAO1 TF2 fliC::Cmr This study
PAO1 TP2 pilA::Cmr This study
E. coli
JM109 Used for propagation of pUC19 and pME6032 15
S17-1 λpir Used for propagation of pFS200 13
pFS200 pGP704, Apr, Cmr, delivery vector 14
pFS200GM pFS200, Gmr, delivery vector This study
pFPIL pFS200GM carrying SphI-XbaI fragment containing pilA This study
pFPILCM pFS200GM carrying Cmr gene-inserted pilA This study
pFPFCM pFS200GM carrying Cmr gene-inserted partial fliC This study
pUC19 Apr, cloning vector 15
pPF pUC19 carrying partial fliC This study
pPFCM pUC19 carrying Cmr gene-inserted partial fliC This study
pME6032 Tcr, cloning vector 6
pMP2 pME6032 carrying pilA This study

out as described previously (2, 5, 8). For complementa- removal from the agar plate. Three independent experi-
tion of the mutant TP2, a vector pMP2 was generated by ments with three filters were carried out by using filters
insertion of pilA DNA (EcoRI-KpnI digested PCR with the same lot number. Recovered bacteria in the
product made by primer pair PILA2F/PILA2R and pass-through tests were examined for the original prop-
genomic DNA template of PAO1 T) into pME6032. erties (e.g., twitching motility) as described previously
For examination of filter pass-through activity, an (5).
autoclaved membrane filter (Millipore; diameter, 47 P. aeruginosa passed through 0.2 µm pore-size filter
mm; pore size, 0.22, 0.3, and 0.45 µm; thickness, 150 within 144 hr and failed to pass through 0.1 µm filter
µm; Bedford; ADVANTEC; diameter, 47 mm; pore during incubation for 240 hr (data not shown). Thus,
size, 0.2 µm; thickness, 133 µm; pore size, 0.1 µm; the limiting pore size for passing through of P. aerugi-
thickness, 110 µm; Tokyo) was placed on an LB agar nosa may be between 0.2 µm and 0.1 µm. The equal
plate. The filter was inoculated at its center with 3 µl of level of limiting pore size has been indicated in experi-
the bacterial suspension, then incubated at 30 C. At 6- ments with L. monocytogenes (11).
hr or 24-hr time intervals, the membrane filter was To pass through membrane filters, bacteria have to
removed and the remaining agar plate was incubated infiltrate progressively into the reticulate structure and
for 24 hr and examined for the bacterial growth at the travel the long way of 150-µm distance. So, isogenic
agar surface corresponding to the inoculated locus of mutants deficient in flagella or pili were isolated and
the filter. Since the examinations were carried out at examined for the filter pass-through ability (Table 3).
intervals, the bacterium was considered to have filter fliC mutant TF2 passed through membrane filter of pore
pass-through activity within the designated time of filter size 0.45 µm a little slower, but it passed through filters

Table 2. Oligonucleotides used in this study

Primers Sequence (5' to 3')a)
The additional restriction site is underlined, and the restriction
enzyme is shown in the parentheses.

Table 3. Filter pass-through by P. aeruginosa PAO1 T and its isogenic mutants

Cumulative No.a) of positive pass-throughs during
Filter pore size Incubation
incubation of nine filters inoculated with
(µm) time (hr)
Wild type fliC mutant TF2 pilA mutant TP2
0.45 6 9 0 4
12 9 9
0.3 18 1 0 0
24 9 8 0
30 9 0
36 0
42 0
54 1
0.22 120 2 4 0
144 9 9 0
168 0
Cumulative No. 9 means the end of the examination.

of pore size 0.3 and 0.22 µm in comparable time to the nating (9). The type IV pili working by such sophisti-
wild type PAO1 T. On the other hand, pilA mutant TP2 cated manner seemed to have special role which is diffi-
was unable to pass through membrane filters with cult to be performed by bacterial flagella. The real
smaller pore sizes (0.22 µm). Thus polar flagella of P. example of such a unique role of type IV pili in the
aeruginosa seemed to be workable only for the pass- reticulated environments was brought to light in the
through of the reticulate structures with broader void present study.
spaces. The same limitation regarding the role of pe-
ritrichous flagella in the filter pass-through has been We thank Drs. J. Kato, D. Haas, N. Gotoh, J. Fukushima, and
indicated by the study with L. monocytogenes (11). In T. Watanabe for providing bacterial strains and plasmids. The
that previous study, SEM of 0.22 µm and 0.45 µm pore Electron Microscope Core Facility at Niigata University is
size filter has suggested the different spatial situations acknowledged for the scanning electron microscopy studies.
This work was supported in part by a grant from the Urakami
for workability of flagella (11).
Foundation, Japan.
The mutant TP2 which was resistant to pili specific
phage PP7 and defective in the twitching motility (data
not shown) was not severely disabled in the pass-
through of 0.45-µm pore size filter. However, failure in
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