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‫)‪2(2-0‬‬ ‫االسایمتالزیم‬ ‫‪SASC-306‬‬

‫بختنم ٓاایت رقٓاین اک اطمہعل‪ :‬وسرۃ ارقبلہ(اامیاینت ےس قلعتم)ٓاتی ربمن ‪284‬۔‪،286‬وسرۃ‬
‫ارجحلات(ٓاداب یبنﷺےس قلعتم) ٓاتی ربمن‪1‬۔‪,18‬وسرۃ اوملونمن(الہ اامین یک افصت)ٓاتی‬
‫ربمن‪1‬۔‪,11‬وسرۃ ارفلاقن(اعمرشیت االخایقت) ٓاتی ربمن‪63‬۔‪,77‬وسرۃاالاعنم(ااکحم ایہٰل اک‬
‫قلعتم)ٓاتی‬ ‫ےس‬ ‫وبنیﷺ‬ ‫ربمن‪152‬۔‪,154‬وسرۃاالزحاب(ٓاداب‬ ‫ایبن)ٓاتی‬
‫ربمن‪,58،57،56،40،12،6‬وسرۃارشحل(روز ایقتم رپ وغرو رکف ےس قلعتم)ٓاتی‬
‫ریست ونبیﷺ‪ :‬یکم زدنیگ اور دمین زدنیگ ےک امہ وااعقت‪،‬وضحرﷺ یک یکم زدنیگ لبق از‬
‫وبنت‪،‬وضحرﷺ یکیکمزدنیگدعبازوبنت‪،‬وضحرﷺ یکدمینزدنیگ(دعبازرجہت)۔‬
‫اعترف دحثی‪:‬دحثی و تنس ےک اینبدی وصترات‪ ،‬دحثی یک ااسقم‪ ،‬دحثی یک اترخی‪ ،‬ولعم‬
‫ادحلثی‪،‬تیجحدحثی‪،‬بختنمااحدثیروسلﷺ اکاطمہعل۔‬
‫االسیم اقونن اور ہقف‪:‬االسیم اقونن اور ہقف اکاعترف‪ ،‬االسیم اقونن اور ہقف یک اترخی‪ ،‬االسیم اقونن اور‬
‫ہقفیکاتیمہ‪،‬االسیماقونناورہقفےکامذخ ‪،‬ہقفاالسیمںیماالتخافتیکونتیع‪،‬االسماوررفہقرپیتس۔‬
‫االسیم ذہتبی و اقثتف‪:‬االسیم ذہتبی و اقثتف ےک اینبدی وصترات‪ ،‬االسیم ذہتبی و اقثتف یک اراقتیئ‬
‫االسم اور اسسنئ‪:‬االسم اور اسسنئ ےک اینبدی وصترات‪،‬املسمن اسدسنئاونں یک یملع دخامت ‪،‬رقٓان‬
‫االسم اکاعمیش اظنم‪ :‬االسیم اعمیش اظنم ےکاینبدی وصترات‪،‬االسیم تشیعم ےکمیسقتدوتل ےکذراعئ‪،‬‬
‫االسم اک ایسیس اظنم‪:‬االسیم ایستس ےک اینبدی وصترات‪،‬ادتقار ایلع اک االسیم وصتر‪،‬االسیم رایتس ےک‬
‫االسم اک اعمرشیت اظنم‪ :‬االسیم اعمرشیت اظنم ےک اینبدی وصترات‪،‬اخدنان ےک انعرص‪ ،‬االسم یک االخیق‬
‫‪ .1‬رفظ‪،‬دبعارل ًوف۔‪،2019‬رفظاالالسماالسایمتالزیم‪،‬وارنرشلبپزالوہر۔‬
‫‪ .2‬امثعین‪،‬دمحمیقت۔‪،2006‬ولعمارقلٓان‪،‬ہبتکمدارولعلمرکایچ۔‬
‫‪ .3‬ومدودی‪،‬دیساوباالیلع۔‪،2009‬میہفتارقلٓان‪،‬رتامجنارقلٓانالوہر۔‬
‫‪ .4‬رفظ‪،‬دبعارل ًوف۔‪،2016‬التحدثییفولعمادحلثی‪،‬ہبتکمدقوہیسالوہر۔‬
SASC-306 Islamic Studies 2(2-0)
Introduction to Quranic Studies: Basic Concepts of Quran, History of
Quran, Uloom-ul –Quran.
Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran: Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related
to Faith(Verse No-284-286), Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-
Nabi (Verse No-1-18), Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to
Characteristics of faithful (Verse No-1-11), Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related
to Social Ethics (Verse No.63-77), Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to
Ihkam(Verse No-152-154),Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab Related to Adab al-Nabi
(Verse No.6, 21, 40, 56, 57, 58.), Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18,19,20)
Related to thinking, Day of Judgment, Verses of Surah Al-Saf Related to
Tafakar,Tadabar (Verse No-1,14).
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W): Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah ( Before
Prophet Hood), Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah, Important Lessons
Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah, Life of Holy Prophet
(S.A.W) in Madina, Important Events of Life Holy Prophet in Madina,
Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina.
Introduction to Sunnah: Basic Concepts of Hadith, History of Hadith, Kinds
of Hadith, Uloom –ul-Hadith Sunnah & Hadith, Legal Position of Sunnah,
Selected Study from Text of Hadith.
Introduction to Islamic Law & Jurisprudence: Basic Concepts of Islamic
Law & Jurisprudence, History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence,
Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence, Nature of Differences in Islamic
Law, Islam & Sectarianism
Islamic Culture & Civilization: Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture &
Civilization, Historical Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization,
Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization, Islamic Culture &
Civilization and Contemporary Issues
Islam & Science: Basic Concepts of Islam & Science, Contributions of
Muslims in the Development of Science, Quranic & Science
Islamic Economic System: Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System,
Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics, Islamic Concept of
Riba, Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce,
Political System of Islam: Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System,
Islamic Concept of Sovereignty, Basic Institutions of Govt. in Islam
Islamic History: Period of Khlaft-E-Rashida, Period of Ummayyads, Period
of Abbasids.
Social System of Islam: Basic concepts of social system of Islam, Elements
of family, Ethical values of Islam
Recommended Books:
1. Zafar, Abdul Rouf.2019, Zafar ul Islam Islamiyat Lazmi, waran
publishers Lahore.
2. Usmani, Muhammad Taqi.2006, Uloom ul Quran, Maktabah Daar ul
Uloom Karachi.
3. Modoodi, Syed Abu Al, Aala. 2009, Tafheem Ul Quran, Tarjuman Ul
Quran Lahore
4. Zafar, Abdul Rouf. 2016, Altahdeeth Fi Ullom ul Hadith, Maktabah
Qadoosiya Lahore.
SASC-307 Ethics 2(2-0)
Definition, scope and nature of ethics; development of ethical theory; ethical
teachings of world religions; promotion of moral values through family and
institutions; general review of moral standard as duty and happiness with
reference to Kant and Mill; general review of business ethics; profits and
ethics ; ethics of stakeholders; general review of biomedical ethics; ethical
implications of euthanasia (ethics of care); ethical implications of abortion;
general review of ethics and ecology, the right to livable environment and

Suggested Readings

1. William, L.A. 1982. Introduction to Ethics. Mathuen & Co. Ltd.,

London, UK.
2. Garewal, S.M. 1985. Pakistan Way of Life and Culture, United Ltd.,
3. Joseph, G. 1984. What the Great Religions Believe, New American
Library, New York, USA.
4. Hejazi, S.M.R.2012, An introduction to the philosophy of Ethics,
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, North Charleston SC,
United States

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