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Quarter 1–Module 10:
Taking Note of Sequence Signals or Connectors to Determine
Patterns of Idea Development in a Text

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Janelle L. Venzon
Editor: Sharie L. Miguel, EdD
Reviewer: Sharie L. Miguel, Cherrylene M. Mendoza
Illustrator: Janelle L. Venzon
Layout Artist: Cherrylene M. Mendoza, Sharie L. Miguel

Management Team: Zenia G. Mostoles, EdD, CESO V, SDS

Leonardo C. Canlas, EdD, CESE, ASDS
Rowena T. Quiambao, CESE, ASDS
Celia R. Lacanlale, PhD SGOD Chief,
Arceli S. Lopez, PhD, SGOD Chief
June D. Cunanan, EPS-English
Ruby M. Jimenez, EPS-LRMDS

Published by the Department of Education, Schools Division of Pampanga

Office Address: High School Boulevard, Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Telephone No: (045) 435-2728
E-mail Address:
Introductory Message
For the Facilitator:

Welcome to the ENGLISH 9 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Taking Note of
Sequence Signals or Connectors to determine patterns of idea development in a text.

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators from public
institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set
by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will
help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also need
to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own learning.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included
in the module.

For the Learner:

Welcome to the ENGLISH 9 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Sequence Signals or
Connectors determining patterns of idea development in a text!

As a 21st Century learner, you are indeed part of global and digital unified world which gives great
substance to the power of Literacy Skills that focuses on Reading & Writing, Vocabulary, and
Comprehension. As you carry on with your journey, you will find out more why language
experts/writers give significant value to the given topic. Identifying the various functions of
Sequence signals/Sequence connectors will help you understand and embrace vocabulary
development in your generation.

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and
independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of
the learning resource while being an active learner.
What I Need to Know

This module will aid you in motivating the learners to appreciate and discover more
about the significance of Sequence Signals/Connectors in their daily interactions.
Please help the learners in sharing their ideas and knowledge from their
experiences so that there will be collaboration and learning will be easy.
Answers are written at the back of this module. Inculcate to the learners the value
of honesty while answering this module.

For the learner,

Have you ever had a difficulty arranging your thoughts? Or not able to organize
certain things that you have in mind due to lack of words/vocabularies? What did you do
to solve this difficulty?

This lesson will help you expand your knowledge on how to organize or sequence
series of events that happened; have a better understanding in linking sentences and
paragraphs using the words to be highlighted in this lesson. You will be given activities
that you can answer on your own after reading and going through the different parts of
this module. Please remember not to make markings on this module and write your
answers on your notebook

Like in LIFE, you must know how to organize or properly arrange the plans that
you have for your future! Do the PROCESS to achieve your goal!

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the functions of each sequence signal/connector;
2. link sentences using sequence signals/connectors;
3. arrange events in their proper order; and
4. show understanding by composing an essay using sequence signals/connectors.

What I Know

Complete the composition on the next page by writing the correct letter that best
describes each of the given pictures. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

My daily life follows a very normal yet enjoyable routine.

A. Because, I start my day I always pray to thank God for
everything. After that…

B. As much, I have been start my day I always pray to

thank God for everything. After that…

C. Since then, I have been starting my day with a prayer, to

thank God for everything. After that…

A. My sister and I jog for ten minutes while mom cooks our
favorite food.

B. My sister and I talk for ten minutes despite mom eats

our favorite food.

C. My sister and I jog for ten minutes as if mom cooks our

favorite food.

A. Because we talk, we will rest for ten minutes. But, we
will eat the delicious food that mom prepares.

B. Before we exercise, we will sleep for ten minutes. Until,

we will eat the delicious food that mom prepares.

C. After we exercise, we will rest for ten minutes. Then, we

will eat the delicious food that mom prepares.

A. I always want to eat up everything mom prepares.
Whenever, I need to hurry up! So I brush my teeth and
take a refreshing bath.

B. I always want to eat up everything mom prepares.

Wherever, I need to hurry up! So I brush my teeth and take
a refreshing bath.

C. I always want to eat up everything mom prepares.

However, I need to hurry up! So I brush my teeth and take
a refreshing bath.

A. Finally, it is time for me to learn new things at school!

B. Despite, it is time for me to learn new things at school!

C. Although, it is time for me to learn new things at school!

Lesson Take note of Sequence Signals or

10 Connectors to determine patterns of idea

development in a text.
Imparting or exchanging stories is part of daily communication. Try to think of some
of the circumstances in which you tell a story. It may be:
-having a conversation with a friend about your party a year ago;
-telling stories to your children about your experience as a teacher; or
-talking to your relatives about what happened on your dream vacation.
In each of these circumstances, you supply details or information about something
that happened in the past. To help your listener or reader understand your stories, you
need to connect the information from the past together. One of the most important ways
to link ideas is to sequence them.

Sequence Signals or known as Sequence connectors are group of letters or

words that are used to connect ideas.

What’s In

The picture below will guide you more about the Functions of Sequence Signals/
Connectors. Study carefully the given picture.
Read these statements given below and determine if they are
used correctly based on the picture. Draw a heart ( ) if the
statement is correct and cross mark (X) if the statement is
false. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

1. We use the sequence connector ‘As a result’ in the introduction of

the sentence.
2. We use ‘because’ in writing when we give reason.
3. We cannot use ‘First of all and Before’ to sequence events in a
4. ‘Despite and In spite of’ can be used exactly the same way.
5. We can definitely use ‘but’ to start our sentence.

Notes to the Teacher

The teacher must consider the prerequisite skills needed in the
development of this competency including the schema or background
knowledge which may reinforce learning. This module will help the
learners bridge the gap of learning to attain mastery of the lesson in its
spiral progression.

Read the given text carefully. Take note ideas that you find

Behind the Sweetest Smiles


They say tears, heartaches, and rejections are from above. They
teach us significant lessons for us to achieve the ‘best version of ourselves’.
But, have you ever asked yourself why…Why do I need to go through all of
these? In addition to that, why people do not easily get what they want?
They seem to be simple questions yet still hard to be answered.
Jane and I visited Japan last summer. First of all, we decided to go at
her relatives’ house. However, we didn’t able to see them there. As what
their neighbors said, they already immigrated in Canada few weeks ago.
Tears shed from Jane’s eyes.
After that, we immediately went to the room we rented. Eventually,
Jane suddenly apologized for crying that hard. I discovered that she wanted
to see her relatives in order for her to find her parents whom she had never
met since she was born. I felt a whirlwind of emotions at that moment. I never
knew that behind Jane’s smiles, there were tears and heartaches hiding in
Despite the things that happened, Jane thanked me for being there
for her, for being her so called ‘family’. I embraced her tightly. Afterwards,
we decided to follow the original plan -- to enjoy!
Finally, we arrived safe and sound. Mom and Paps were waiting for
us at the entrance. When I saw them, I realized lots of stuffs like, life is too
short. Therefore, we should make the most out of it with our love ones. Also,
we should be grateful for the precious people, loving us unconditionally.

What’s New

Read again the text and do the following. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

a. Classify each sequence signal/connector found in the text according to its use,
then place it in the right column below.
b. Write the sentence from the text that contain the sequence signal/connector.







What is It

Did you enjoy reading the text? Have you learned something? Share any thoughts
or experience/s in the past that you would never forget. Use at least five (5)
sequence signals/connectors in your composition. Do this on your answer sheet.


What’s More

Independent Activity 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct sequence signal/connector. Choose your answer in the
word box given below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Since finally
in spite of/ despite so as not to
as if although

1. My mom dances cheerfully ____ she’s not tired.

2. ______! I will be able to see my father after five years.
3. I have been missing my friends _____ this Corona virus appeared.
4. Stay at home ______ get affected by the virus.
5. The employees managed to have their outing_____ the typhoon.

Independent Assessment 1
A. Complete each sentence by supplying the correct signal. Choose your answer
below. Write your answers on a sheet of paper.

Column A
_____1. I will inform you immediately ______ the package arrives.
_____2. I have been watching my favorite movie _____I graduated from high
_____3. The manager hired her ______ she declined his offer.
_____4. ______ you are available this afternoon, we can meet and discuss those
_____5. Jayce rides his bike______ he goes.
Column B
a. wherever
b. but
c. if
d. when
e. since

Independent Activity 2

Arrange the correct order of the procedure on how to bake Chocolate chip cookies.
Write 1-5 on a separate sheet of paper.

Then, roll dough into 1 and a half inch balls and put them into the
_______1) cookie sheets. Bake them for 10-12 minutes.

Lastly, let the chocolate chip cookies cool down for 10 minutes.
_______2) Ready to serve!

_______3) After that, beat the eggs and put some baking soda, salt, and
vanilla extract in a separate container.

_______4) First, grease the cookie sheets. Combine cocoa powder, sugar,
and melted butter all together in a bowl

Making delicious cookies is very simple.


Independent Assessment 2
Guess the words hidden in the constellation of letters. Use each of the following
sentences as clues. Put your answers on your answer sheet.

1) E R 2) E W 3) A T S
E 5)
1) I love to eat vegetables. ________, I am
L N 2) I liked the food that mom bought me.
B O _______, it’s too expensive.
. 3) I will go with you in Japan but _______ we
Y T will visit Korea.
4) Mark went through lots of trials. _______,
he succeeded.
5) Mom always reminds us to pray _______
going to bed.
Independent Activity 3
Read the passage carefully. Fill in the blank with the correct sequence signal/connector.
Choose your answer in the word box below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of

As soon as During
Next Unexpectedly
After while

Last week, we went to Japan to visit our relatives. While we were there, we
decided to go in the famous place named Asukayama Park. To start off, our car had an
engine problem. ______, the stuffs of my aunt were missing, so we had to go at the
information desk to report what happened.
______they found the missing things of my aunt, we found a taxi and
rode. ______ the ride into town, the driver told me about his last visit to the Asukayama
park. ______ we had arrived safely, everything began to go smoothly. The park was
indeed stunning, and we definitely enjoyed our time there. ______, we caught our flight
back to Philippines.

Independent Assessment 3

Complete each sentence by choosing the appropriate sequence signal. Write the correct
answers on your answer sheet.

1. My cousins went to Tagaytay. ______, they drove off towards the Enchanted
Kingdom. (After, Afterwards, Meanwhile)
2. We decided to buy a delicious cheesy pizza at the mall. ______ all the pizzas
were sold out. (Eventually, Afterwards, Next)
3. Many people wanted to buy the tickets. ______ a while, the queue was quite
long. (Before, After, Finally)
4. We waited Sam for three hours. ______, she arrived safely. (Until, Before,
5. My English teacher said, "We will be having our long examination today." ______
she added, "You can review your lessons first." (Then, After, Eventually)

What I Have Learned

A. Write YES if you agree with each statement and NO if you don’t. Do this on a
separate sheet of paper.

____1. Sequence signals or connectors are words that link sentences.

____2. Writers do not use sequence signals in writing because it is not
necessary to know the order of events in a story.
____3 . Sequencing highlights the series of things that happened in a certain
____4. When narrating a story, you can use the phrase ‘To begin with’ in the last
____5 . Sequence signals also function as ‘transition words’ that contribute to the
smooth flow of written communication

B. Draw a star ( ) if the sequence signal/connector is used correctly in each

sentence and put a cross mark (×) if it is incorrect. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

_____ 1. Eating healthy food can make our body stronger while consuming junk
food can put us to higher risk of obesity.
_____ 2. The meeting was successfully pushed through despite the heavy rain.
_____ 3. Last, you boil the meat. Then, add vegetables.
_____ 4. My grandparents exercise regularly. Therefore, they are healthy and fit.
_____ 5. We really tried convincing her unless she didn’t come with us.

What I Can Do

Compose at least two (2) sentences using each sequence signal/connector given
below. Write your answers on separate sheet of paper.











Complete each of the following sentences below. Choose the best answer by writing the
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
_____1. ___ you are available, contact me immediately. ______ the slots are limited.
A. If, In order
B. Unless, So
C. If, Because
D. Unless, Though

_____2. Food should be served at exactly12:00 p.m. _____the employees will not be
A. as
B. so that
C. in order to
D. so as not to

_____3. ______, she fried the meat. ______, she added all the vegetables.
A. First, Then
B. Second, Then
C. First, However
D. Finally, Because

_____4. Both Sarah and John attended the meeting____George did not able to come.
A. as
B. so
C. but
D. since
_____5. Grandpa is sleeping at the living room. So talk quietly ____ awake him.

A. so that
B. so as if
C. so as to
D. so as not to

_____6. Rejine will return in five minutes. ______, make yourself comfortable.

A. Then
B. After
C. Finally
D. Meanwhile
_____7. Focus with what the teacher has to say. ____ ask questions if you are
A. Then
B. After
C. Finally
D. Meanwhile
_____8. Judy respects her parents. ______, John believes that parents should be
A. So
B. But
C. Despite
D. Similarly

_____9. Those employees already reserved the front seats. _______ if you want, we
can put extra chair at the back.
A. After
B. Since
C. Similarly
D. However
_____10. There is no point in blaming the government for what’s happening. ______,
help those people who are in need.
A. Then
B. Since
C. Instead
D. Meanwhile
_____11. Myrtel takes her sister with her _____ she goes.

A. when
B. where
C. whatever
D. wherever
_____12. My mom always tells us to drink milk ______ going to bed.

A. so
B. since
C. before
D. instead
_____13. ___ you can show us a valid ID; we will allow you to enter.

A. If
B. But
C. Before
D. Instead
_____14. Mom was busy cleaning the house ______ my cousins were busy eating at
the kitchen.
A. if
B. so
C. while
D. Instead
_____15. My classmates, ______ cousins, were all enjoying the food we prepared.

A. but
B. while
C. not only
D. as well as

Additional Activities

Write an essay about your most unforgettable/memorable vacation that you ever had.
Apply at least 5 Sequence signals/connectors. Write your composition on a separate
sheet of paper.
Answer Key

9. D
8. D
7. A
A 5.
6. D Despite 5. C 4.
5. D So as not to 4. C 3.
4. C Since 3. A 2.
3. A Finally 2. C 1.
2. B As if 1.
1. C What I Know
Assessment What's More (Independent Act

Rubric (Additional Activity)

4 3 2 1 Score
Craftsmanship Essay is The Essay is The Essay is The Essay is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of attractive messy.
terms of neatness. Good though it may
neatness. Well- construction be a bit messy.
constructed and and not very
not messy. messy.
Creativity Essay is Essay is Essay is The essay does
exceptionally creative and a creative and not reflect any
creative. A lot of good amount of some thought degree of
thought and thought was put was put into creativity.
effort was used into decorating decorating it.
to make it. it.
Originality Exceptional use Good use of Average use of No use of new
of new ideas new ideas and new ideas and ideas and
and originality originality to originality to originality to
to create essay. create essay. create essay. create essay.
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are more
grammatical grammatical grammatical than 2
mistakes on the mistake on the mistakes on grammatical
essay. essay. the essay. mistakes on the
Almonte et al. (2014) A Journey through Anglo-American Literature , Vibal Publishing House

Beare, Kenneth- “Image; Sequence Steps” Accessed August 21, 2019

“IRubric: Essay-Making Activity Rubric.” RCampus. Accessed June 4, 2020.

Sangyee, Christine “Sequence Signals in Technical English”- December 1, 2005

Vagues, Maria “Sequence Connectors guide”-Feb 7, 2017

“Connectors blog”-March 9, 2016

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