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MATHEMATICS Unit 6 Test Caleutator alowed MARK Sc Heme: ‘Student Name: Tutor group: ‘Mathematics teacher: Numoenor Paces-Inciuoine | 113 paces cover Time AuoweD 60 mores - ‘Answer all the questions in the space provided. Insraucrions to Stuvens |: ad Do not use tippex. ‘Write in blue or black pen or pencil. You must show all working to get full marks. You may use a calculator for this test. ‘Stupewrs Marks : /60 = % IeonrAnRemnaeR; This test takes place in your csroom. You must not look at another student's work, or ato or communicate wth another student in any way. loy= 1.3636, 1000 = 1363686. (©) Wrt0.11 instar erm lol x ton ~ o (©) Wete011 eeatacton to @® Lo a © (6 Weie 011% afation. te @ loood ae © 1B marta} © Convent the resuing desi 0.6 oa faction. 36 Be aq 0% «HF 0.8686... low + 36.8686. MU for 36.3626... 6.2636... oR Wree 86 KY for 36. oe 4 (Convert the recaing desi 2.156 fo mined number For-example y= 0.13636, y= 1389 BS Mi for clearly correct sto ing ther 2.138 ot {1136 inlting sbrcstiono ay = bre eat one ofa or bis coret Hyd wpe Bord 23, oe (41 fray rection ive to eg, 2) ‘aa smack At nti 1, _ — fon? 2, + esi) (ape Benth 0 og 2s 2 At for any ftion equiva to © 3% | A total eld can ke et wih 2 mowers in 6 hours. (2) How long woud tte with 3 mowers? Mawes = hours OR Alternative method) a ao divide © by 3 1 ‘2 Gr) 3 4 Arwoe, @ ° (©) How many movers would te needed to cut the i iat hou? 2x6=\2 @ A? Mowers ° [smarts APC and BPD ate chord of cise Diagram NOT AP = 40m, accurately dawn p= sem. 2D= Idem, Pe= yom. Calculate the value of 4x 2A 4x +42 mse F@ (Total 2 marks) ng George V Soa! Year 10 Unt Test a 5 Ina factory, chemi rections ar eared out in spherical containers “Thetime, Tints, the chemical action take i ety proprtonal othe square ofthe rads, Rn, ofthe sphere! container. ‘Won R= 120, 2 Find 0 rota K=32-120°=0, 00002 000222 « 150 MI for T =A for 32 = bet? Al for32~kx 120" 2 r= psy? Mi for T= Bens Al cao 30 @ BO. ca0 Hoar ‘ing GzogeV Sect Yoo 10 Unt 6 Tit, ss between then, When e=3, Pod @) Find anexpesson for Fin tems of (©) Calcul F whens 2. 1 ofor9 (ton P= be 20) (© Cakeulate when P= 64, ste § atts £9 Pe weer y ° sciteet F=- ve matnc avons etsat a0 r- ML for F = 11 senor ini (1) ¥ 1M dep) for subst. o sig of = 36 pote Al for B= 3680 Pade rr Fa36ie 26 x 6 F “ “The force, f betwee two magnets is nversly proportional othe uae ofthe distance, o 0 a (6 mac ng George V Scot Yor 10 Unt Ta 1% (a) Complete bistable of aes fory =? 2 7] 2 ovty]2 y |-2 [4-2 [os [Te BR for alk correct (BI Fer each one corveet), ©) On the grid draw the graph ofy =? +2 a 5 points plotted sstately [Smarts points joined wit smooth curve ‘B11 fill Qn) square tale fat east BL ‘ava (al 5 pins pated) {1 iforany smoot corve if preview BI gained Ut NB cave mast pass win 1 fil square ofthe pons ing Gore Sos Year 10 Unt Tot ° ot ” rap raph w ¥ y Graph ¢ Graph D ‘The graphs oy aps represent four diferent types of proportions ‘Write down the eter of he graph which epresets the typeof proportional. “np of propertionaly Geph ter yx diet ropoional ox D sively potion a is proportional tthe square ofx Ba | is imensh woponinl other ats | Co B2 for all correck (2 amarks} (Bt for any 2 covceck) King Gouge ¥ Scho! Yor 10 Unit Tea ‘Bf al pons pote correctly Ufa at BI) for sooth curve ©) Compete stv iry = » [oo [eo [oe [ie [29 [a0 y [se [a6] is | w fos lows ® 82 ah 8 corect (Bt for any 2 comect) ©) Oathe wit ttegaphoty= + tess 02 oa malt ng Gorge VS Year 10 Unt 6 Tet Thedi Angle. © « A Bland C are points on he creamirence hr cao Ae ° ©) © Workout te sie of angle ABC. Age * AOD MU ABC = AoDs2 = AL te fram '54" 23. Dingiats NOT accuntely draw iagram shows acl conte 0, ADO 30° ‘Wok out the sizeof angle AOD. hod = 40-86 oe I80- (90 + 36) me Aod = % -86 oe 180 ~ (40 +36) (ive areas fr your answer, Bl Png ak center = TL ANAL ak cireontehende ° [smart ing George V Scoala 10 Unt Tet 2 5 Diagram NOT secre daw vd C0 points onthe ctl, ene 0. a ‘AE sa tangent othe ccleat point C, (Cateubte the size of angle ACB. Give easonsfor your answer, ACB» 4-63 tengent and tadive Bt > 236 Mart er 40° 2 Al. (i) Cate of mle 4c Ghormmes beer Eniteg, Alternate Anata “Theorem yy . . on HBC = FO" (ange in a semiciccte) BI Wo- 9 - 24° (angus tra 4) 63° 4 ‘Cota 4 marks) ng Gorge V Sst Yar 10 Unit ext 0 ina cas of 2 children hve ae & children who belong tn cab at al, 16 who belong the music ‘lub an ho belong bath the music eu andthe hess lu, How many children belong only tothe cess la? B3\- (34 46) = & -" MP chidcer belong only te HM ett club m AY rota marhs) im “Tie following Venn digran shows th universal st U and the sts Hand. uv a A Cc (Shade the ate in he dlagram which represents the sel Ba MED = 100, nA) ~ 30, (B)= 50, lA B) = 6, ©) Finda, aurea mio sora eA) Sara =15toy be onto) om wegen tan (©) Anclemet is ested at rndom rom Uz Whats the probability Hat this clement is ingoa? maa) 38, raed wo WO as pe ng George Soa Year 10 Unt Test M (©) Deserbe in wards the et PU. PX Othe set of umber that are ter multiples of 4 or ator 36, Prk ‘or everthing tha isin Por Q (or gu 0 (©) DrawaVeun diagram wo show the relationship betwean sets P, Qa o an co) 0) . 2 5.7.10, 1, a 1S ® (il) Writetie cements of he appropriate placa on te Venn diagram, [Note: Follow trough with candidates it for & P.O. @ [6 mack Part Wlat= (es 1 << 17.x6 Nh P,Q Rare the subsets of sch that P= {ahiples of ours (2 (Gtr 0f 36), R= {square numbers). List the elements of o Awe (1) forthe rectangle, (A) for 3 at inerecing circles labled appropriaey 7 ng Googe V Seo! Year 1 Ut Tet here ave 8 regions Ifaregion conti an fementtht shont', doesn ave an lemon tht Shou, hen he ron i incorrect ‘var marks as lions ort region incorrect as 2or 3 reponsheorect a ‘or Sregons incorrect al . | RS and Pare points on th ecamerenc ofa ctl, cente O. ‘Sand Pare tangas othe ele. ‘PSN and TORN ate sagt lns PO ate pall oS R= XY ° Diagram NOT accurately dawn ‘Werk out the size of mle PT, WSia = ob =m CLonraspardidg angle) Bt FS = RS =% lisosues A) BI Ae + NOT + PTA = leo x 42% + ADs Ik ‘rele OPP angle 99. Note: Reasons nacd| no ba gwen PEN = Ie — Cradivs mucky tangent at 20") Cangus ir a A) 3x = ID x2 30" * PRT = go Al iar End of Test ing Googe V Sse! Year 10 Unt Tet

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