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Direction: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. What part of the research paper that entails the factors and variables not to be included in the investigation or
are boundaries the researcher sets in terms of study duration, population size and type of participants?
a. Scope b. Limitations c. Delimitations d. Results
2. The following offers the benefits of a Research study, EXCEPT
a. Fostering critical thinking and analytical skills through hands-on learning.
b. Defining academic, career, and personal interests.
c. Expanding knowledge and understanding of a chosen field outside of the classroom
d. Upon conducting a research study, it is not only the contribution to the field of knowledge into a more
productive, progressive, and sound decisions.
3. What benefits of Research describes that learners can develop s sense of legacy and fulfillment for the
recognition and achievement in conducting research?
a. Internal motivation b. Active Learning c. Skills Development d. Interest
4. Which of the following kinds of beneficiaries of a research study does not belong to the group?
a. They are critical to either the success of the project or in moving the project forward.
b. They are not serious to the project but in order to gain impact in the medium term, it would be valuable if the
are aware of any progress
c. They are not included in the project but have the potential for more long term effects.
d. They are just doing the project for compliance.
5. What is the other term used in research that describes the benefits and beneficiaries?
a. Review of Related Literature c. References
b. Significance of the Study d. Results and Findings
6. What part of a research paper that briefly explains the problem or issues that the project aims to solve?
a. Introduction c. Hypothesis
b. Statement of the Problem d. Recommendation
7. It refers to the single-sentence statement that sums up the overarching purpose of a research.
a. General Objectives c. Hypothesis
b. Statement of the Problem d. Recommendation
8. What part of the research paper where set of questions leads into answering the main issue or concern of the
a. General Objectives c. Hypothesis
b. Statement of the Problem d. Research Questions
9. Which of the following does not describe the format in writing statement of the problem?
a. The Consequences c. The Idea
b. The Reality d. The Freelance
10. It refers to a collection of published information/materials on a particular area of research or topic, such as
books and journal articles of academic value that help to give validation to your research.
a. General Questions c. Literature
b. Statement of the Problem d. Research Questions
11. The following are the Primary Sources which the researcher could search for the Literature, EXCEPT
a. Certified Research Papers c. Firsthand Manuscript
b. Historical Documents d. News Reporting
12. When finding your information make sure your resources are the following, EXCEPT
a. Reliable c. Relevant
b. Relatable c. Valid
13. What part of the research paper where practically all your findings from various sources are held in and
contains information that is both relevant and related to your research topic?
a. General Questions c. Literature
b. Review of Related Literature d. Research Questions
14. Which of the following statement below does not belong to the group on citing sources?
a. To avoid plagiarism c. To tell readers where you find your information
b. To make your work more credible d. To copy and paste information
15. It refers to a way of giving credit to an individual or organization for when you use their works to support your
a. Citation c. References
b. Review of Related Literature d. Research Questions
16. What describes a style which dictates the information for a citation and how the information is ordered, as well
as punctuation and other formatting?
a. Citation c. Citation Style
b. Review of Related Literature d. Research Questions
17. What is the most common citation style being used in Research?
a. APA (American Psychological Association)
b. MLA (Modern language Association)
c. AMA (American Medical association)
d. Chicago/Turabian
18. What citation is used throughout your writing to acknowledge the sources of your information?
a. Citation b. Citation Style c. In-text Citation d. Referencing
19. What kind of citation is used in this given sample?
Mullane (2206) conducted research into the effect of …
a. Narrative in-text Citation
b. Parenthetical in-text Citation
c. Secondary in-text Citation
d. Author Citation
20. Which among the statement below best describes the advantage of Scope and Delimitation?
a. The two crucial elements of the research paper that define what information needs to be included in the
paper and explain why the author chose the particular information.
b. To narrow the study to make it more manageable.
c. A characteristic of the research design or methodology that are out of control.
d. They are not included in the project but have the potential for more long-term effects.

21. Conducting a quantitative investigation with a

large study sample in a controlled setting
requires great _________.
a. sensitivity b. thoroughness c.
expenditures d. strength
22. If the correlation coefficient between
variables is 0.8, you can conclude that there is a
______ linear relationship between them.
a. strong b. weak c. moderate d.
23. Quantitative research aims to test an existing
theory instead of formulating a new one so it uses
a _________ scientific method.
a. inductive b. correlational c.
confirmatory d. comparative
24. It is a type of quantitative research inspired
by previously established observations that are
compared to dependent variables under study.
a. Experimental b. correlational c.
survey         d. ex-post facto
25. Experimental research should include four vital
parts. What are these?
a. cause, effect, variables, methods c.
introduction, body, climax, conclusion
b. abstract, RRL, methodology, results
d. control, manipulated variable, replication,
26. The participants involved in quantitative
research are being asked questions that may be
answered by _______.
a. maybe or no    b. yes or no   c.
yes or maybe or no d. maybe yes or no
27. The researcher does not usually begin with a
hypothesis in which type of quantitative research?
a. descriptive b. correlational c. experimental
d. survey
28. Which of the reasons best relates to the
objective nature of quantitative research?
a. it uses a large sample size c.
the data are statistically analyzed
b. it is highly specific d. it
requires formal relationships with participants
29. Quantitative research can be easily replicated.
a. it follows standardized research procedures
c. the data are highly accurate
b. the research questions are clear and specific
d. it is conducted in a controlled
30. This refers to the kind of research in which
data is collected over a span of time.
a. cross-sectional correlational research
c. longitudinal correlation survey
b. longitudinal survey research d.
cross-sectional survey research
31. What variable describes the outcomes of the
influence of the independent variable?
a. Dependent Variables b. Independent Variables
c. Intervening Variables d. Confounding
32. . The following are the factors to avoid common
mistakes in writing the background of the study,
a. The background of the study shouldn’t be long
or too short.
b. Be as clear as possible.
c. Avoid talking about unrelated topics.
d. A brief discussion on what is known about the
33. in what field does quantitative research
can be used in measuring the level of performance of
students as well as teachers?
a. Education b. Psychology c.
Communication d. Business
34. What is the DEPENDENT variable (effect) in this
experiment? “Does eating breakfast improve test
a. eating breakfast or not c. the grade
you got on the test
b. what time you get up in the morning d.
how tasty the breakfast is
35. What is the INDEPENDENT variable (cause) in this
experiment? “ Which type of metal. Copper or aluminum,
conducts heat faster?”
a. size of metal b. types of metal c. time
it takes to heat up d. shape of the metal
36. A student is planning an experiment to find out
how the height from which he drops a ball affects how
high the ball bounces. The dependent variable is the
a. Diameter of the ball c. Force
acting on the ball
b. Height that the ball bounces d.
Height from which the ball is dropped.

37. The following the kinds of variables, which among

does not belong to the group?
a. Control Variables c. Intervening
b. Confounding Variables d. Variables
38. What research designs is used to gather
information from groups of people by selecting and
studying samples chosen from a population?
a. Correlational b. Ex-post facto
c. Comparative d. Survey
39. A kind of Quantitative Research concerned with
describing the nature, characteristics, and components
of the population or a phenomenon.
a. Descriptive Research b.
Correlational Research
c. Evaluation Research d. Survey
40. A kind of Quantitative Research that is
systematic investigations of the nature of
relationships, or association between and among
variables without necessarily investigating into
casual reasons underlying them.
a. Descriptive Research b.
Correlational Research
c. Evaluation Research d. Survey
41. What research design aims to assess the effects,
impact, or outcomes of practices, policies or
a. Descriptive Research b.
Correlational Research
c. Evaluation Research d. Survey
42. A type of Quantitative Research that used to
gather information from groups of people by selecting
and studying samples chosen from population.
a. Descriptive Research b.
Correlational Research
c. Evaluation Research d. Survey
43. A kind of Quantitative Research that also known as
ex post facto (after the fact research); a research
that already occurred in the past
a. Descriptive Research b.
Correlational Research
c. Evaluation Research d. Causal-
44. A kind of Quantitative Research that utilizes
scientific method to test cause-and-effect
relationships under conditions controlled by the
a. Experimental Research b. Correlational
c. Evaluation Research d. Causal-
45. It is a group in an experiment that receives the
variable being tested (Treatment)
a. Experimental Group b. Control Group
c. Groupings d. Variable
46. It is the group that does not receive the
a. Experimental Group b. Control Group
c. Groupings d. Variable
47. Refers to the building blocks of quantitative
methods; central concept in research.
a. Variables b. Numbers
c. Letters d. Symbols
48. What variable is being tested and measured in
scientific experiment?
a. Dependent Variable b. Independent
c. Discrete Variable d. Continuous
49. What variable that is changed or controlled in a
scientific experiment to test the effects on the
Dependent Variable.
a. Dependent Variable b. Independent
c. Discrete Variable d. Continuous
50. A variable also known as categorical or
classificatory variable; a variable that has a limited
number of distinct values. 
a. Dependent Variable b. Independent
c. Discrete Variable d. Continuous
51. A variable that can take the infinite number on
the value that can occur within a population. 
a. Dependent Variable b. Independent
c. Discrete Variable d. Continuous
52. In making research questions, the accuracy of
questions or answers must not be based on guesses.
a. Objective b. Clearly defined
research questions
c. Structured Research Instruments d.
Numerical Data
53. Parameter/extent of the study and it answers the
WH’s questions.
a. Objectives of the Study b. Significance
of the Study
c. Scope and Delimitation d. Definition of
54. A Survey Research where information is collected
from a sample in just single point in time.
a. Cross-sectional b. Longitudinal
c. causal-Comparative Research d.
Experimental Research
55. A Survey Research where information is collected
from the same subjects over a period of time,
sometimes lasting many years.
a. Cross-sectional b. Longitudinal
c. causal-Comparative Research d.
Experimental Research
56. In quantitative research, respondents are given
very limited opportunity to elaborate their responses.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d.
I do not know
57.Which of the following best describe quantitative
a. It is an activity of producing or proving a
b. It is an activity concerned with findings new
truths in education.
c. It is an exploration associated with libraries,
books and journal.
d. it is a systematic process for obtaining
numerical information about the world.
58. Which section of the research paper contains the
purpose statement and the research questions?
a. Overview b. Statement of the
c. Significance of the Study d. Background
of the Study
59. What part of the introduction sets the boundaries
and parameters of the study?
a. parametric Limits b. Study Area
c. Scope and Delimitation d. Limitation of
the Study
60. The ______________ provides information that is
vital to understand the main body of the research.
a. Background of the Study b. Statement of
the problem
c. Purpose of the Study d. Overview of
the Study
61. What type of data is used in qualitative research?
a. Numbers b. Percentages c. Words d.
62. It is a term that is synonymous with the word,
a. Research b. Inquiry c. Ponder d.

63. In quantitative research, data is analyzed by

identifying statistical relationships.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I
do not know
64. In relation to Quantitative Research, data may be
gathered through surveys.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I
do not know
65. Researchers and their biases are known to
participants in the study and participants’
characteristics are exposed to the researchers.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I
do not know
66. The researcher is an involved observer.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I
do not know
67. Quantitative studies greatly help mankind to have
a better
a. Life b. Perspective c. Idea d.
68. During the quarantine period, your mother planted
tomato seedlings in pots. Now common understanding
from science tells you that several factors are
affecting the growth of
tomatoes: sunlight, water, kind of soil, and nutrients
in soil. How fast the tomato seedlings will grow and
bear fruits will depend on these factors. What is the
dependent variable?
a. Sunlight b. Water
c. The growth of Tomatoes d. The kind of
69.  A research worker plans to evaluate high school
students' reactions to a new policy on closed campus
stations. He locates himself near the office of the
dean, where he interviews every fourth student who
visits the dean. He eventually secures data from 100
interviews and publishes his findings as the
"Reactions of high school students to a new policy for
a closed campus." What may be wrong with this
a. Too small sample b.
Inadequately defined problem
c. Inadequate techniques of analysis d.
Biased Sample
70. One important goal in conducting research is to
a. Advance the personal and professional
qualification of practitioner.
b. Produce evidence based practice.
c. Focus direction of the research
d. Describe characteristics of a population.
71. The ______________ provides information that is vital to
understand the main body of the research.
a. Background of the Study b. Statement of the
c. Purpose of the Study d. Overview of the
72. What type of data is used in qualitative research?
a. Numbers b. Percentages c. Words d.
73. It is a term that is synonymous with the word,
a. Research b. Inquiry c. Ponder d.
74. In quantitative research, data is analyzed by identifying
statistical relationships.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I do not
75. In relation to Quantitative Research, data may be gathered
through surveys.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I do not
76. Researchers and their biases are known to participants in
the study and participants’ characteristics are exposed to the
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I do not
77. The researcher is an involved observer.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I do not
78. Quantitative studies greatly help mankind to have a better
a. Life b. Perspective c. Idea d.
79. During the quarantine period, your mother planted tomato
seedlings in pots. Now common understanding from science tells
you that several factors are affecting the growth of
tomatoes: sunlight, water, kind of soil, and nutrients in
soil. How fast the tomato seedlings will grow and bear fruits
will depend on these factors. What is the dependent variable?
a. Sunlight b. Water
c. The growth of Tomatoes d. The kind of Soil
80.  A research worker plans to evaluate high school students'
reactions to a new policy on closed campus stations. He
locates himself near the office of the dean, where he
interviews every fourth student who visits the dean. He
eventually secures data from 100 interviews and publishes his
findings as the "Reactions of high school students to a new
policy for a closed campus." What may be wrong with this
a. Too small sample b. Inadequately
defined problem
c. Inadequate techniques of analysis d. Biased
81. One important goal in conducting research is to
a. Advance the personal and professional qualification of
b. Produce evidence based practice.
c. Focus direction of the research
d. Describe characteristics of a population.
82. A Survey Research where information is collected from the
same subjects over a period of time, sometimes lasting many
a. Cross-sectional b. Longitudinal
c. causal-Comparative Research d. Experimental
83. In quantitative research, respondents are given very
limited opportunity to elaborate their responses.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I do
not know
84.Which of the following best describe quantitative research?
a. It is an activity of producing or proving a theorem.

b. It is an activity concerned with findings new truths in

c. It is an exploration associated with libraries, books
and journal.
d. it is a systematic process for obtaining numerical
information about the world.
85. Which section of the research paper contains the purpose
statement and the research questions?
a. Overview b. Statement of the problem

c. Significance of the Study d. Background of

the Study
86. What part of the introduction sets the boundaries and
parameters of the study?
a. parametric Limits b. Study Area Coverage
c. Scope and Delimitation d. Limitation of the
87. What research design aims to assess the effects, impact,
or outcomes of practices, policies or programs?
a. Descriptive Research b. Correlational
c. Evaluation Research d. Survey Research
88. A type of Quantitative Research that used to gather
information from groups of people by selecting and studying
samples chosen from population.
a. Descriptive Research b. Correlational
c. Evaluation Research d. Survey Research
89. A kind of Quantitative Research that also known as ex post
facto (after the fact research); a research that already
occurred in the past
a. Descriptive Research b. Correlational
c. Evaluation Research d. Causal-
90. A kind of Quantitative Research that utilizes scientific
method to test cause-and-effect relationships under conditions
controlled by the research.
a. Experimental Research b. Correlational
c. Evaluation Research d. Causal-
91. It is a group in an experiment that receives the variable
being tested (Treatment)
a. Experimental Group b. Control Group
c. Groupings d. Variable
92. A variable that can take the infinite number on the value
that can occur within a population. 
a. Dependent Variable b. Independent Variable
c. Discrete Variable d. Continuous Variable
93. In making research questions, the accuracy of questions or
answers must not be based on guesses.
a. Objective b. Clearly defined research
c. Structured Research Instruments d. Numerical Data
94. Parameter/extent of the study and it answers the WH’s
a. Objectives of the Study b. Significance of
the Study
c. Scope and Delimitation d. Definition of
95. A Survey Research where information is collected from a
sample in just single point in time.
a. Cross-sectional b. Longitudinal
c. causal-Comparative Research d. Experimental
96.Conducting a quantitative investigation with a large study
sample in a controlled setting requires great _________.
b.sensitivity b. thoroughness c.
expenditures d. strength
97.If the correlation coefficient between variables is 0.8,
you can conclude that there is a ______ linear relationship
between them.
b.strong b. weak c. moderate d.
98.Quantitative research aims to test an existing theory
instead of formulating a new one so it uses a _________
scientific method.
b.inductive b. correlational c. confirmatory
d. comparative
99.It is a type of quantitative research inspired by
previously established observations that are compared to
dependent variables under study.
b.Experimental b. correlational c. survey
        d. ex-post facto
100.Experimental research should include four vital parts.
What are these?
c.cause, effect, variables, methods c.
introduction, body, climax, conclusion
d.abstract, RRL, methodology, results d.
control, manipulated variable, replication,
101.This refers to the kind of research in which data is
collected over a span of time.
c.cross-sectional correlational research c.
longitudinal correlation survey
d.longitudinal survey research d. cross-
sectional survey research
102. What variable describes the outcomes of the influence of
the independent variable?
a. Dependent Variables b. Independent Variables
c. Intervening Variables d. Confounding Variables
103. The following are the factors to avoid common mistakes in
writing the background of the study, EXCEPT.
a. The background of the study shouldn’t be long or too
b. Be as clear as possible.
c. Avoid talking about unrelated topics.
d. A brief discussion on what is known about the topic.
104. In what field does quantitative research can be used in
measuring the level of performance of students as well as
a. Education b. Psychology c. Communication
d. Business
105.The participants involved in quantitative research are
being asked questions that may be answered by _______.
b.maybe or no    b. yes or no   c. yes or
maybe or no d. maybe yes or no
106.The researcher does not usually begin with a hypothesis in
which type of quantitative research?
b.descriptive b. correlational c. experimental d.
107.Which of the reasons best relates to the objective nature
of quantitative research? uses a large sample size c. the data are
statistically analyzed is highly specific d. it requires
formal relationships with participants
108.Quantitative research can be easily replicated. Why?
a. It follows standardized research procedures c.
the data are highly accurate
b. the research questions are clear and specific
d. it is conducted in a controlled environment
109. It is the group that does not receive the treatment.
a. Experimental Group c. Control Group
b. Groupings d. Variable
100. Refers to the building blocks of quantitative methods;
central concept in research.
a. Variables b. Numbers
c. Letters d. Symbols
111. What variable is being tested and measured in scientific
a. Dependent Variable b. Independent Variable
c. Discrete Variable d. Continuous Variable
112.. What variable that is changed or controlled in a
scientific experiment to test the effects on the Dependent
a. Dependent Variable b. Independent Variable
c. Discrete Variable d. Continuous Variable
113. A variable also known as categorical or classificatory
variable; a variable that has a limited number of distinct
a. Dependent Variable b. Independent Variable
c. Discrete Variable d. Continuous Variable
114. What is the DEPENDENT variable (effect) in this
experiment? “Does eating breakfast improve test score?”
a. eating breakfast or not c. the grade
you got on the test
b. what time you get up in the morning d. how
tasty the breakfast is
115. What is the INDEPENDENT variable (cause) in this
experiment? “ Which type of metal. Copper or aluminum,
conducts heat faster?”
a. size of metal b. types of metalc. time it takes to
heat up d. shape of the metal
116. A student is planning an experiment to find out how the
height from which he drops a ball affects how high the ball
bounces. The dependent variable is the .
a. Diameter of the ball c. Force acting
on the ball
b. Height that the ball bounces d. Height
from which the ball is dropped.
117. The following the kinds of variables, which among does
not belong to the group?
a. Control Variables c. Intervening
b. Confounding Variables d. Variables
118. What research designs is used to gather information from
groups of people by selecting and studying samples chosen from
a population?
a. Correlational b. Ex-post facto c.
Comparative d. Survey
119. A kind of Quantitative Research concerned with describing
the nature, characteristics, and components of the population
or a phenomenon.
a. Descriptive Research b. Correlational
c. Evaluation Research d. Survey Research
120. A kind of Quantitative Research that is
systematic investigations of the nature of relationships, or
association between and among variables without necessarily
investigating into casual reasons underlying them.
a. Descriptive Research b. Correlational
c. Evaluation Research d. Survey Research

121. Which of the following frameworks refers to the actual

ideas, beliefs, and tentative theories that
specifically support the study?
A. methodological framework C. conceptual
B. chronological framework D. theoretical
122. A research variable that is considered as the presumed
effect of the study.
A. independent variable C. dependent
B. moderating variable D. control variable
123. Mediating variable is also called as:
A. independent variable C. moderating
B. intervening variable D. dependent
124. The conceptual framework wherein there is an intervention
being made by the researcher is:
125. One of the two types of defining the terms in research
wherein you need to define according to how the term
is being used in the study is:
A. methodological C. operational
B. theoretical D. conceptual
126. Which among the following is a guideline/characteristic
of a good definition of terms?
A. the term should be in parenthesis C. direct
to the point
B. underlined the entire meaning D. not indented
127. The word is defined according to its meaning from the
A. operational C. historical
B. conceptual D. technical
128. Which of the following hypotheses shows no relationship
between variables?
A. alternative hypothesis C. complex
B. logical hypothesis D. null l
129. Which of the following hypotheses expresses the
connection between two or more independent variables
and two or more dependent variables?
A. alternative hypothesis C. complex
B. logical hypothesis D.
130. “There is no difference in height between boys and girls
who are taking vitamins every day.” This is an example of:
A. non-directional hypothesis C. empirical
B. directional hypothesis D. simple
131. It refers to the assumption about the relationship
between the variables.
A. guide questions C. framework
B. hypothesis D. literature
132. A literature review introduces several theories or
concepts which focus on a specific topic.
A. methodological review C. theoretical
B. integrative review D. context review
133. It is a part of the literature review which summarizes
and synthesizes the different ideas from the different
A. recommendation C. conclusion
B. main body D. introduction
134. The chosen edited summaries by journalists for the
general readers.
A. scholarly journal C. dissertation
B. periodicals D. books
135. It is a reference done within the text/paragraph in the
A. list of references C. bibliography
B. in-text citation D. source

136. What is the aim Ex post facto research design?

A. determine a cause from already existing effects.
B. establish cause and effect relationship
C. observe and describe a phenomenon D.
identify association among variables

137. “Effects of Type of Music to Aesthetic Performance of

Ballet Dancers”, what is the appropriate research
design for the given title?

A. Correlational B. Descriptive C. Survey

Research D.Experimental

138. Mr. Canuc would like to know further the type of social
media used between the male and female SHS students of
East Pagat National High School. What is the
appropriate research design to be used in his study?

A. Quasi-Experimental C. Experimental B.
Correlational D. Descriptive

139. Based on item number 3, what appropriate statistical test

should Mr. Canuc used to answer his research problem?

A. T-test for two dependent samples C.

Spearman’s rho B. Chi-square

140. What type of reliability is measured by administering two

tests identical in all aspects except the actual
wording of items?
A. Internal Consistency Reliability C. Test-
retest reliability B. Equivalent
Forms Reliability D. Inter-rater Reliability

141. What type of validity is when an instrument produces

results similar to those of another instrument that will be
employed in the future?

A. Predictive Validity C. Criterion

Validity B. Face Validity
D. Content Validity

142. The Ability Test has been proven to predict the

mathematical skills of Senior High School students. What type
of test validity is shown in the example?

A. Construct Validity C. Content Validity

143. What indicator of a good research instrument when items

are arranged from simple to complex?

A. Easily Tabulated C. Valid and

Reliable B. Sequential
D. Concise

144. What statistical technique should be used for this

research problem, “You would like to determine the
differences between the opinions of men and women on
the COVID – 19 local government response?”
A. T-Test for two dependent samples C. T-Test
for independent samples B.
Two-way Chi-square D. Pearson’s r

145. What data collection method involves tracking of changes

during specified time period?

A. Questionnaire B. Observation C.
Interview D. Test
146. Which of the following is defined as an action that the
researcher will do to obtain appropriate data?

A. Data Interpretation B. Data

Manipulation C. Data Collection
D. Data Analysis

147. Which of these methods is the most expensive way to

collect data per respondent?

A. Personal B. Online C. Phone

Call/Text D. Postal

148. The following are guidelines before conducting an

interview. Which one is not?
A. Check if your recording device worked well
throughout the interview.
B. Choose a comfortable venue with the least amount
of distractions.
C. Prepare and rehearse your interview guide.
D. Decide on the duration of the interview.

149. Which of the following should not be part of the informed

consent form?
A. Name of Researchers and the Institution affiliated
B. Name of Participants and the Institution affiliated
C. Anonymity of the participants and their responses
D. Title of the study and purpose of the study

150. Participant observation can be performed covertly. What

does it imply?

A. Participants are not aware of the purpose of the

B. Participants are aware of the purpose of the
C. Participants are unmindful of the result of the
D. Participants are aware of the result of the

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