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Reading No.



DATED MAY 21, 1898

Everything appears favorable for attaining independence.

I have no other object in writing this except to ask you and your companions to meet at
once and arrange the best way to entrap all the enemy in your town, employing deceit,
for instance, make a present of whatever you think best to the chiefs successively and
then at once enter the houses and attack them, or if not this, do whatever you think is
best. Show valor and resolution, brothers. the hour has arrived for the Philippines to
belong to her sons and not to them, only one step and we shall reach independence; be
constant, brothers, and be united in feelings, do not imitate those who show faces,
whatever such people do, sooner or later they will be slaves. Respect foreigners and
their property, also enemies who surrender.

I want you to know that in respect to our conduct I have proposed to the American
Admiral and other nations that we shall carry on modern war. Even if a Spaniard
surrenders, he must be pardoned and treated well and then you will see that our
reputation will be very good in the eyes of all Europe which will declare for our
independence; but if we do not conduct ourselves thus the Americans will decide to sell
us or else divide up our territory as they will hold us incapable of governing our land.

Therefore, my brethren, I urge that we strive to unite our efforts, and let us fire our
hearts with the idea of vindicating our country. Many nations are on our side.

On the last day of the present month, at noon, we shall be able to rise all at once, and in
case our enemies are aware of it, start doing so openly. When you hear that we are
bombarding any of the towns of Salinas, Noveleta, Naic, Tanza, Cauit, Boccor, Las
Pinas, and Paranaque, you may begin to move and follow up the enemy on his retreat;
notwithstanding, it would be better if you could come on so as not to scatter the arms
too much. Remember also that since the Spaniards are aware of our being here, they
will order the arrest of all our friends. Perhaps, we shall never find an occasion so
propitious as this; therefore we must take advantage of it, otherwise it would be a great
pity if we don't. Endeavor to end the war as soon as possible. Win over the native
infantry, taking the measures you deem best. God guard you many years.

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