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An adjective is a word which qualifies a noun or
pronoun. 44---a certain boy (T ft a certain boys) (b) such I the
For examples : same /the other I any + Singular Or Plural Countable
(i)She is a beautiful girl.
(ii)They are good. Such a book 7 Such books
CLASSIEICATION 14,1 the same book 7ri the same books
(1)PROPER ADJECTIVES A* Adjectives any book V any books.
Nouns Proper
# t ; (c)
these I those / certain / other + Plural
' -

Adjective =' Countable Noun. --Certain
radios (4 f certain radio).
America American CARDINAL: One, two, three, four etc.
China Chinese ORDINAL : first, second, third, fourth etc.
Shakespeare Shakespearian MULTIPLICATIVE : single, double, nipple etc.
(2)POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES : My, our, your, his, ORDER OF DEFINITE NUMERALS 7rfq .uct t4 -

their, her, its. tt Adjectives 34 1 11 __________ZIAW 1---oiRtrol-ci TIT

CO This is my house. +o31ir-o Atm t—
(3)DISTRIBUTIVE ADJECTIVES : Each, Every, Ordinal + - roms.
Either, Neither, Each and every. Cardinal + mai
(a) 34 - 4Tr Multiplica*e I
(i) There Vine two / ten boys. Each boy was handsome. The first
— five
(h) EiPety Each and every t 114141 q t r 1 —
f-o•Ri Ord car
(h) There were three boys. NOTE : viR a ItrK -iriinfta- Problems fel
Every. I Each and every boy was intelligent.
(c)Eithei* ;Neither AW Ir*Tr itt *ram (1) The five first chapters of this book.
fANT TrziT expression Order of Definite Numerals
----- There are two novels on the table. Neither novel is
W- IMF' chisii t,____________ diva, ti sk14.4 q
- -
interesting. illT--
(d) Each I Every I Each and every I Either I Neither
wrq (ii)The first five chapters of this book
TrEl4R1- Noun*___c Article TT 544141 r ___)cit ti I*— (b) INDEFINITE : Many, a great many, a good many,
. Each comb / every toy Cff fT Each a comb I every a toy] many a, several, various, numerous, a .lot of, lots of, plenty of,
some, enough.
%./ Each/Every Article "W• 54e4)it -*-{ Problem r-ziT zilch N U M E R A L S : q t r ________ 1Jridefinite 4- Definite
ti Numerals TrAlr ftzr! wra t;
4. DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES : (a) Definite : (i) Mary shire r o o m s
this / that/ these / those I such I (the) same / the other. Ind. Def.
(b) INDEFINITE : a, an, a certain, certain, another, other, (ii) Vari ou s sinfle rooms
some (At), any, any other alTftl Ind. Def.
Graq (iii )r Many first students
(a) i; I an / :certain I another I ibis 1 tit + I.! lad, Def.
ingular Countable ,Noun_ (6) QUANTITATIVE ADJECTIVES : much, little,
whoie, a lot of, lots of, a great deal of, plenty of, some, enough
much milk, plenty of sugar.
A Mirror of Common Errors 51
NOTE :wq' faR:11- 4 Countable ail7 Uncountable (i) This is one of the most major operations.
N o u n - m1 31- 4 7 t 331477 1W I T I R f0 7 A d j e c t i v e s
(1) Eas he bought many oranges and much milk ?
Kia 'ft 'oranges' Plural Countable Noun 14.11,
Uncountable Noun %i 3Tt:, oranges *
IreigilAw 'many" A7 3TRITt FRIA. a': 'milk' k-iT 4-1111,11cb
NOTE : 'utT4' 74t4 uq-41 4 'many oranges and
milk' za 'much milk and oranges' *-T, .xtilo Problem * *Tr A'
iqqi ti afd:, 'many oranges and much milk' TiT 'much
milk and many oranges' fl' a Ex_pls§ions_. 411
intelligent, sharp, long, short, small, tall, beautiful, handsome,
lovely aiift; 44—
(i) He is a handsome man.
Whose a-TIFF,I __
(it) Which book is yours ?
(ii) What book do you like most ?
• (iii) Whose book is this ?
*4—(i) What nonsense. this is !
(a) POSITIVE DEGREE : vir-Wr tir a*g * 73T
c=pt q--4;
(i) He is good.
(ii) She is bezutiful.
(b) COMPARATIVE DEGREE ceirchiet za- 43ft
TLIT Mutt) 4- ______
(i) He is better than you.
(ii) Soni is the better of the two girls.
4 R j a t : Ti r ( g o t q t '
(i) Ram is the tallest boy in the class.
(ii) Moti is the best of all the players.
atrawh - Tau-
major, extreme, universal, whole, complete, full, round,
ale excellent
triangular, ec

rectangular unmatched
, , all

milky, lunar a* IziFri 4 Positive Degree t 1 401, waf


Superlative Degree; A#—

(0 Her beauty is unmatched. [3 V-Cdt -31-F-44 t]
Ter 7't more o , lich-t Comparative * most
(-14114)4. Superlative __________t1
NOTE :A - 4 '471 - ri4t more / most rilii(4. , t
PROBLEM fq ziT Wrdi 37:, i)j4
Tr - g - more/most
IN AI ITT igriq Tet; 44 —
[44qI 'most' /, 41E15 one of the.;
major operations ..1.,1
(2) Senior, junior, superior, inferior, prior, posterior
P re p o si ti on t o w * , t f Co n j u n c ti on t h an Ti ' *4

(i) He is senior to me. (R *senior than]
NOTE : 1-1Zh oku 'than' r $1 - 4 7T *7 Problems
r47 , 111 ti .
49* AT4 than MT TT t 711' to **FR 'MR
1ER, morezff Alart
(i) He is more senior to me lT
t l a I _______ Gic
(ii) He is senior to me chz-ii
(3) minor, major, ulterior, interior, exterior 341t Positive
Degree * Adjectives tt aTa";, 4-1+ trgt more/most Tit
A-R than T to 7i v.-7.f-TT tl9T Art7;
(i) This is a minor problem.
(ii) The interior decoration of the roam is
(4) Cornnearzitively -
4* Positive Degree *-T
Adjective ?Ar&riT #
(i) The weather is comparativelybottodity..[ 1i hotter]
NOTE : ComparativelyiRelatiylt,.k ____________
ComparatiVe Degree tan Problaink* ‘,1104 ti

(5) 'Enough' * xt-s_____

(i) He is intelligent enough to understand year tricks:
N O T E : E n o u g h * W O ' _______ CoMparatiye
Superlative Degree * Adjective M• m•ailo___ AR Problem ftzrr
wroT tt better enough, worse enough. am: enough *
-1rc 9f Adjective k Degree trT ttfrg" 741

(i) He He is smarter / enough to get I selected for this /

(A) (B) (C)
prestigious post. / No Error.
(D) (E)
(1).S.R.B. (Patna) 92]
Wr4zr * PART (A) smarter * 4ICA smart Air TAIT
(6)•refer* NMto'Wf Ttr - acu __________t Nouns til
Noun Equivalents # t;
(1) She prefers milk to tea.

Noun to Noun
.4).g, 'prefer' * ATq 'rather than' *-1-________aol
6qT Infinitives a1 ____t; 14—
(i) He prefers to sit rather than sleep.

Infinitive infinitive
52 A Mirror of Common Errors
(7) Preferable *- '47 to 71* 4el)4T trdr PROBLEMS BASED ON ADJECTIVES .
(i) Winter is preferable to summer. Directions : Fine out the error in each of the following
(8) tr Adjectives 4 - 4 and 4 'It* t tt Degree sentences, if any. If there is no error, the answer is R'.
t; 1.- But for your help, / no boys would have / succeeded in and
(i) good and wise Positive] (A) (B) (C)
(ii) better and wiser [A)* Comparativ6] All India competition like this. / No Error
(iii) best and wisest [a;li Superlative] (D) (E)

INTER-CHANGES OF DEGREES : 2.He wanted I certain boy Ito make entry into / the
• (A) (B) (C)
(9 .Superlative 4 Comparative MIT Positive -Ii Ri
Principal's chamber. / NO Error
(D) (E)
Superlative He is the best boy in the class. 3. There were only two / soldiers but each a0-eery / soldier
Comparative (i) He is better than all other boys in the (A) Ft,c_.
class. was equal / to five policemen. / No Error ..-
( C ) ( 1 3 ) (B)
(ii) He is bean-ban any other boy in the class. 4. The ten captains I had each an I achievement of / his own./
all other + Noun (Plural) (A) (B) (C) (D)
No Error
Rule; =-than

any other + Noun (Singular) 5.. These sort of men / attain worldly success by hook or by
Positive ; (i) No.other boy in the class is as good as he. (A) ' (B)
crook / so they deserve to / be looked down upon. /
Rule : No other + NoUnn(Singular) + + so / as + (C) (D)
Positive-Degree Adjective + as .. No Error
TT_ (pup) / - rt 7
414# fr‘wi!' ai4 wfor 6.1 feel / a certain problems / in the execution / of this plan. /
(A) (B) (C) ())
14e I:14o Noun (Singular) / as + PoSidve No Error
"degree Adjective + as................................ (B)
(1) No citizi Indiais so/as good as London. 7. In spite of facing / much problems, he did not / desert the
(A) (B) (C)
(ii)No country in: Asia is as rich as America.
(10) Positive Degree Avir Comparative Degree EimEtt path I of honesty. / No Error
Synthesis_ (D)
(i) He is as good as you. [Positive Degree] 8. Can you tell me how / many eggs and I milk he has
(i) He is not better than you. [Comparative Degree] (A) (B): - (C)
tat IFS r Synthesis v-(71- MT, brought / home ? I No Error
(D) (E)
(i) He is as good as if not better than you.
alzk Positive Degree 'FOR (So I as .............,as) T31171- ole the chapter / of the book is full of printing I errors
twr 4414. Comparative- Degree * ______ (Comparative ÷ (A) (B)
dab) fi . 4 Synthesis IT ariglitd PROBLEMS # as which are the outcome / Of the proof reader's carelessness!
(C) (D) -
'•21 lr T ' Wit Than *1 "41 f
- .
Comparative Degree
No Error
A-q• Superlative Degree Ast 31-471"
(i) Anjali's performance in the / drama was best than /
(A) (B) IA He did not / IiI a to lend me I any book I or any money I
Deepali's but not / as good as Vaishali's. / No Error (A) (B) (C) (D)
(C) (D) (E) No Error
[B.S.R.B. (Patna) 1993] (E) .
[T4 ____i Part (B) 4 'best' 'better' r 34zi II. Her black long I hair adds / glamour to / her looks. I
(A) (B) (C) (D)
A Mirror of Common Errors 53
12.1 began to / tremble when I sawl a sharp long knife I in No Error
(A) (B) - (C) (E)
my enemy's hand. / No Error
(D) (E)
13.1 saw I an anxious pale girl I who when asked let me know /
(A) (B) (C)
that she was suffering from consumption. I No Error
(D) (E)
14. It is a fact that / Mahatma Gandhi was I the first politician/
of his time. /No Error (B) (C)
(D) (E)
15, At the utmost gate I was standing a guard I holding a gun
(A) (B) (C)
in./ his hand. / No Error
(D) (E)
16. Delhi is / further from I Patnefhan Kolkata. / No
Error (A) (B) (C) :.(13)
17.This book is / undoubtedly preferable than / that in
many (A) (B)
respects and its printing / is also comparatively good. /
(C) (D)
No Error
18. Of the two / players, he / is the
luckiest, / be sure. / (A) (B) re)
No Error
19.You can trust / this agency/ for the last news / of
this (A) (B) (C)
week. / No Error
(D) (E)
20. Seema is I senior to me / but you are /
junior than me. / (A) (B) (C)
No Error
21.Everybody knows / that Ragini I is the most
unique / (A) (B) (C)
singer of this college. / No Error
(D) (E)
22.Rita can sing / much than fifty songs at a / stretch
and (A) (B)
she has developed / this ability by labouring hard. /
(C) (D)
No Error
he was curious to / know what it was that made him
(A) (B)
stronger / and braver than any man of this village. I
. (C) (D)
he hits a remarkably / lovingly. appearance / which No Error
(A) (B)
brings her honour I and admiration as well. f No Error
(C) (D) (E)
25. A lots of books / on English Grammar are available f in

(A) • (B)
the market but / this one is the best, /No_Error
(C) (D) (E)
26. He does not have I some money to buy a newmy.
(A) (B)
plant, so he is /, anxiety. / No Error
(C) (D) (E)
Gok!,.44.he, most:precious / of all metals / that are used in
(A) (B) (C)

ornaments, / as far as we all know. / No„Error

(D) (E)
Ville is the most I successful man / in the world / 1 have ever
(A) (B) (C) (I")

known. / No Error
A: P. No less / than fifty audiences are sitting I. in the hall and

(A) (B)
waiting for their / beloved artiste's- appearance on the
(C) (D)
stage./ No Error
30.Her father told her / that it would be all the more I
(A) ( B )
if she would find her I groom herself. / No Error
(C) (D) (E)
31.She had noother I hobby than that oft wearing
ayip:pi of/ (A) (3)
the latest design. I No Error
(D) (E)
32, This young lacy is more beautiful / but not go' CatiFfett
(A) :03) (C)
as her youngest sister. /No Error
(D) ,(E)
33. Much to his fortune,. he / married a girl who was more
(A) (B)
tall and lovelier than / her elder sister. / No Error
- (C) (D) (E)
34. What pleases him / more I is a healthy criticism / of his I
(A) 03) (C)
performance. / No Error
(D) (E)
35. It was no / other than Indira Gandhi / who evinced an
(A) (B).
exceptional ability to lead / the country to fame. I
(C) (D)
__ 54 AMirror .9f. Common Errors
 ,
■, ■. * I • I m m I N I ■•■•••■•■1 1 .

36. Now-a-claYS,-/ the iiifeather / is getting cold and / colder, 49. He felt happily/ to learn that
I (A) (B) (C) (D) his / younger brother had got/ (A) (B) (C)
No Error a prestigious job in the Bank. / No Error
(E) (D) (E)
50.The Principal has great power / of making
(A) (B) (C)
some useful / (A) (B)
than / sleeping peacefully. / No Error
plans but the professors / have even greatest ability to foil
(D) (E)
(C) (D)
38. This photograph / was comparatively better / than that them. / No Error
(A) (B)
which he had kept / in his purse. / No Error
(C) (3) (E) - 37, He often tells / us that he does not / like anything more
39. She was startted / to see in / hertdifiWiitlioom I a most
(A) (B) (C) 1. (E) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (E) 5, (A)
popular film producer. / No Error 6. (B) 7. (3) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (E)
(D) (B) 11. (A) 12. (C) 13. (B) 14. (C) 15. (A)
 - 40.India is / better than 16. (B) 17. (B) 18. (C) 19.. (C) 20 (D)
most others / film producing (A) (B) 21. (C) 22. (B) 23. (D) 24. (B) 25. (A)
countries / of the world. / No Error 26, (B) 27.4E) 28. (E) 29. (A) 30. (B)
(D) (E) 31 (E) 32. (B) 33. (C) 34. (3) 35. (E)
41. None can / believe that Ramesh is happier / than grieved 36. (C) 37. (E) 38. (B) 39. (E) 40. (B)
(A) (B) (C) (3) 41. (C) 42. (B) 43. (D) 44. (B) 45. (C)
to know it. / No Error 46, (C) 41 (E) 48. (A) 49. (A) 50. (D2)
42. Delhi is far I. better than any other / metropolis / of
(A) (B) (C)
Pakistan. / No Error 47. Science has given / us a lot, yet / life is becoming more
(3) (E) (A) (B) (C)
43. All your -attempts /-aihe daring / but this one is certainly / and more painful. / No Error
(A) (13) (C) (D) (E)
the More daring. / No Error' 48. Ramesh is as good, / if not better than all the / members
(D) - (E) (A) (B)
of the club / which-is known as the Lions Club. / No Error
- 44, This is the / more difficult sum, / I have
ever solved / (C) (D) (E) (E) 141144-4
49. (T) certain A - qt a certain
( T b o y n c c ___ boys TT)
3r4) 41 wA 71Ter 'Pj4 411C11 W 4 9f - certain

Noun Plural Nurriber traT t W4ft a certain

 (A) (B) (C) Noun (Countable) Singular Number 14
within five minutes. / No Error
(i) A certain book
(D) (E) T-c4,-,-_____51 certain
45, There is no one / whom I esteem / highly than / your books.
(A). (B) (C)
mother and father. / No Error A / An / A certain I Another / Each / Every / Either /
(D) (E) Neither / Each and every / Many a (an) / Such a (an)
- 46. He failed to find / out the. solution to all the problems I aTfrq 4T4 Noun (countable) Singular alai ti
(A) (p)
ii i ,
These those / certain / other I many / A great many /
 ▪
A good many I several / various / A number of ziik
despite his thoroughly / study of the book7 No Error 77 Noun_____II Plural Number #_____tl Any / No /
(C) (D) The mine aTifq Adjectives 7r< Noun Singular
Plural Number # *onet ti
(i)No boy 'TT No boys
(ii)The same-man 'zir The same men.
(B) Each and every el<- Each 431____I . i)'!It
Trrq Ta-Each r31 - 47 f t t a 1 W __
*ffi t f-'"-1 every fr Each and every W- 5Ie-1141Z4711-
tr arr*T- ti
A Mirror of Common Errors 55
(i)There were two boys and each boy had a red pen. 9. (A) whole the' T4 -4 the whole W-
.4144 74 each a ltr{ every TIT each and i14111 whole 1ZT
every) '1(1q tiTTT I 3 411 xrt,
. .
Quantitative Adjective % MI* tr g4 the MI Tr*TT is

(ii)There were ten students in the class room and , fwg 4 1 f, Al l (t Nu meral Ad jecti ve t
each / every I each and every student had a red pen. T riT Qu antitative t) l r 33 74 th e *UT t;
(q` 7T9Zr * each, every. each and every) 44--All the boys. 7fr, All the news.

f ITT si_41,1 tr ____ *, crer4) **.14, -

. (E) 4r474!
11. (A) 'black long'' dlq 'long black' r Ng 1 1 chiFicf
'Tcr ur#' 'Tr Nth f 4 a f t Noun * Adjective of size 3117
4.______(E) ti Adjective of colour W- ud4141 rl Adjective of
N.B. : Part (D) 14 'his' * ISK 'their' w sr 1____+1W{-41. size aTTUT * aft 4t14 WR Adjective of colour; A*—
5. (A) sort *_sorts 71 sizkri afli ( i ) A t a l l b l a c k m a n _ Adj. Adj.
if__ 1

TITO .Adjective these t f Noun Plural of of

Number 4 1____rl I ti It- these * i__cel 'this' 7e1T men size colour
* manTTmtilqpia44tPart(A)n'4 W4" t Qualitative Adjectives f4,411 Noun
alai ti 14)-g Part (B) 4 Verb 'attain' felT felon Wai t kmi c if i s_ Th"T
Plural Number # * fATE4 Subject A- Plural Wqr4T aig:n riTT wrW ti
(I) Adjective of size (U—long, short, big, small,
6.(B) a certain * ezIcrl certain AT problems * large etc.)
oaq() problem T man rl (ii)Adjective.of general description (44—good, bad, fine,
f r7 .11-14a ft 397—T 2 II 4.9ql sharp, etc.)
7._____________(B) much * 'is many W' N4.1) , 1 (iii)Adjective of age (44—old, young, ancient,
44i-4) much 174 modern etc.)
TIT 4 Quantitative Adjective CITT-IF4T97 ft*Ertrr) ti (iv)Adjective of shape (44—round, spherical,
________________ U n c o u n t a b l e N o u n t; oblong, rectangular etc.)
(v)Adjective of colour (4*—red, blue, yellow etc.)
(vi)Adjective of origin (i*—American, Indian etc.)
much milk I much money. t-.1 .sift, little / a little I (vii)Adjective of material (1—steel, iron, plastic, etc.)
the little air1 3.1111c11‘1cts ul Vrzi b.-4) rr (viii)Adjective of purpose. (U—a walking stick)
Uncountable Noun w' 31t4141 __rcrlti
12. (C) A sharp long knife * .4e, A long sharp knife
1:11Tri4 1-1:4 / Some I Enough I Part of / 3rirrf *TN mrrverr 3F(411571' 11 it ttti
A lot of / Lots of / A great deal_of I One third of alit 13. (B) An anxious pale girl *_____ A pale anxious girl Tr
Wq Nouns Countable 741' Uncountable tt 31-1'17 r ci-41114, Adjective of human emotion /
_____ ti qw Countable Nouns *W t ___tii
personality -Tr 3R-71. `pale' darle 3 * trar *t
Plural Number 4 0 *1 U—Enough boys.
14. (C) first * 110' foremost W• n .1-41 - R, Fore M
enough sugar. Some W' rifrrr Indefinite
Comparative former*Mr f49 Superlative first
Demonstrative Adjective lal t____*ma,'
3 foremost 1-1 - 1 t'fft ti first * order WO w
344 * u z i r _______Trrer Noun (countable) At * w f
Singular 'lo *4— *; i*—The first boy of the class. fwt -
Some boy has taken my pen. = (ft (4)___i) t-t§ foremost r wet tra t most notable; 44—
7-1 41. *1) (i) He is the foremost singer of our time.
8. (C) milk * 1 :1 -- t how much 1 15. (A) utmost W-4-a• outermost r ,544.1141 i1411 I -41T rlk
51414i i14u Azhit out 'EFT Comparative outer rr utter @of *,
Uncountable Noun 7,t esicA * Fart qtt `Superlative outermost WM utmost ilof 1 outer -MT
AIG111:111 }I4141 reIV-11 7T71 ti ftir
outermost Itt_________ ,Jvircr, utter Positive Degree 4
4 1 -
4 : 4
INER IT * TIT*7 art am t 'complete'.
' analyse rtr{ :1' ITO * f how many
utmost Tr alltt -di• greatest.
eggs and milk = how many eggs and (how many)
milk, 7)' ungrammatical 1 31Th milk * TO how
(i)The outer gate (aile.0
much ,11 ITT t zaTEr u45,. t-dt *1
(ii)The outermost gate (*pm "Mi. Tr WO

(i)He did it in utter (= complete) ignorance.

(ii)He is a man of the utmost (= grea
56 A Mirror of Common Errors
16. (B). furthei: .1.ed: farther7z1)71- _____ii ______1rb further -4
22. ( B ) m u c h _______4q - - more w 1KITT H
ETC 77 t'a w 7141 __________: in
- i Gm11Zr} much
addition to/besides aPi 17:11 1 T t Acirct) Positive Degree Quantative Adjective
farther 7i 1-4 .3-75 11; Comparative 'more' ciI i rt e, many Positive
(i)I have given you a lot. I don't want to give you Degree W' Numeral Adjective MIT
anything further. Comparative Degree 'more' t 1 a i m r`q
w - ozr it 'more than fifty songs' kj.g.
(ii)His house is farther. than mine my house is) 23. (D) any man
from Gandhi Maidan. any other; man tr anybody else TT
17. (B) than c to TT -grq 7-4 %1g1+1 thiAt 411; -

preferahle/prefer 3-7ft 'to' Preposition (i)He is better than any other boy in the class,
- , ncn t, 7 than Conjunction 71-1 74:ff woR
Latin Adjectives t 74711" WTq 'to' (ii)He is better than anybody else in the class,
Preposition M`__I At *1 -?4' Latin Adjectives t
Senior / Junior / Superior / Inferior / Prior / Anterior / (iii)He is better than all other boys in the class.
Posterior; ______— 24. (B) lovingly
(i)He is senior to me. q Ia• loving w 141 1 aiii .1-41-Ni lovingly
-- 5 4

(ii)This is prior to that. Adverb t appearance Noun) qualify

18. (C) luckiest t luckier W- -srzb-TI cf-e4 ch 7Gi -en t1 Noun qualify ittv., TT TR
comparison f ci. c Adjective crrtcu t, t f4 Adverb.
*1 Superlative N.B. 'ar-41. Only f At least / Even / Almost
Degree Adjective *I trq aTikAdverbs t -ft-4- Noun 7fr Pronoun 1-t-
j" a-11 41-1
Trj d gr fa q_____t; ____
- - -
4c0 t; _____
He is the best boy in the class. Mira was there.
*41414 ?-4-
f Z Trig
7 - -
# 4§Err
. 1
i“-E-#-'4-0-f 41-1 tl
afti f79 - - 4T only Noun
19. (C) last latest r 5141,1 1,1i I. f late it (ii) Only she can manage it.
Comparative later / latter 7LIT Superlative latest 4- 4.
last tim ti later MIT latest only Pronoun
_____ latter Tiqr last TIT *; *4 — 25. (A) A lots of M' T47
(i) Who is the last man to join the team ? (attri ci.Nc1 A tot of
:41" Lots of, q)" idiomatic S _____It7T1
(ii) What is the latest report ? (777) FT
A dozen of / A hundred of / A thousand of
20. (D) than si c to 9T 3:1 - 47 aiiii 47 t4
a-Trft _______R-0_101 t; ___
d-i-t--A4--w 18 12'1 A dozen of books 'Md 41 'k.14)'qc1 A dozen books
21. (C) unique 1
:17. the most Alm of/ A pair of aiR
a T t t f _______________Adjectives 11 1
t 1r Positive degree # t , ____ 26. (B) some 40 any Wr7 7.1)71 11 1 711 .

Superlative Degree t 1 t # Ad j e c t i v e s *- some 71-

any7T31,--1141 a1 ______Predicate tr t Assertive
unique, excellent, major, minor, maximum, minimum,
sentence # +thifroAcitir some Affirmative
perfect, complete, whole, full, universal, impossible.
sentence Wzil - any T1ai Negative sentence
Geometrical shape __________ Adjectives (1 -
Parallel, spherical, round, triangular, rectangular) w
Comparative 7i Superlative 7g Gi-nqi NAFai tl (i)I have some books. (Affirmative).
more parallel z[r more triangular clh.-n imo *ITT,
Parallel 7T al'ef '#14-11-11-(1*' fER (ii)I do not have any book. (Negative).
*1-11-ff-clo.' W trir ? IT
f1 - 7..TTR r Interrogative sentence ft Some 1T Any Wi_____11 t-d1
___ .374l&___I ? t _____
NOTE full, perfect7.771 - complete T Comparative & Have you some money ? it Have you any money ?
SuPerlative formation ti NOTE tfffig - Subject Part 1 1 any Tsrilqi -2 4
some VI 1.141111 Affirmative uair Negative ______TrwiT
* g__l r f* ti cR i '41
(i) Any Any graduate can apply for this post.
A Mirror of Common Errors 57
(ii)Any boy of your age can be allowed to come in. Degree * Adjective W - t,
(iii)Some boys have not come yet. (Negative) Positive Degree * Adjective W";
(iv)Some boys below ten will not be allowed. (Negative)
The weather is becoming hotter and hotter.
2 7
. (E) tl
28. (E) argzEr______ti (ii) She is becoming more and more depressed.
29. (A) `No less' *q - - ‹* No fewer' Tr 'If I less' 27. (E) qt-4;Eri
2 8 . _____( B ) b e t t e r * 'good' a q i
quantity Acticil 7- 4r- 'fewer' number cilcacti ti
N.B. ki.ow-ucto44., Plural Noun* 7-0 4t No Less WT
relatively * W7 Positive Degree * Adjective Tit ri
sFEWIT 4 1 T v - i i i 4 i t ' N o L e s s ______r _________
4--<* Quantity t; ______—
(i) No less than forty students failed. Nieilci T;i• (i)relatively good [7 fh better]
zrituf (ii)comparatively fine [R finer]
30. (B) more r 314141 RI(' h____icfRrIch more better 4 double - (E) 4r-4w_______ti

comparative WA'ncii %, 34 ,-19 Standard 90. (B) others * .re,c1 other W- stei 41 2in Any other / all
English 4' -frrAl .ti'01 34.hR, double superlative Wt other I most other A' other W.11- * Plural
5i-4 01- Standard English 4 VA-a. t; q-ntlf .ii ii t1
(I) the most brightest. T=71* .tqc.) ft:rt the brightest 41. (C) 'happier' * 'more happy' i-gra ►

NtZl'I Adjectives lo-fi Comparative Degree

3 . (E)ATT7 ';i3W
1 1)- syllable * Adjective * TM more r 1 _______,1
32. (B) more beautiful i=F etc than t: s li 4 1 - l I 1-4 - 11;1 ► rTEI if t; s.—
Comparative ciii Positive Degree W . liv1) 7 1 ti (i)more wise than intelligent. [9 - f wiser]
piaawl t- (ii)more smart than handsome.
(0 This young lady is better than (her youngest sister) 42. (B) other i)___ C1-41-4) 7q. ft-kft 741 "I
but (this young lady is) not so cultured as her 7
4r e1 1 .
1FTT Comparative Degree 4
youngest sister = This young lady is better than but group 7
not so cultured as her youngest sister. xe4-1,1
33. (C) more tall * 4K___c1 taller ci tiircP
``Any + Singular Rajan of this
4,4, syllable * Adjective T Comparative-rier c It orchestra is
Superlative-stiest 11111 "Hen t, more Tri better than any artiste of t h a t o r c h e s t r a . [ g r
most.c,f — R a j a n t r r 7 f t o r c h e s t r a 77-11,4,11 4
Positive Comparative Superlative AfT7 qrc (1,4-1 p -9T dQ orchestra * chetta-o,1
k-TRT lany other +
r.R.izi -4 g -1 -A T m i d i
(i)wise wiser wisest Singular Nouns 54414I lit,
(ii)tall taller tallest aTit Rajan is better than any other artiste of this
N.B. itic jut t LT orchestra.
syllable * Adjective *______ * more t claim! "to! 43. (D) more * most 3{44 4i i)411 ________
ITT __________wK:ga-i); teiaciretrl 11T
— 1••ei-n e cifvrr Superlative Degree ,z`r, Adjective

(i)He is more wise than intelligent. Ati if ch4, t; I-

(ii)She is more tall than fat. aurql
34. (B) more' r most W . Nti 4 1 l 4 11 c1 4 -1 ct) more (1) All the boys are good but you are the best.
thanT Neil41 qT4=er Te *1 trffmt (ii) All the books are interesting but this one is the
What pleases him most = The thing which pleases most interesting.
him most ( Z-4 ,ki,24 alfEr 11•N---1 cMcil t) 44. (B) more *_____ 'most' Tr 544141 z 4ii .144 1.6 "I have
i11)-Tr ,111
ever solved" 4 irdT 100i f 'TT solve

arwg, What pleases him more than you is writing d*i4 tm (most difficult) itclici ti
Nirrr liars ______ avf_____ 45. (C) highly * ciic 'higher' r 3141J' 1. 1 11 i-e4rete 'than' 4
The thing which pleases him more than (the thing .
tra 414:4 Comparative Degree tti
which pleases) you is writing. 46. (C) 'thoroughly' * ___cc1 'thorough' W. Nreitrt q-6117¢
35. (E) cuemti ( C ) c o l d * 4 4 - - - a c o l d e r W • W i l l i thoroughly _______ Adverb t, thorough 1..TE5
41 71
gradual development *-)" TA' Comparative
58 A Mirror of Common Errors
Adjective, atR r* -91' Noun * Qualify ____1 T T r r f Synthesis tt v7T7 otiRmeil zff cRgait
Adjective t - dr)1 __i Positive degree
(i)a thorotlgh knowledge [R- ft thoroughly] "So/as + Positive degree + as "
Atm *; ‘U-
Adjective Noun (i) Ram is not so/as influential as Shyam.
(ii)a complete book [-4 ft completely]
sofas Positive, as
Adjective Noun Degree
49. (A) happily * .6ic 'happy' TTY
IT q7biT feel.
(iii)a thoroughly exhausted source,
taste, seem, appear, remain, look, aTT-R Copula Verbs
C 3i"(14 W4' Adjectives TT Van- AW 1,
Adverb Adj. Noun Adverbs
[8 FT thorough]
(a)He looks handsome. [7 f handsomely]
(iv)a completely destroyed shop. (b)The table feels hard. [7 ft hardly]
50, (D) 'greatest' * 'greater' 4101 ail!
Adverb Adj, Noun (c)He remained silent. [7 ft silence 7 47 silently1
[7 fT complete] `Principal' WM Professors'____t ma.,R * 41-9.
47. (E) , rr w47jat
48. (A) as good' * 717 Comparative Degree 4 _____ t Comparative
'as' - ,1" CrA*11 379- Degrees Adjective TT______I fti7Er T iicuti
ql 1-4T Positive Degree I'M Comparative Degree


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