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CS 207 Computer Organization and Architecture (COA)

• Registers
• Shift Registers
• Serial Transfer
• Serial Adder
• Problem and Discussion

• Device to store multiple bits of binary data.
• Group of flip-flops connected in series used to
store multiple bits of data
• An n-bit register consists of a group of n flip-
flops capable of storing n bits of binary

4 D FFs, and a common clock-pulse input.

4-bit Register


Shift Registers
• A register capable of shifting its binary information in one or both direction is called a shift register.
• All flip-flops receive common clock pulses, which activate the shift from one stage to the next.
• The simplest possible shift register is one that uses only flip-flops, as shown in Figure.
4-bit shift A B C D
register (SISO)

Consider that all the

stages are reset initially
and a logical input 1011
is applied at the serial
input line connected to
stage A

Types of shift register

• Serial in-Serial out (SISO): The data is shifted serially “IN” and “OUT” of the
register, one bit at a time in either a left or right direction under clock control.

• Serial in-Parallel out (SIPO): The register is loaded with serial data, one bit at a
time, with the stored data being available at the output (all the bits) in parallel

• Parallel in-serial out (PISO): The parallel data is loaded into the register
simultaneously and is shifted out of the register serially one bit at a time under
clock control.

• Parallel in- parallel out (PIPO): The parallel data is loaded simultaneously into
the register, and transferred together to their respective outputs by the same clock


Serial Transfer
• A digital system is said to operate in a serial mode when information is
transferred and manipulated one bit at a time.
• This in contrast to parallel transfer where all the bits of the register are
transferred at the same time.
• The serial transfer us done with shift registers, as shown in the Figure.

Serial Transfer
• To prevent the loss of information stored in the source register, the
information in register A is made to circulate by connecting the serial output
to its serial input.
• The shift control input determines when and how many times the registers
are shifted.
• This is done with an AND gate that allows clock pulses to pass into the CLK
terminals only when the shift control is active.


Serial Transfer

Serial Adder (Serial Addition)

• Operations in digital computers are usually done in parallel because it is a faster mode of
• Serial operations are slower, but have the advantage of requiring less equipment.
• The two binary numbers to be added serially are stored in two shift registers.
• Bits are added one pair at a time through a single full adder.


Serial Adder (Serial Addition)

• Two binary numbers to be added serially are
stored in two shift registers.
• By shifting the sum into A while the bits of A
are shifted out, it is possible to use one register
for storing both the augend and sum bits.
• The carry out of the full adder is transferred to a
D flip-flop.
• The output of the D flip-flop is then used as
carry input for the next pair of significant bits.
• The shift control enables both registers and the
carry FF, so at the next clock pulse, both registers
are shifted once to the right, the sum bit from S
enters the leftmost FF of A, and the output carry
is transferred into FF Q.
• The shift control enables the registers for a
number of clock pulses equal to the number of
bits in the registers.

Serial Adder (Serial Addition)

• To show that serial operations can be designed by means of sequential circuit
• procedure, we will redesign the serial adder using a state table.
• The serial outputs from registers are designated by x and y.
• The sequential circuit proper has two inputs, x and y, that provide a pair of significant bits,
• an output S that generates the sum bit, and flip-flop Q for storing the carry.


Serial Adder (Serial Addition)

Serial Adder (Serial Addition)

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