4.5.3 Test (TST) - Teacher-Scored Unit Test

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In this test, you will apply what you have learned in the unit.

Please answer the questions

below. Submit this to your teacher when you are done.

1. a) Plants are autotrophic. Describe one specialized structure a plant has that helps a plant

produce its own food. Describe what that structure does. (3 points)

The cell structure first starts with Chloroplast which then turns into water and by that will follow
the Carbon Dioxide which will later on turn into sugar.

b) The chemical equation below summarizes photosynthesis. Write a similar equation for

cellular respiration. (Be sure to include a description of the form of energy.) (3 points)
Energy (sunlight) + 6 H2O + 6 CO2 → C6H12O6 + 6 O2

For the cell respiration first begins with the cytoplasm, and later moves to the mitochondria we
learned in the unit, (C6H12O6) it has a strong component of oxygen (O2) which will then be
Carbon dioxide (CO2). Both energy and water will then be formed as ATP. The equation will be

C 6 H 12 O6 + 6O 2 →6 C O2 +6 H 2 O+ ATP

2. a) Name one way the light reactions and dark reactions are similar and one way they are

different. (4 points)

Dark reaction is mostly created by the given energy of the light reaction that has been used. On
the contrary, compared to a light reaction where their energy is being taken by the sunlight.
b) How do the light reactions provide energy for the dark reactions? (Be sure to name any

important molecules that are used) (3 points)

The light molecules are being connected by the water molecules when the water molecules
cover the light molecules it then creates a dark molecule.
c) Why can the Calvin cycle work at night, but the photosystems cannot? (2 points)

For the Calvin cycle to work properly it strongly requires the use of NADPH which forms the light
reaction, named light dependent reaction.

3. a) List the four main steps of cellular respiration. (4 points)

Krebs Cycle, glycolysis, and pyruvate

b) What causes an organism to use the process of anaerobic respiration? (2 points)

A lot of organisms need more oxygen compared to other animals. Meaning that there is a lack
of oxygen which they require to use for energy. When produced that energy is oftentimes called
and known to be anaerobic respiration.
c) How are the steps of cellular respiration different when it is anaerobic respiration? (2 points)

One difference that sets them apart most is the use of oxygen in cellular respiration. In
anaerobic respiration, they use other types of forms and chemical elements. They are similar in
all other aspects.

4. a) Name one-way lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation are similar. (2 points)
Both Lactic acid and alcohol fermentation does not require oxygen.

b) Name one-way lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation are different. (2 points)

They both often produce different aspects. For example, lactic acid forms pyruvate where the
alcohol fermentation produces carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol.
c) Why is aerobic respiration better than anaerobic respiration for producing energy in your

muscles? (2 points)

The better respiration is aerobic respiration. This is because it releases a lot more amounts of
energy with the use of oxygen, glucose, and carbon dioxide.
5. a) Describe how two abiotic factors can move into the trees in a rainforest ecosystem. (2


The abiotic factors are nonliving factors that live in the ecosystem of a rainforest. They need an
equal amount of rain and sunlight as living factors. It will also determine how much the
organisms will grow and how the population in the rainforest will be.

b) What determines how many trophic levels a rainforest ecosystem can support? (2 points)

The producers. They are the trophic level in the ecosystem. They are also the primary source of
organisms living. As they gain and lose energy due to metabolic processes. Sometimes the
producers can not support additional levels of organisms in the ecosystem.
c) What is the role of the decomposers in a rainforest ecosystem? (2 points)

The main role that they play is the breakdown of nutrition and material for other organisms in
the rainforest.
6. a) Suckerfish live in the ocean. These fish attach themselves to the underside of sharks, and

the sharks move them from one place to another. The sharks are not harmed by the suckerfish.

State what type of symbiotic relationship this is, and explain why it is this type. (4 points)

The main relationship between both a suckerfish and a shark is parasitism. The suckerfish
benefit by eating the unwanted parasites from the shark's skin which late on can harm the

b) What is the difference between mutualism and parasitism? (3 points)

Mutualism is when both living organisms benefit. Compared to parasitism is when one of the
organisms benefits while the other gets harmed in the process.

7. Look at the food web shown below.

a) Identify the producers, primary consumers, and secondary consumers in this ecosystem. (3

The producer: Grass, Ferns

The primary consumer: Caterpillar, grasshopper, rabbit

Secondary consumer: robin

b) What would happen if all the hawks in this ecosystem were to die from an illness? (2 points)

The main impact which would be very harmful to many living organisms is the lack of food
chain hawks dies.
c) Why would you expect there to be fewer foxes than caterpillars in this ecosystem? (2 points)

In mostly any type of different ecosystem, you can have animals that do not eat other animals
and feed off plants to get their energy source. Or you can have animals in fact need to eat other
animals in order to survive and have energy. It is mostly related to the flow of each ecosystem.
Reproduction also plays a big role here and how often fox reproduces more than caterpillars.
d) Which organism in this ecosystem would have the smallest population? Why? (2 points)

The hawk. That is because if there are many living hawks at the same time they view it as
competition and start killing each other leaving us with a major decrease from them and a risk
in the food chain.

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