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Gather research for an essay about one of the topics explored in Fast Food Nation.


your assignment must show that you have a strong research question and at least five sources

that might help you answer that question. You won't actually draft your essay until Lesson 2,


A research question will give your research a clear goal. Each source you find should have the

potential to answer at least part of the research question and bring you closer to understanding

the issue that you've decided to explore. Your assignment will list these sources on an

annotated works-cited page.

Your assignment should include the following elements:

● A research question related to a topic that Eric Schlosser explores in Fast Food Nation
● A works-cited page that lists at least five sources with the potential to answer the
research question
● An annotation for each entry on the works-cited page that summarizes the source's
purpose evaluates its credibility, and explains how it is related to your research question

Fast Food and Marketing Strategies

The phycology of marketing fast food. How does it attract millions of citizens not only in the United
States but worldwide?

Eric Schlosser in his book “Fast Food Nation” explains many interesting topics about the fast food
industry. In fact, he states “ The key to a successful franchise, according to many texts on the subject, can
be expressed in one word: “uniformity.” Franchises and chain stores strive to offer exactly the same
product or service at numerous locations.” (Bookroo)
In the marketing industry of any product or food, the main aspect they focus on is appealing, attracting,
call attention to people to be engaged. Throughout the food industry “selling the food” is the main focus.
In the source of “Marketing Elect” they state “ Behind every food advertisement, is a marketing team that
has strategically chosen every aspect of the promotional clip… from the colors to the music, every single
detail is in there for a reason. Food and beverage companies’ goals are ultimate to get you to buy their
products, hence why their advertisements connote positivity to you, the viewer. A great example of this
includes the McDonald’s Christmas advertisements” (“Psychology of Food Advertising”) Another source
says “ Children are most receptive to marketing messages—their minds are like sponges, ready to soak up
all information they receive. Marketers use this vulnerable time to develop “brand imprinting”—a term
psychologists use to describe the process of encoding a particular brand in our brain’s memory network
through repeated brand name exposure.” (Barronian)

To conclude everything stated so far, throughout the cited sources below and above, we witness
something that could be dangerous to the young generation's health and grown adults. The psychology
and printing effect that food advertisement has is very compelling and leads to many health issues.

Works Cited

Barronian, Payton. “The Psychology of Food Advertising – YouBeauty.” YouBeauty, 26 August

2011, Accessed 19 January 2023.

Bookroo. “The Best 20 quotes from Fast Food Nation.” Fast Food Nation Quotes, Bookroo, - - -, Accessed 19 1 23.

“Fast Food Advertising.” Fast Food Advertising Is Linked to Rising Childhood and Teen Obesity,

3 2 2020,

%20Advertising%20Linked%20to%20Childhood%20Obesity.pdf. Accessed 19 January 2023.

Herman, Alison. “Psychological Tricks by Fast Food.” Business Insider, 23 June 2014, Accessed 19 January


“The Psychology Behind the Fast Food Industry.” Wakelet, 12 3 2015, Accessed 19 January 2023.

“Psychology of Food Advertising.” Marketing Elect, 5 6 2021, Accessed 19 January 2023.

You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one. If you

haven't done so, go back and complete that activity now.

Ask yourself these questions as you revise:

● Is my research question appropriate to the length and scope of the essay? Is it broad

enough to require several sources to answer but narrow enough that I can provide an

answer in a single essay?

● Are the sources on my works-cited page cited according to MLA guidelines?

● Do my annotations make it clear how my sources might help me answer the research

question? Do my annotations show how the sources are relevant to the topic I've


● Do I evaluate the sources for their transparency, timeliness, and author authority?

Use this rubric to determine how well you're meeting the criteria for the assignment.
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