Describing Tools

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Tools and Equipment while Cooking

Written By :

Dinda Rhomadhona A (

Hello, good afternoon class. First of all, let me introduce myself : my name is Dinda
Rhomadhona Ayuningtyas. And I came from Boyolali.

Thank you for your time and participation for leting me speaking in front of you all.
In this occasion I would like to tell you about tools and equipment in the kitchen which is I
choose to entitled this to “Cooking’s Stuff”. Well, I’m not gonna wasting time. Let me start

First of all, I’m gonna start from the most basic equipment in the kitchen – knife.
Well, knife is really helpful for us to cut a meat, vegetables, fruit, etc. Knife has two parts,
the first path is often made of metal and the other is plastic or made of wood. The metal
part is called a blade, the blade is the useful part of knife, because it sharp and thick which is
made it being useful to cut a thing. And the other part is called handle, this part is made to
protect and help your hand when cutting so your hand doesn’t get injured

Spatula is other meaningful kitchen tools that I’m gonna describe. Well, if you gonna
make Nasi Goreng there’s no way you don’t need spatula. If you are making tempe goreng,
this tool is gonna help you to stir it and to get tempe when it is ready to serve. But, here you
have to know what is the part of spatula and what it use for. Well, basically spatula has
three part. The first part is a handle, this part is usually made of isolator material such as
woods or plastic, because this part is gonna protect you from heat and isolator material are
made for it. The second part is made of metal usually, this part are connected a handle in to
it’s main part. Well, the main part of spatula use to lifting or flipping food, and it’s made of
metal or wood.
The other useful cooking’s tools is kettle. Well, kettle is well-known by it
specialization as a tea container. Well, it’s typically like a pot, used for boiling water. It has
lid, spout, and a handle. Well, a lid is use to close the kettle to avoid a hot steamed because
of boiling. A spout is used for pouring a water. And a handle is helpful when you are pouring
or lifting a kettle, it made of a isolator material to avoid a heat from boiling.

The other useful container is a coffee or tea cups. Well, a coffe or tea cups is often
had a handle to help you lift the cups. Usually people draw a text or a picture of their
favorite band or their name on it. Well, I have a coffe cups that printed my favourite band
One Direction, approximately it looks like this.

I think that’s all I can speak today, thank you for your participation. See you next

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