BA BBA French SEM IV-13

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SVKM’S NMIMS Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

Program: B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) 8101 & B.B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) 8102 Semester: IV

Module: French Module Code:

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Lecture Practical Tutorial Credit Internal Continuous Term End Examinations
(Hours (Hours (Hours Assessment (ICA) (TEE)
per per per (Marks - 50) (Marks- 50
week) week) week) in Question Paper)
2 0 0 0 Marks Scaled to 50 Marks Scaled to 50
1. Linguistics: This aim is to understand the grammar, vocabulary and phonetics to master the
language right from the basic level. It is divided into 3 parts:
1. Grammar: 2. Vocabulary 3. Phonetics
what grammar parts will the the vocabulary required pronunciation, intonations etc
student need in a given to effectively communicate
situation to express him /
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students would be able to:
 Introduce themselves in a meeting and converse with people from different countries
 Have a discussion on the whereabouts and identities of people they interact with such as their
nationalities, the countries they come from, the languages they speak
 Count numbers from 0 to 69
 Communicate in class and understand instructions such as:
 repeat/answer/listen/look/tick the right answer/write/underline/close/how is it
pronounced/how is it written/how does one say/work in groups/I don’t know/I do not
Basic communication.
 Greet people and take leave
 Speak about themselves, their family names, first names, nationalities, ages, studies, universities
 To ask and give personal information about academic subjects, study hours, free time
Detailed Syllabus: ( per session plan )
Unit Description Duration

1. The French Alphabet 1 Hr

Use of Accents
Greetings: Good morning/ Good afternoon / Good evening/Good night
Ref: Apprenons le francais- book no -0. lesson –1
Pedagogy- class lecture and speaking abilities.
2. Basic pronounciation guide. 1 Hr
Ref: apprenons le francais. Book-2 lesson 1
Pedagogy: classsroom speaking.
SVKM’S NMIMS Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

3. Se presenter- name, nationality, age, language spoken, likes, dislikes ,sports 1 Hr

Ref: apprenons le francais, book –0. Lesson 3.
Pedagogy: Class workshop speaking abilities.
4. Salutations and basic communication. French Phrases. 1 Hr
Ref: apprenons le francais- book- 1, lesson 1.
Pedagogy: class lecture.
5. Basic conversation in class- repeat, pronounce, pardon, excuse me. 1 Hr
6. Dialogue in class-greet, ask questions and reply. Student-teacher, student – 1 Hr
student conversation
Ref: apprenons le francais- book- 1, lesson 5
Pedagogy: class room discussion.
7. Articles. Definite article- le/le/l’/les 1 Hr
Indefinite article- un/une/des
Vocabulary of classroom.
Ref: apprenons le francais- book –o. Lesson 5
Pedagogy- french writing practice
8. Basic vocabulory of school, food, fruits, vegetables 1 Hr
Ref: apprenons le francais. Book 1, lesson 4.
Pedagogy: class room lecture.
9. Subject pronouns- sujet pronom 1 Hr
Ref: apprenons le francais, book –1, lesson 2.
Pedagogy: class lecture.
10. Conjugation of the irregular and auxiliary verb etre and avoir. (only present 1 Hr
tense, all three forms) its use in age.
Ref: apprenons le francais, book -1. Lesson 5.
Pedagogy: class learning and writing skills.
11. Comprehension on se presenter 1 Hr
12. Irregular verb Aller and uses with places(en france, au canada, etc) 1 Hr
Ref: apprenonsle francais. Book –1. Lesson 7.
Pedagogy: class lecture.
13. Conjugation of the Irregular verb “FAIRE” 1 Hr
Used to describe weather conditions
Seasons in the year (Summer/Spring/Monsoon/Autumn/Winter)
Weather in the different seasons (Hot/Cold/Windy/Foggy/Rainy)
Comment fait-il? Quel temps fait-il?
Il fait beau/Il fait chaud/Il fait froid/Il fait du vent.
Ref site:
Pedagogy: class lecture.
14. Basic prepositions (dans, en, sous, sur, etc). 1 Hr
Pedagogy: class lecture.
15. Numbers 1-100 1 Hr
Ref: apprenons le francais, book-1, lesson 4.
SVKM’S NMIMS Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

Pedagogy: class lecture.

16. Conjugation of regular verbs ending in “ER”and “IR” and “RE”. All three forms. 1 Hr
List of verbs used in daily use.
Ref: apprenons le francais. Book 3. lesson 1.
Pedagogy: class lecture, writing skills.
17. Conjugation of : “REFLEXIVE ER” verb S’APPELER. All reflexive verb list of 1 Hr
verbs used for daily use.
Ref site:
Pedagogy: class lecture of writing practice.
18. Demonstrative, Interrogative, Possessive Adjectives. 1 Hr
Ref site:
Pedagogy: class lecture
19. Qualificative adjectives and its agreement. 1 Hr
Ref: apprenons le francais. Book –1. Leson 5.
Pedagogy: class lecture.
20. Masculine and feminine of nouns and agreement with adjectives 1 Hr
Ref: apprenons le francais. Book –1, lesson 10.
Ref: g.mauger book.
Pedagogy :class lecture
21. Singular and Plural of nouns and agreement with adjectives 1 Hr
Ref: apprenons le francais,book –1. Lesson 3
Pedagogy: class lecture.
22. Les couleurs and its agreement. De quelle couleur est le stylo? 1 Hr
Ref: apprenons le francais, book –1. Lesson 10.
Pedagogy: class speaking abilities.
23. Moments of the day 1 Hr
Days of the week
Months of the Year
Answer to the question : Combien de jours y a-t-il dans une semaine?
Il ya sept jours dans une semaine
Ref: apprenons le francais, book –1. Lesson 7.
Pedagogy: class lecture
24. Seasons and weather of France and India 1 Hr
Ref site:
Pedagogy: class lecture
25. Quelle heure est –il? The 24 hour clock. Speaking about the time. 1 Hr
Ref site:
Pedagogy: class lecture and speaking abilities.
26. Nationalities and their languages 1 Hr
Ref : apprenons le francais, book –1 . Lesson 6.
Pedagogy: class lecture.
SVKM’S NMIMS Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

27. Professions. 1 Hr
Ref site:
Pedagogy: class lecture and writing practice.
28. Family members and relations 1 Hr
Ref site:
Pedagogy: class lecture
29. Essay writing in french :- moi-meme, mon ami,mon oncle/tante. 1 Hr

30. Comprehension on mon ecole, ma famille. 1 Hr

Total 30 Hrs
Text Books:
Annie Berthet / Catherine Hugot / Véronique M. Kizirian / Beatrix Sampsonis / Monique Waendendries.
Reference Books:
1. NOUVEAU TAXI: Méthode de Français – HACHETTE.
2. GRAMMAIRE PROGRESSIVE DU FRANCAIS – Niveau Débutant- Maïa Grégoire – CLE
3. OUI, JE PARLE FRANCAIS – 1 Méthode de Français MANAK BOOKS Prochy Master
4. A Revision French Grammar and Composition Book – BLACKBURN AND MORRIS.
1 – Librairie Hachette.
Any other information: TEACHING TOOLS such as poems, songs, food and recipes, Youtube videos,
Films, theatre acting, games, quiz outside the academic syllabus will be taught as well to familiarize
the student with French Culture and to reinforce academic concepts. GUEST LECTURERS, if possible,
may also be requested to address the students.
Total Marks of Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA) : 50 Marks
Distribution of ICA Marks:
Description of ICA Marks
Written Test 10 Marks
Project 20 Marks
Viva 10 Marks
Class Participation 10 Marks
Total Marks : 50 Marks

__________ ____________
Signature Signature
(Prepared by Ms. Amita Rathod) (Approved by Dean)

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