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Good morning everyone and welcome to my presentation.

First of all, let

me thank you all for coming here today. Let me start by saying just a few
words about my own background. I’m an environmental engineer from
UPC in lima, Peru.
What I’d like to present to you today is some ways to keep the
environment and the natural resources since as you know you must take
care of the environment and natural resources for our survival.
Perhaps you have wondered what you can do to help? Here I’m going to
share you 3 simple tasks to start with the change, putting them into
practice does not require much effort, you just need to be committed.
First, Plant trees.
Trees are essential for the world, they produce oxygen, reduce carbon
dioxide, absorb polluting gases, regulate temperature, among other
benefits. So now you know, plant a tree and contribute to caring for the
Second, Save water.
Water is an essential and scarce resource that we must use responsibly.
Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth, bathe in 5 minutes, collect
the water from the shower while you bathe, are small actions that help
save it.
Finally, reuse everything you can.
Give your objects a second life before throwing them away in order to
save money and avoid buying everything new. It can be your clothes, toys
or some household utensil.
Let's put these measures into practice and contribute to preventing,
stopping and reversing the degradation of the world's ecosystems!
Thank you for your attention.

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