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Aloe Vera Pimple Gel


Aloe vera is a tropical plant with leaves that produce a clear gel.When applied to the skin, aloe vera gel has
been shown to help fight bacteria, reduce inflammation, and promote wound healing Because of this, it’s a
popular treatment for a variety of skin conditions, including psoriasis, rashes, cuts, and burns.There are limited
studies on the ability of aloe vera to fight pimples specifically, but existing research is promising.Aloe vera
contains lupeol, salicylic acid, urea nitrogen, cinnamonic acid, phenols, and sulfur, all of which inhibit bacteria
that might cause pimples.In one study, varying concentrations of aloe vera gel were added to a clove-basil oil
and evaluated for anti-acne properties. The higher the concentration of aloe vera in the lotion, the more
effective it was at reducing pimples.Another study found that using 50% aloe vera gel with tretinoin cream
was significantly more effective at clearing up pimples than tretinoin cream alone. Tretinoin cream is an acne
medication derived from vitamin A.
Although aloe vera gel on its own was not effective at treating pimples, it enhanced the anti-acne effects of
clove-basil oil and tretinoin cream.While aloe vera gel may help clear up pimples on its own, it may be more
effective when combined with other remedies or medications.
How to use aloe vera gel for acne
Scrape the gel out of the aloe leaves with a spoon.
Apply the gel to your skin when you apply other acne treatments. You may want to try mixing it with your
other treatment, and then apply this to your skin. Or, you can apply the other acne treatment first, adding the
aloe gel over it.
Repeat 1–2 times per day, or as desired.
Applying aloe to the skin can help treat burns, heal wounds, and fight inflammation. It has been shown to
increase the anti-acne effects of other treatments, but more research is needed on its effects when used on its
1. What would you have to check to ensure that someone else does not have intellectual property
rights over your product or design?
I would check to ensure that someone else does not have intellectual property rights over my products
or design by Patent Searches.A thorough patent search includes all "prior art," including issued
patents, published applications and inventions described in other sources such as journal articles or
other literature. You will also need to find not just identical inventions, but also similar ones.
Trademark Searches and Copyright searches.
2. What can you do to stop another person from copying your product or design and using it or selling it?
If I find someone has copied my design, I will contact them first and let them know I have registered my
particular design and ask them to stop. If they do not, I will be seeking a legal advice about the avenues for
potential legal solutions.It is best to document any copying of my design that I see. I will take screenshots or
photos, and keep any infringing material as evidence. I need to be able to show that the copied design does
not materially differ from my registered design. Having concrete examples will make this process much easier

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