English Reviewer 2nd Grading

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Robert Burns

• Was a Scottish poet and lyricist. He is generally thought to be the national poet of
Scotland because he is the most widely read among all poets who have written in
English and a light scots dialect so that his poetry would be understood by an
audience beyond Scotland as well.
Auld Lang Syne
• Is a Scottish poet that was late set to music (1788).
• Translate to old long since in English and means time gone by
• Is made up of 6 stanzas that use an ABCB rhyme scheme creating a ballad
The theme of Auld lang syne:
• Song of farewell
Traditionally sung:
• New year
• Graduation
• funeral

Stephen Spender/sir Stephen Spender

• Was an English poet, novelist, and essayist whose work concentrated on themes of
social injustice and the class struggle. He was appointed Poet Laureate in Poetry by
the United State Library of Congress in 1955.
I Think Continually of Those Who Were Truly Great
• Written in 1928 by Stephen Spender. This poem dramatizes the conflict between
our potential as humans to become heavenly, and our need to be earthly.
• Memories of their greatness
• remembering, celebrating, and cherishing the "truly great" among us
Edwin Markham (April 33, 1852-March 7, 1940)
• His original name is Charles Edwin Anson Markham, he was an American poet and
lecturer best known for his poem “The Man with the Hoe”, which accented laborer’s
hardships, and was presented at a public poetry reading in 1898. His main
inspiration was a French Painting of the same name in French (L’homme a la houe)
by Jean Francois Millet
1st Stanza- Describes miserable conditions of the farmer.
2nd Stanza- illustrates the contradicting situations of the farmer’s lives
3rd Stanza- Convey that there is a big difference between the farmer suffering and the ruler
who lived in happiness

• A group of sentences that fleshes out a single idea.
• A visual representation of any information is intended to present information
quickly and clearly.

The story- The purpose behind the infographic is to tell a story.
Data- The most important component of an infographic is accurate data.
Design- the design should be based on the story
-Colors (maximum of 3 colors)
-Fonts (maximum of 2 font styles)
Graphs and charts- that display the data uniquely and creatively.

The 6 S to create a good infographic:


Types of infographic:

List infographics- mostly text that lists information about a given subject.
Comparison infographics- compares and contrasts 2 different subjects
Flowchart infographic-starts at a single point and branch off based on different decisions.
Visual article infographics- consist of a lot of visuals relevant to the content of the article
Timeline infographics- shows how a subject changed over time
Data visualization- the visual presentation of data or information. Data is visualized in the
form of chart, infographic, diagram, or map
Text-to-Text connections
1.Text-to-Self – refers to connections made between the text and the reader’s personal
2.Text-to-Text – connections made between a text being read and a text previously read.
3.Text-to-World – connections between a text being read and something that occurs in the
real world.

• The action of linking or connecting one person or other things

O. Henry (September 11, 1862- June 5, 1910)

William Sydney Porter. American story writer whose tales romanticized the commonplace-
in particular the life of ordinary people in New York.

The Gift of the Magi (1905)

Where both partners sacrificed something just to give each other meaningful presents for
Mrs. James Dillingham (Della)- is a loving, selfless wife who sold her hair to buy her
husband (Jim) a present he ‘deserves”
Pride: Hair
Present for Jim: Watch chain ($21)
Mr. James Dillingham (Jim)- bears the burden of supporting himself and his wife on a
meager income. ($20 a week)
Pride: Heirloom Gold watch
Madam Sufroni- who bought Della’s hair
Setting: Furnished flat in New York, Christmas Eve
Theme: Unconditional Love
The Last Leaf (1907)
• Joanna (Johnsy)- A young artist from California. She lives with sue in a studio
apartment in Greenwich Village and has long dreamed of visiting Italy to paint the
Bay of Naples. Falls ill with pneumonia.
• Sue- A young artist from Maine
• Berhman- An old somewhat cantankerous artist. He catches pneumonia and dies.
Masterpiece: A realistic-looking leaf

Setting: Greenwich Village, New York. During a pneumonia epidemic

Theme: Hope
Pneumonia: unseen stranger

Shirley Jackson
Shirley Hardie Jackson was an American writer known primarily for her works of
horror and mystery. She is best known for her story “The Lottery” (1948)

• Tessie Hutchinson- The unlucky loser of the lottery. Tessie draws the paper with the
black mark on it and is stoned to death.
• Bill Hutchinson-Tessie’s husband.
• Old Man Warner-The oldest man in the village. Old Man Warner has participated in
seventy-seven lotteries.
• Mr. Summers-The man who conducts the lottery. Mr. Summers prepares the slips of
paper that go into the black box and calls the names of the people who draw the
• Mr. Harry Graves- The postmaster. Mr. Graves helps Mr. Summers prepare the
papers for the lottery and assists him during the ritual.

Vocabulary words:

1. Lottery-a contest

2. Beamed-smiled very happily

3.Clung-held tightly

4. Boisterous-noisy and active

5. Daintily delicately, in a lady-like fashion

6. Petulantly with unreasonable irritation

7. Stone-death, violence, cruelty, and tradition

8. Black Box-Death, coffin-like

9. Names in the paper- graves

10. Delacroix- of the cross

11. The casting of stones-Killing and tradition

12. Box- represents tradition and ritual

13. 3 legged stool- holds up a traditional box.

Symbolism- is the idea that things represent other things. It also means metaphor.

Metaphor- an indirect comparison of unlike things/ objects.

Allegory-is interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning.

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