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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Dupax del Sur


Teacher: Learning Area: English Grading Period:
Grade Level: GRADE-11 2nd QUARTER
Date: December 2022


The learners realize the rigors of The learners proficiently deliver various speeches using
crafting one’s speech the principles of effective speech delivery

A. Learning Competencies EN11/12OC-IIcj-24 Uses principles of effective speech
delivery in different situations
B. Learning Outcome
C. Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students can:
.Identify the different speeches according to delivery
.Use the principles of speech delivery in different situation.
II. CONTENT Types to speech according to delivery
A. References . Oral Communication in Context textbook P. 80-81
. Maricopa Community colleges
B. Other Learning . Visual aids (laptop, T.V screen)
Resources .Manila paper, white cartolina
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher Student
A. Review of Previous Lesson / A. Preparatory Activities
Presentation of the New
Lesson “Good morning class” “Good morning ma’am”

“Before we begin, may I call (------ says his prayer and his
------ to please lead the prayer” classmates pray in silence)

Our Father in Heaven,

We thank thee for this day
We thank thee for thy blessings
And we thank thee for our
safety coming to school
Father, we ask thee for
guidance to make this day
In Jesus’ name we pray,

Once again good morning (The whole class took their sit)
please take your seats

Mr./Ms. secretary please check (Students quietly checks their

the attendance and while surrounding for trash)
he/she check your attendance
pick up the little pieces of litter
beside you

B. Inquiry about the previous


“Can someone tell me what

your previous lesson is?” “Our previous lesson is about
speeches according to purpose.”
“Very good! It is good to know
that you still remember the
previous lessons that were

C. Introduction of the new

“ Who among you is scared
speaking in front of many
people, raise your right hand?”

( a number of students raise their

“Most of us are, even me I hand)
sometimes feel scared too.
Before we start our lesson let
us watch a three-minute video.

“What can you say about the


B. Establishment of a Purpose for “Based on the video, what are “The man who is speaking is funny”
the Lesson the things you observed?”


“ Can you tell if the speaker “ No ma’am”


“Is he confident?” “Yes Ma’am”

“Do you think we can speak in “ Not sure / yes/ No ma’am’

front like him?”

“Of course, we can! We just

need to try”

“You know, there is a quote that

‘Most of a speech's
effectiveness lies not in what
is said (the words) but in how
it is said ( delivery)’

A lot of us may have the same

topic however the way we
deliver it our speech makes the
C. Presentation of Examples / “There are four types of speech
Instances of the New Lesson delivery however I only chose
two for our lesson today”
(All students)
I will show you three situations
and tell me whether it is
manuscript or memorized.
1. News report
“ Manuscript”
2. Presidential speech
3. Stage play “Memorized”
“Alright, these given situations
are the most common scenarios
where manuscript and
memorized speeches are used”

D. Discussion of New Concepts and “Now let us discuss the uses

Practice of New Skills these chosen two speech
delivery and identify their
advantages and disadvantages”
(call a student to read)
1. Reading a manuscript
-delivering a speech
from a text written
word for word. The
advantage to this is
that the speaker has
no problem in
forgetting their
speech and it is well

“ So, what are some of the

examples? Well of course as
stated before presidential
speech during SONA,
graduation speech. In some
schools students are required to
read their speech to make sure
they won’t miss a word and use
unnecessary words that may
drag the program.”

Manuscript speeches might

seem the easiest however…
(call a student) please continue.

- Since the
manuscript is
recited from a
manuscript, it
lacks impact to
the audience
and gives no
“ When a speaker reads his/her
speech the audience tend to get
bored because the speaker
does not make connection or
entice them into listening like in
a normal conversation because
their focus is only on what they

“ At all costs we must avoid

losing our audience’s attention”

Tips when reading a

A. Don’t rush
A good speaker
reads 140 words per minute.
Too fast and too slow is not

“ Your goal is for your speech to

be heard and understood, do
not focus on finishing reading
your speech.
B. Memorize the
first and last
“If you observe a news anchor
you can see that there are
some parts of his or her speech
are not read rather, they have
already familiarized their first
and last lines that they no
longer need to read.
Memorizing the first and last
lines gives you the time to look
at your audience.”
C. Look at the
audience at
the end or at
the beginning
of the
“ Know the time when
to pause. Looking at
your audience creates
a connection between
the speaker and the

2. Memorized speech
-The opposite of
manuscript. Instead
of reading the
speaker delivers the
speech by recalling
the text. The good
thing about
memorized is you ca
keep eye contact with
your audience.

“ It is done by preparing
a speech then
memorize it word for
word. So, what is the
disadvantage of a
memorized speech?”
- For a speaker to
memorize a speech a
lot of time is needed.
And at some point,
you might forget a
few lines of even mix
your lines because of

Tips to avoid
forgetting memorized

A. Slow down
- Don’t rush. The
quicker you talk
the more you

B. Use hand

“Sometimes hand
gestures help you
calm down and
get comfortable
standing in front
of a crowd.”
C. Include your
expression in
your voice. You
need to change
the sound of your

“ You may lower or

raise your voice.
Make your speech
alive, not
D. Memorize not just
the speech, but
also the outline of
the speech.
“Memorizing the
outline of your speech
can help you know your
next lines and keep you
back on track.

F. Development of Mastery “For your first activity, I

am going to divide the
class in to three
groups. I will read you
a description then your
team will decide
whether it is manuscript
or memorized. Write
your answer on your
show me board..”

“ Are you ready?

Alright!” “Yes ma’am”

G. Finding Practical Applications of 1. Delivering Manuscript

Concepts and Skills in Daily your speech by
Living reading it word for
2. A delivery
method is often used
for political reasons.

3. Delivered by
the speaker by Memorized
recalling texts.

4. Use hand
gestures. Memorized

5. As a
disadvantage the
audience grows bored
because of the lack of Manuscript

6. Include your
expression in your
voice. You need to
change the sound of
your speech

7. A
good speaker reads
140 words per minute.
Too fast and too slow
is not good. Manuscript

8. Look at the
audience at the end or
at the beginning of
the sentence.

9. it lacks impact
to the audience and
gives no emotion
10. Slow down
- Don’t rush.
The quicker you talk
the more you forget.
congratulations to those
who were able to give
answers for the group”

H. Generalizing and Abstractions of “Now let’s recall “It is a speech written word for word
the Lesson What is a manuscript?” and is read by the speaker”

“Very good, what are its

advantage and disadvantages” “It is the easiest but it makes the
audience bored”

“ How about memorized “ Memorized speech is the recalling

speech” of a text ma’am”
“ You can keep your eye contact
ma’am however there are instances
“advantages and where you might forget what you
disadvantages?” have memorized”

“Very good!”
I. Evaluating Learning “bring out 1\4 sheet of paper.
Number it down 1-5.
Identify whether it is connected
with manuscript or memorized”

1.It is commonly used during Manuscript

Political speech
2.It is the hardest type of speech Memorized
3.It is a speech that is commonly Memorized
used at a play.
4.The speaker must look at the Manuscript
Audience at the beginning or
at the end of the sentence
5.It is a speech that takes a long Memorized
time to be familiarized
J. Additional Activities for For your assignment
Application or Remediation
“Choose a common issue
happening at your school or in
your community and create a
speech about your chosen
topic. You can either inform,
entertain, or persuade.”
“Goodbye ma’am”
“Alright, Goodbye class!”

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter that
my principal or supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?


Noted/Reviewed by: APRIL CAROL, Cooperating Teacher

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