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hug 292022 5 Be GR. No. 177131 BSP vs. COA Jane, 7, 2011 a of _the case:\ This is a petition for plohibition Filed te rae ie fule 65 of the Riles of Court ayarast eee peel its June If 2002 Decision, tts_Feb 2” 4 pend Oler i Ssuances ar eting ther From. di > 4 ae 2 Commistinn on Mids) idsuedd m Refpbabion, sin i Saou rao fs goliey. on the cuditvofi the Bey Scouts : te Phi pines, on: theee_gronas: (0) classifying dt vas “Mbhe he oF (Das ."Zovernment -contre lied —cotporshon 25 a "government inctromentality” fdminrs tone = Cae of Ay” The BSP .teyuested. ‘fe consideration poontendiy Hat @A:2 27h, hash, climingled ind Aullitie | the Vesignmbion of 8512 45 a" sovernment * controlled enterprise’! The BSA also dees not Consider itself to we a: youernment instronentaity “ant 15 neither owned: nor \conlrolied’ bY” The government. Vl Contende that gsP is indeed Corporation _estabhshed under Commenwealia LW) which demonstrates the tit I$ a goverment SF petteates its stond tat pts public snot place if within the. oF COA as (+ lacks wnership OF contyoy that He ment —O bidution requires before an entity beck oF Said Junisciction. bine De 20% & Conbruetion oF BSP y. CoA MW. Fists Whedbee on nod the BSP falls Under the “COAL sausrs Juris cle tron F Held” The Supreme Court Finds that onder he Amended charter o£ the BS Pl. Continues to bea public Corporation of a gevecament inshetumerhy, whofe. Funds ite Subjees sto the exerci po? he Con white Shady jared tion « The. ministrive Code pF M87 designated RSe geek ANarie eure pide Dede, Bowever, Rings? Ohi oth agency, Coed aoe Change the Fact BL. die indeed a ~Gluetnmend -— contelled Corpormbron Wi'th\ the OMG inate 2 charter ag d Necessarily, sabre b COA aid vids unis Actron . I- GRO 237663 Rpblic ye bee oF Cormbe Oot Ub, 2020 Nahe OF \ the Goce Distisuich Goitinmeat Owned Prepon — ands :Céntoled CorpowtibA Ges 4 . 2 Fade a Comphiak Sur eancelletiin’ oF pibhe! and reversion ip Filed by the Repubre Ageing the vecpendend Tegh “the! “08 Gs \ beveling bo - the complaint, toe 8 G cle dina soondya fn OF the Phikygines, Sued Om = nilentPred Proclamation’ 1a 190 Ces igeating Gertan > bey, patiels: We the. pyennce \ of Ta prnga for. milters ose. This lend wore RA Subdinided by Tose \ Hencam + wt One t linds/ obs wer owned by Froneice o Garcia. He Syfd\ ties’ boa lot > Und Berrie 2 This Certain dot! whe: beter Parl wat \Cultinted by pts AClormente, While thx. Care wa Pending, He Reims OF bemabe wontgased the Subject property +o CR BR, Meter Hee: fepablic Frled a Complaint Qyenmt Coane? CR BB aelel a! Motion , Hod sminy 6 top Perouned its OWnershiy levk Bir Force t ace hence Hee Lants Should pe arty te satheke tke Case, “CRBBS Mobo, te dismis Then the Filing OF fre RTE Bue 80, 202% Lecvee {Whether they CAverted the ruly na FL? 100 Mok pg PP the RIE tht thes Republi ae ——Leal part, ,'n inp-erect and 4 [Avoke VOM presen p hb, vhitp. Pathan, tel 5 ese. This. Court ruled.\ that whi. BCo4 2 - ~ ng WES RB dg nietds by Af 122-7, 6: § i hedy. wu bs Corporate: jdemtly Hoy cles ror mG kes. Ih vie Con portloch’, etter "ater k A an mere | OK shocks. BED MNS wn. Tie$trimen fx! ok the Govergnen & with Compara de Youre, shui) 5 Ete ry oPherhepublic \ by tow YEN | We.bonAt pO ban “Scaled as tho Construpe hion Corpor bon LAueL) r t tela iC Ae Potrce | — SF OS allwane «te the President ak Pec ell For thee Vroladien OF Etgagiag poate attorneys Withyat ~ the Puce, -Wwrithem Consens -an dt approvs!, However BNC C” “Capps led S1Bauling. SEAS eee | —-_ Cr poration Weber” the Corporatio, 4| aw and nor a GOCC abd z thak created _ Wi th 20 ernment —_ Btissels Gea Pesull, eve Etat Con Was Worse ore ony Aymen’ of 3 4lavm~eg nee the y — oxtce Leiing A Ptivate Catrky,. Diher hand, COR Shled F4aF inky (OCC Gnd Canmt eu, de Be luriscictinan , | | ie | re _ PNCEE tes the rads L vary sd, a © a | £ Heil Yes. Gecording j | A.0., tee 18a Coce, A corporation | C fected by iepecial fg mter Organized! jae | ovecardance’. witha the Corpors hae de ari the Avernmet Owns 4 meyoriky lhe \Captat or conte! iis as Goce. 1 therefore, PCT. vader \ ths "aadite 2 Jurisdiehen oF CO4 . 2 to the dePrartion s/h Seetisn ee, oF oe SEE eee fy 11,2020, GR.No. 210772 ¢ Nel oF he Vitraavever GSts Fumidy Bonk Enplyns Unit "Fenny 23,209 Coe: Thi is aby? petition for Corfiomes, fogh ibibo, onde Mandamus ashig thet STS Family Bank be. deemed outside the Scifi oF RA WO, )0149 end. As 4 result be! Ordired. to Cstbhch at\new. Colec tie, bagatar'ng Agreement pith ts Ly hyees» « Feche Tn :ordee to: a ppoin’ can secuntar, Koyat Savings Bank Submited an Spphicsdion te the Centyal bank oF the Phippine, lis Appheahion. Was Xeprmed turned. down, and. Reeitaly 4nd cbysinessprohibynons + Follutect. Maly Je eillegstiong OF serions huse oF Ai screhion were \rnade ganz t the Central ; ; bank by Royal Savings Pank, In -€x chye ae ‘ufo pp rn all. Wg ts A Cten+ Ag arns? thon Central “bank everner Jose iB. Fernandes, Of fete ditty Peopen ana vbvitehiea, host) Srnigs MOA mas sizned by hoya) Savings BCom meran spank oF /Mans Te, ho eV ta lee and Grad Dings' Bank; Rey's Sanrys phen Bc Bandit : Signed ' P40 ty law BT he Goce of 201 CRA wo 1049, Which a ZOU". ink % hod. dic cussions -.waithe Pemboy Commission Whe clerFred Z Bank’ Was categ onized dns tihuhen: AS del yned by S.) 2013 ee Ben iter emailed te Lover nance. Coatesgon Lommissidns.on' ? Feb I, LOR) requesting addition! ex planation 7 * OAS the Me Severn | fssne§ +5 Paley 5 2 GSES Family Bank wag caformedd by the ? OVeq Nance. Commistion.0n Marek Padi h 5 Was shot yeomitied tp enter into ai. ~ collective bary aniing aagecerment\ with tts ealpley ees because i4. was & gevermen lL Financ: a/ Ifstitohion ¢ ‘ } the. Covenance -Commnisn «Barter highlighbed thet Gr5 6.9 Family baat obs life bo Ge Chaka 4 B despthe being bath § dvernment : OFF ers: cand. emplyees thie Pig bibs. Pepedace. 0 + Plotected by fac Cota onion Filed ther pebin fo” BAe Caur ks or. not GSIS., Family a & Collective \ bary aang Egg eenns tes, ae a Beenie ithe a Collet. ment. with i+ SH by cor. be [Shing awit He hme, 65%, OF de Koulked for) rebasing BAe ag) ftp ldnewel/ Ro i ee noe rate =” Nyy 29,2022 Gr. & Ne ys Decrertes Jan Bt roy - a we ‘bebo for CePbiorari Papartix $2.Ciston DE the deei'sign PL. the for NBOTE' . Caang Nabe, ef the Case t a the CAL aFPicming Ombuds man CM Semjsring HPave y's Cond uct _ Aim Facts < Kobele Bemaicts Owned Some chr n oF REN a Y- legally C2 topniced priiwte congen lin. Mth He Secyphec ErChanges Commissran the _lBoverament Ordered the Se 4utstrabion OF usine sc aad as sate be Gnd the Wisidentins Comnitcinn on Good 2 0Vernence (PE CC) reachent ee" comynd mare! Agreement an Mov 2, 1990 1Whege by Benedicto Favcfe ret 1 eth Ars. $ harec td He. Goricanen’. Wiarothe Be Gein “ 4 2 RPNS “Properties, He Sasen etn Mare4 1G 6, , \ oni _Saly Le, I Catendany. &SSiined-offize as Ly eaces Minage re’ ahd cheer Op tre oF hier CPR K PM, PeLecritSing > ind other RPA. oF Ein | Jie ANS Conduct “be Fore hei. cacti The Charge alleged the k ch, te ac GM oF RP, Aad treet wrth AF WBtiond casting Ring an» tn Corporsdor, director Said Company. Thue BP inancia! intergt cA eauice! Avs approval Mesa Under RA Vo. 6 7/2. : i Beye eget ato #2, 2 \Oryiniahon of Carendens ys Besierto— 2 eis now aden ynislrabively GCCount bbe Fans grave mibcenduct Unie phe Code ae Conducl = Gnd Eth{'ce | Standerde — Fore public tH21G |g id Employees, “ Tesve. Weiter Whe her or not RPN was 4 Goveronent Wrel or acontroky Corporahan ~ hela: Governingta ‘owned OF Conte led Co reker to any rporatinas SARJONEY\ OF9 anized ASA Stk grinon mock Canpon thm esenl +5 with Function ¢ eliting fo public peed any OWned by He . Government Creechly Gr pnd ‘eetey through "45. 'n Strumentul fies , pangs OS LTRS. « Clear, Herefiom jp phake Conperatien PE Pers ideced’ a evernmens owned. OF Can tro/led Phen the Government cirectly O17 inding ewanss OF Contvolfe. at dleasl G\Majory on Sah RoR the. Caprbad: Sek 1Sn this ace prmen} only holds 77.9% oF Pha WFheretore RENE nei they wy eee iined. er, te Contrafed conpordry % ug 24,202 GR.M. 140g Republic ye City oF anaque Faby I, 012 Nature of the. Gases “Thea pedillon For review on _Cettion,; under Rule Qo Fncde Pabiie Fciates ~Balle'ty (PFAD wnt eta lirey GS-6 government Glgency ia 19 77, to provide a Comrdirate d economical and efPierent reclamation $F lab as andothe adminielidinn dal Opearhon oF lands ihe lon to, Merage 00. Oferited b> Site Tr ANT ten abresa. Moraes sided 0.042 52h esis btn PEA as the gency —_primar:'ly J 29) : : i 2 Fe Sponsible cn degra bin pdiveching « Gnd Coordi ne. thing All sreclama hi» 'projéebs fey andion bebelF OF the. Wationg! Gavern mene. . In..2004 1 PEM bean me! PRA whch © Shor} Ball the powers of PEA» Pelahing b MM Mies 0 Saanns 2.“ iasmy 5G med Several. por s fe reas oF Man la Bay bling vn ParaRogues Cry. 2 OI freasucer issued evy Over a bl_ proper beg 2. $i} for Prob bition With Ah Gnl/ or eelimiery ingle bony Be tho RTC. +H, p— et Continuation of Ke public vs City oF, Prrazopne z Th RVC Clinch Ae’ petidon. TésvE "Won Pea y's Nabe fo pay feat —pteperty task oni Fhe \ Ger hy es Feelaimerds land 5 : a Held ts No, 6s :PRe tp net 2\COC0 , aad He Same ts Lieble +0 pay real property tax on the Subject (Ne clevhedtenel tam Under the Ndminstrve Code, two fequisites mush Concur. befor one!" may be: taser Fret G5. Stock corporah’sh , Pamely > UW) the, + 7 alt chess capital stock divided if to shares; aad BQVe tht it re se. autlorzed tO Cig trdate! dividends ant allobmente oF Sarg lus prokiss tots Stockholders’, PRA Ft a igre’ cepotmhbn beeaure it, AVS law Habe Fdnly one fegursies hiccnnet be a. Shek corpomtin 2 _ only Th Firg4 Leg urs Pe tee OY PR AL gb Rock Il a LE 7 Aug 24, 2022 cocomat GR NO L- 1657 Bacani vs. Nationa In Corpenvhen Nolwe oF the Case’ Dis ting urs hing —geveramen! Ode V._governinent —corholled corpora Fi0n eo woyay, he a Facks | The plnindi fs. ik thr onde are comps Shenographers employed ~ by. Manila ‘5. Court 2 ith Phases Bh aah VE When, -Ciw'l Cese’ Mo TLI>, Franciseo Sycip.vs, Nationa! Coconut Corporation y was shill pending, the tetns-e atty, ee = deFendand, Grked te Steep raphe Of Copies x0 h rapohers For Copies pe the Shenograp a ae Shenogtaphie notes they Ned fecorded ceniy the fearing. The plainditFs complied ow: +r Me order Sy giving Athy. dbkpada tre * Senegr apis eee and fren submitted ier vaices FUP Peypenh oF tern ees Bas and Matole Yeceived the payments Frem Natolo Rory and PISO ,respech'veh, fon Becnpi a+ the pate of #1} Aad nek wad oyyarte eves (pee Gad) Bor A. Ga expressed ss tAat Q& gevernsen pene ohh, the poy ten oF toe, these corpornhions become ippine Covernmest Since overn ments! dabei, al Continuation | For Bacen'ys, Na lolo Held .No. Fer the simple: Fact tak they donot Fall under: the eecategory OF a _munitiea! of public Corpora ten « Even Though The MaCoto was estabhshed fe ake pn Spme spectre Youernmen tal» dubies th Men ‘ Corporate Powers Separate from bur Governrat singe fF was Mode sebvectide the prowssous 26! The SS. Comchitithe as tn dx dbara ker: Ls bade. Fhe C_Orp0 ratio y Lee p OF: Cte seaundes Un pwher\ FAR Cabs tS) Corperte ~bxshence Gnd fre; ES pawers .-Hat yp may yer SC 42 ing COpceraAed . GR No L-19039 Nod fone! Wateroerts and S-ewerge Au ttondy OF 3. “SR ‘Cor Sohileted Ueran, Nature 0F the Case: Pekenivon of — Loovernmenh-duned! an £ontroled Corporations” | Focle | NMWASA or He Mebinel idadennmede, wag, Se Werege . Author ty 1S A Govern men ta Owls — ANd Contofied — Corporat/ord created -unden -Repyblic et NO. .jage While respontots Are Various 7 abo organizations compesed OF __jabgrers: and .emphyees OF the Baa, G ching con a: CordiFicalion of the’ President oF the” Phhipines, the Couct of Enclustera Relat ong. conducted on. the» conlravers'y then existing. Dedueen pelvbonkn cad. CeSpondents, Unions which ctbon | actually serves pvernment > extension y making b iAshry mental te. be condsiny wre of the Sable Seenie nmeat iast rumen felity ESCs Guritdichian eregat Meng 0F Me pater. BPS deen Witharin, ay Mos 31,200} 5 Aug 21,2022 tamed ben} 27 1662 EGR MW. L-10194¢ Fin 22,1954 Fontog Lumber Compooy v. Crby oF Coby Mabe, Hee We US an Magen (Me inet etl goa CAA Ae Lyi Count which uphe/d Te valid ty CEES Pe cally Ordinances, On he tpunk that oealy queshons oF ley an 4 ofved. Bs Peete Geen a Connery if fe PME R ease eth: Hee fda bo Ficct Lnctince jn an Cheb to 1 OV tony, OniAadnee HMOs, 92 ane {oc _ pF +, Miwnerpe! Board -oF- the Cae OEP Coby aad client silat Mathie PRA SAY SS Silready pail yader Hoes Cepuldrone. Sander Lumber" assentes thar these ate ta Vite Ordiinnces are And Are therefore Megat whe — defendants contend that fhe, Oe Baise fhe. wire pacced unher the granted - to He Coby 2k Cebyy— Veguiced “to be yt — ‘than the First Pt Went clays allowing month | actording ty <2 we wot Ve Cty oP Coby Lits charter, LS Gather eed Provided Por in the fed in the Yepahve, Biba vas nae Crumin able things , Considenisy Mess nsus ect BIAClason y's Ih,t tHe BENE 105 been With dean oe] Ge F Seisl Seay Syelem Enplyees Assecitin vs Judge “Sorieno Natwe oF Goce’ Petyhan for Certioran’ 3 Has 71, 20% Wo. e-4O¥! Bee] 30, 1563 "Facts th Dep 10, 0, the Peli te #4, Witmer Seah Ssme clesands Sicval “Se cum'hy Commision (S50) fig arisog Ploy monk —« borme: conde. condebiont tH speak a union be 4 cogmzedtne «yn barg Alning Aietne _ Sr fhei SS Cd nlstn, res pord and the Sse SE a ae Oo pettion for dechPatn, Pelee agp CRI Manila eckag Sip, eerie clan. Gs g ope tecnintet agency » Thy, —prohie.+ emphyes ta join” be he Bee prevent tins : With © usc ck sien Hak dey collect rye Ha enberyng jaf el, Z on Fes Me itl pan Lompe/ ne ehack to wok f Case Mec... 7 2 restras'n Indge the Write LX Qarte, gene o_o Opb ivetary = AVL rn mend CoA ing Dovetmnen af A the Aug 31, 26% Held ¢ DES scTs anise 7 eal Gare neluce Sina Phe conynase rent rothoas, coe LEO Ta bana Fk fhe CL SLS We Gholes Aerie Pe ernme eet aehcal QA A £0y treigaty ‘They Whe gp tem crs di hic lactf Hey Can ef Abbie oft Syarale yeu: nd Kom: gorirrvent Miata suc on Se. ceed any Other pritate Coryon bre ye Pe I Aug 21,20 Sanvary, 14,197 Torralha Sibes at GR Mo. “L-S4l "82 i Nabure ob He Case: Crehion oF new mu niesselity oe te Pefilvones Fhd a Phe Creation OF He Municieal ty oF St bagel biti BPEL wl Pets sgtce 1200, eee) Yhee eee eas | violate, oe Sec 2aeF the 1973 Conshtuch on Which _¢fates that? no -pronice evty or mumeipall, Coutd be Created Er cept tn orccordnce With the Criterv'a Cotablihe | by dhe Locel Government Cade, ans Subyect _}o aAppreva! by a Pajor.ty OF th wher cacf fa_-4 ple bperhe . Case gazanst soo ch eee gf en local pverament= Cale | et the cate BP5E6 FE -Was pase, ia Statute Could nof have bly Compliad with any Crrfena. Whether on net BPE 1S rohbue Bet NP gk th +/973 Cons, ad be Boston OF the £573 not _Ploserhbe shor Peng: t Of pohhieal / dr rijorzt Ee nach nex BL the af. 55-1 Muneipal dy Pe ” 096 ete Sine sadedtd Phere Wes a plebrsate Hed orton card Cheetion, ng 24/700 2/5 gear 564 Peluer y. Aud; tor Getnreml Nature { Creation of? OF muninps les Fack MrSuent tp Section 28 of Ihe Fevised Administrative Cole, te Precilent fued [O-Mos. ° 93 te 1217 29 and (26-M% 4 Creating 32 mumeiphijes, & Felace , alleged lod 6 said Section ¢2 Aas Been Inpledl Pepegled by RA 2370 and Conghitfedtes an _undye de leah OF ~bepiclatine Power, Th. fs am freisia stated a sad RA Where ce Partie sg hglt pot be Creshed eregah by Gu_Gct GF fSryrecs s ‘Whether or ret Sector CF oF Adeninss fralice Code Conshtiler an Exhepation of beeper la hive power : thre 1S urdue de lyastion of Tbe Eonsti'tu tion Chanly ohte penta! syperVitier can be s Oler poco! Governments, Cave - Ly eating Bithe 23 es hieist conFeyret ty sous e pewer - over Lece/ Gavpmree fore Jecland pull ancl voit i, “Gy CRN. 177657 Aly 1L,2008 ° SEmMN vs. COMELEC Nabi’: oF Case ci Cretibien OF Fromvery ; Pefihian or Ch bik oun é Facts: Congress ¢ncacked R& 9054, te ection 197) Arhiel, YE of Which delegated lo Me itkmm Re gren-al Assembly the power +o create provinces 7p cthies, Municipal tee and dewrang ays. Pursuant Jo such dekpahon, the ARMM Repe-gnal becembhy €nacked Mug him Mibanco Aatonomy, fet Vo. 201(1mMp Hef D1) Cre gting the Frwince oF Shari¥F Ke bunsuan —Lompecel oF “the e1sh4 munter'paldhies i'n dichit “OF Maguindango . Whethe or not Congress Valithy o the ARMm Rees A stems ly Wer to Create keg lative distnek louse of Representaypives. pores: Aas He power to Incnrp Snembershin - 14 He boure _ 4; sfafe-l yy Sechoras BE tho Eonshwhon . bork, tonshtubsng!| and Mhah Ayyg 31, 20m Gr. MO. Mog G7, Tan 21, 2220 Republic vs Provincia Gorimmest oF Palauan Welwe OF He Ce tektor Petvbng For Motion For Eke oredabrin 4nd Siyplementa! Motian for’ & Ceonederation, Fel : fe = Facts | The Republic Prough DOF entered inte Seruce Contracd W0.2¢ with SPEX Loxy, as Contras, for the x clusive - Conduct oF Pp ttroleum Operates. & 1x8 Fe Naan Governmen — cacearhed Jt Claim Over forty percent OF Pre Nationa! -G oyernment 4 share in He procecbs of the project, T+ Gygued that since tre fe Servoir isn ¢fo + berrstons 1 Saris cbehin Sie sce nlikd fork, ostoeep urecent to the Loal Eoyermment Code, The Ryubhic “Argued in fhe Negative, Bee alia nes was hax vent Heel to the Hare because the Ceamage — Pe lampny ys outse Sts terbonia| jurediitin, Bowd Links bat the Province emedy 1S Mot SP Udie'gt *arba sel On enbcty equily but b Cheanly entithes VYalowan The Courk Cannot son the ZerGape IA Jadierer Jepisktin Dives OF the Pronnce Pthhren 3s Pranted The 2 xishing ‘Caws le 7" cr eee thereine P 02> CRN.LY7TGIO —- Mar 10, 2020 Oy eae Del Rocno Vi Comtlee Facts Pethoners ifed Pa present pethien Ver t Preh, i} Woh, Ga SSaclin Ses Aepnchi ieee) Dy, CTR ANiles oars Mensa pain eorea biate 3 Hroviaces but ek chdbag Puerto Crncew Lom _the Plebrsed ce, Ustac ORE AA NOE Ie Sane yic Un const fy hong J, Ofna [hate ousal ee Te that Puerto Prine ee os iy OF pak iS PGK Nei tn go seal direckly one ert DU iyi os Cte ar ei: 2 Suerte Crovcoye 2 beer tery Weuld yok he orl tered 7 tt Was Glread, “pol#really Gnd beew- Econo cell, [Adgptn sen > Brame. ce. Dae PL became & HUC |S! Guts oP Fhe hed fechin 99 ae the CizL Charter esidents fo vote + But obey Bee Gn HOC syd not 4 Oconee te the am Puerto Piece, atl Ave _ Congelet ly Severed, F Aug F1y2022 CR wo. 7216S aly I, AGE Tae Caples a | tackle: The COMELEC set a plebrsci< for San 3, (996 th Orden to Carcymrut FO VS. let HHoners Orgued ageing! fhe BP. bringing 1G Case pn “Caver ef fPabb Aon, The Petitiover shied Pat voters oF the “Parent PFovinee - OF Negros Ocerdentet asee te Yrom those» Kesjdeg within He Rew province of N£5ros del Morbe yore : 0 the plebsade , thersve Aot Yncleded 1 BS 90 FE 1S Uneinshluhjonal oe —— Whether the pleb iccte was . Gnd complied yr ta Whew anche dey OR He” Constrtchon , zs t A province i's Crested , ersered, there should be Finch Se ual’ Ze an “pron! Lyte s in the Plebr scphe ariunitc GlFectel , nt he ple bjrrte - has for Sevag G parthnd EE ee _ ZY ber) 2, bald Beet GR Comelee Bees ele are > Pehlin For €erbiorar, and trohb tion a pecan Sy 5 Moca | Promnitentt— be Crhy Jeg slate Sogrd passed fesolution Mo. If2—20” regueshing or asking the Feesidey? +o Ginnouree that +% Co banatuen City rans Formed from a COM ponent Cy Gir Nueva Cake Ferycn toa highly “Urbanized City (HU6). COMELE C then pusce dl a Sesolubor, pend bing & P lebigete +0 Chanze he rae s Statug 4p HOC The Word nN vale 4 a5 Wega” therein tn section 0 th 160 ShozJd be iE to pea rate usltred Voter, Cp reet ly fected by Lorine ti5 7 f qual. Le91 ei tho entire Province Or C4 Band tun Coty Can porbire, Court fell Het of the LGc wterm +! directly _ the whole Mueva Shane tan « | ¢ GR No MOZ4 LtCoutling 7. ve COMBLEC ss Nehe > Pebinon Sr nulh'ty Fecks Congress pessel RA V806 creating Heer hy” oF — Sorcagen by merging Pruntiplibis % Sorsogon and Bacon. tetiime Caweling + | _43Saiked this, shhing that the LGC ee | nae tug modes oF Creshing Gg erty - } ad ee Aa munerpal} abies % ty oF | y Converting & Cluster o ata ng thy S.- | Pelitoner also asserted the. plebrrerke a5 S Nullly bea cause) First th | wos comdyctts__[%O~dey period From the | Gpprove! oF BRA ff0, ani Comelec Failed o b6heerve. the lege! Leg wry emen ect. Bay - ex eng, ve 12 format on Cope. BA PIOE ? (91 tern conn teins | and was null and vow, _ ka 06 Vs const iuliong] efetiorer constricted -yeading 50%) “oF The Code 8 erronous, wes states wes Syayhy est Me Chae! Moder fiver lo, whrck 4i/bys the ernment Un, ts 70 PUN cee bine OF Bel with the eotehhine Tle Plebiser te was. Come Candy appre! dete MY From publiady SR —— A Sep Mtn CR NOL WY 3o3 Son 31, 194 Aluer—v. Guysngong ie pais: Felibian For Pohibhion wk pour vaary Injunclon Fotis [ieeusHitic sofas Kernicslaises a Richi idoor Made Sa byl) yn Apel 1993, whrek was Called 5 wm he 5217 on bn Ack conver ting the Zoinitieshby OF San hago foto “ayn Sa wendns ponent tidy, to be Known as Ciky CF Santiago. The gard b/1 6 PH three eakings ; Was passed and aes transna Hed to the Senet + thevecthr. States ti madieus ie Courter part bill and “4s On @/) Flames fours ps th the Mouse bill, otk house eysproyed the batt Jo be passed on Fo The d whereac the Frees) dest signed meade (nto law. Yor THD and RAZI20 re rnvGheg Fron He S108 ane pot: the Fee Shouts In the Computation Getler or Sy ntome. WeNO. The house 4,10 Sepate SU a5 the fe Senate Only - conducts | >> Seid SB. one Was -travremddes Se sare items oF art OF the | Fands 6h the A&G, AE | AR Sept 1, 20nk fe ro No. IS4¢02 Apel b,20m Tene anss ys, Ochoa aah z E Mabeur oe: Metron FOr 1 cons dere try’ Sete "One OF the hey Features oF the 1457 £ Conshiion is 140 push ‘towards $tcenbeltalion pF Gbyerames 6s lave! Sutonomy + Local Ciutenomy hae tue atete 4 the ademas frgdhgve and the Pisce). 4+ Congress thacted RA 7160 or the becas Overnment Code C Lac) * There, a Was alleged | rrepuler bes Lb TLS eB Computation of The Prep DA eee *< petal Callen oF tie Pa Mhong) Ln bieral keverve Mares why, BOC tere pe CECA det nb HL, Ca lebems so -Sechon 74 oF the ete When! tor beriig Peponart ta DActiele A oF te 1407 Lonstetu ban. ccna fe Court Fopces - wits Bat Congrecc has Constitulinn,! * 40um dry the VIRT s the 24 +6 Conyy Ac Fag £ L602, Vhe Phrage ed yn eeu ry Beres4 wc4ewe HK, e Sechora C, Gyn, Fehr el Fhe LE Sept 1,2 ©R No, 216092. Jee 04,1020 ynicieakty, oF Isabel, Leyle vic Municnpa ty pk Meri sbtybe— Aline Reitian “For WReviey gn Car Horan ET Chitebs Bens, tuteshion | Cancttre She ot the stone Memorial, thet + : Le eT Close -t0 an @tola Feldel free, ner ida alleges Pha? while ¥ Eeghel LOU “Wat ¢recting pew bor der markers, they wor “unable }0 add betabest be Sih Sona hei by Fhe Old “doldef tracey Gnds )' cel cet up ¥ Se rand i new. one: by Eke bas x fh thee. Liytr, eysnahnn 1 MBuniern., Low acy OM ougsice CHEM) ae Mem eay The boundary Lie Sine altered CS le, in, / ae Se Cécul/ , Gad t 5 4he) e Mey LN oe tia ni Fe on me Pea teres tory thepe, The Sqiq Was declared BAO tere Lh ecclig! bOupd Dat wees, “the Bene. yo.!, 4/05 2 RIC ruley ¥ 2 Isabel, CA PVWerced an] Mss of the “Bbresolutrng it Bite the Ca eres yn L The Son 49 0-'ane Pan lhwrcen Paver 6 FE Mex. alg Hea did en tn Ruling Joerida, The Court hog E the Leyte prowncre, eg rueat and Consisteny ™& elinitahsr cey Forts, —— ee a EL GR. WO. 1261S | League oF MAY ippine Cries y COMBLEC _ Watue Motion Foy Ren -0% Fle Pesotutiog Galed Huguet tY, 2076 Keck: They were Consoh dated Fettin fereas aq! AS alin, the Cons tly OE 16 Lawes, <€4ch “Convertng t fhe MUAH D6 hy Aiptiche biiben tate Comyeneot Gihy and seeking re tajots COMEL ES « Fron Condure hi. Plebiccitec . The Coup En Ban-e parbally sronted ¢ Fhe pethone and Struck dewn He City aus As Un Conch where’ For wolkting Sectrarg 10 Gnd C ors IeePicle & 7 and the -€4 ual proteds Clansec but reversed (4s deutis? He Yo tly ZOEG. Fs Ut. Whether the Cithen Ory hood Laws, Be cpnshi tuAgral, : Bes. Courk [eli Pek Fae Paws ds Rot Ayvicke Bee Sethy, /O2 et fe : ongress Was We/) auar. DBD there Fore the jt tla? Hee fil bo We ¢f%ect fo exemy/ py D the pew trcome VOG ayine Morb ne eee cm ecamar me EES amma se Sent lor League OF Phehisy ne Cries v COMELES GR ONO. 17655) Ape sl 412, 227! | Nakire : Mohan: Fer recorsiieratan Ge Be he'sion wrade On eb 15 20/! Eaetei There seals (Ge ertphaad. ‘ole that We re Ava lt, he npagtie petitioner | a Vehihoncs Sfeted that the citylood lays Were | Mn Consth tt Foes Ms Wet Couedenten bone | Uled in oe oF the Petrhunen | But Chan is ee hy ee os OS Feb one The Court Id te b Bhe ay Lysh ood Lowe Wer Conshdntey, LESUe Whether or not the ci ty hood Lars Were Cons titebby, Held 8m Apr? 72, 2011, Pre Cour ple ld a raha wrth _ Meu t nt He Ctilony lawre ane th egg | Ev aalh, He. 16 Pruniezpa te, e nalh, Converted ja to COmponent ba a fis Cauk ken ‘Ke Cons Meahon Ls lense

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