HBS 325 ResourceSheet JeremyBrown

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PLTW Biomedical Science Human Body Systems

PLTW Nutrition - Client Report

Name: Jeremy Brown Age: 24
Height: 6’ 2” Weight: 235lbs
Sex: Male

Lab Test Results:

Blood Pressure: 135/85 Heart Rate: 72 bpm
LDL: 130mg/dL HDL: 45mg/dL

Health History:

Jeremy is a 24-year-old law student at the local university. A competitive swimmer throughout college, Jeremy has always
been in good health. Now that his schedule has become so hectic, he has limited time for exercise other than walking to
class. He eats most meals at restaurants and admits to snacking and drinking caffeinated beverages to stay up to study.

The patient describes a family history of heart disease in both his mother and his father. His father takes medication for
high blood pressure and cholesterol, and his mother has had angioplasty to open a blocked artery in her heart. His
maternal uncle developed Type II diabetes at age 40. There is no family history of cancer.

Patient Goals:
Jeremy feels sluggish and he is looking for ways to improve his quality of life. He wants an assessment of his current
health, and he would like recommendations for how he can reintegrate exercise and healthy eating habits into his busy

Body Mass Index (BMI):

Calculate Jeremy’s BMI based on his height and weight and describe the implications of this number. Take
Jeremy’s athletic history into account.

Jeremy's BMI is between 30-34.99 (Obese Class 1).Based on his BMI Chart,Jeremy is going from overweight
to Obese.Jeremy was a competive swimmer in college so i think he has more muscle than fat. Muscle weighs
more than fat.he may not have an optimal BMI, but based on his history as a swimmer, he is most likely not on
the verge of being obese.

© 2021 Project Lead The Way, Inc. 1

PLTW Biomedical Science Human Body Systems

Activity Level: BMR and TDEE (Output)

Jeremy reports going to the campus pool about once a week for a 30–45-minute swim. He walks to class each day, but his
apartment is not far from the main law buildings or the library. Jeremy spends four to five hours a night at the library
studying or writing.

Compute Jeremy’s BMR

Jeremy BMR is 2310 kcal

Discuss the activity factor used in the Harris-Benedict Equation and calculate TDEE.

Jeremy is not very active anymore, even though he swims 30-45 minutes once a week and walks to class, he is not getting
very much exercise.Jeremy is classified in the sedentary group meaning he performs little to no exercise because the only
exercise he does is walk to the library and class and he only swims once a week and his apartment is not far from the
school. Therefore, he probably less than five hours of exercise per week. He's TDEE is 2772 calories per day or 19404
calories per week.

Food Intake (Input)

Jeremy completed a food diary for one week. Analysis of his food choices revealed the following results:

Average calories consumed per day Reconmended

3024 2000

Average fat consumed per day 81g 97g

Average saturated fat consumed per day 40g 20g

Average carbohydrates consumed per day 355g 225g

Average protein consumed per day 40g 184g

Average sodium consumed per day 3,056mg 2300mg

© 2021 Project Lead The Way, Inc. 2

PLTW Biomedical Science Human Body Systems

Jeremy reports eating two or three servings of fruits or vegetables per day. He reports drinking four or five cups of coffee
per day as well as two or three caffeinated sodas, and two to four glasses of water per day.

Jeremy reports eating fast food at least once a day.

© 2021 Project Lead The Way, Inc. 3

PLTW Biomedical Science Human Body Systems

Calorie Deficit or Surplus (Compare Inputs and Outputs)

Compare calories consumed versus calories expended.

 Based on my calculations I would say he is eating more than he is expending. He is also not eating the right foods for a
healthy diet. He is filling his body with foods that are not good for him.He needs to lower his calorie intake and start
eating healthier.He eats 3024 calories a day and expends around 2774 calories per day meaning he has a surplus of 250
calories, on average, each day.

Describe what will happen to Jeremy’s weight over the next month if he continues the same eating
patterns. Show your work.

Overall Assessment
Discuss overall implications of BMI and any energy imbalance on overall health.

Analyze food choices.

Is the client getting enough of each of the designated food groups?

How does consumption of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and sodium compare to recommended values?

Propose ways to bring the energy input and output in line with Jeremy’s health goals. Describe final recommendations to
improve Jeremy’s overall health and meet his fitness goals. How should Jeremy alter his eating habits and his activity?
Link your recommendations to his personal health history and his family history.

© 2021 Project Lead The Way, Inc. 4

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