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Senior High School

Personal Development
Quarter 2 - Module 3
Different Individuals and
their Roles in the Society
Personal Development
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 - Module 3: Different Individuals and their Roles in the Society
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro

Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

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Author/s: Ivy-Ann R. Sumagang

Reviewers: Rochelle A. Luzano, PhD

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Senior High School Senior High School

Quarter 2 - Module 3
Different Individuals and their
Roles in the Society

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FAIR USE AND CONTENT DISCLAIMER This SLM (Self Learning Module) is for educational purposes only.
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Table of Contents

What This Module is About .................................................................................... i

What I Need to Know ............................................................................................. i

How to Learn from this Module ............................................................................. ii

Icons of this Module .............................................................................................. ii

What I Know ........................................................................................................ iii

Lesson 1: Roles of Individuals and the Influence of Leadership or

What’s New: Influences, Scenarios, and my Actions .............................................. 1
What Is It ............................................................................................................... 1
What’s More: A Reflection of My Social Relationships………………………………..4
What I Have Learned …………………………………………………………………...4

Lesson 2: Perception of Oneself and Others

What’s In: Looking at Myself .................................................................................. 5
What Is It: Perceiving and Presenting the Self ....................................................... 6
What’s More: My 3S………………………………………………………………………7
What I Have Learned……………………………………………………………………..7

Summary …………………………………………………………………………………8

Assessment: (Post-Test)………………………………………………………………….9

Key to Answers ................................................................................................... …11

References ......................................................................................................... …12
What This Module is About

This module focuses on the different relationships you as a middle or late

adolescent engage with. And how these relationships affect your personal being. In
distinguishing these relationships, you may see that there is more from the family
you come from, the friends you have been with for quite some time, and to the
society where you first belong.
Thus, these relationships involve roles that you as an adolescent find yourself
as the one taking charge or the one following the instructions. Whatever it may be
then, you must know how you are influencing the people around you.
Another take of this module is on your personal perception and how others see
you. Perceptions play a great part in how you take on and handle relationships. As a
goal, you must recognize your perceptions to accept or disregard others' perceptions
about you.
Lastly, upon learning relationships and the perceptions of the self at this stage
of life, you as an adolescent can observe now how your culture deals and takes on
different relationships.

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. distinguish the various roles of different individuals in society and how they can
influence people through their leadership or followership
(EsP-PD11/12SR-IIb- 10.1); and
2. compare one’s perception of himself/herself and how others see him/her (EsP-
PD11/12SR-IIc- 10.2).

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:

• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module

This part contains learning objectives
that are set for you to learn as you go
What I Need to
along the module.

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge of the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related

This part connects the previous lesson

What’s In with that of the current one.

An introduction to the new lesson

through various activities, before it will be
What’s New
presented to you.

These are discussions of the activities as

a way to deepen your discovery and
What is It
understanding of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson.
These are tasks that are designed to
showcase your skills and knowledge
What I can do
gained and apply them to real-life
concerns and situations.


What I Know

Multiple Choice. Read and understand the questions below and choose the
letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Write it on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What type of relationship depends on the degree of intimacy that a person showed
to a certain individual?
A. interpersonal relationship C. intrapersonal relationships
B. personal relationships D. social relationships

2. What must an individual have as he builds and commits to relationships?

A. job C. mask
B. roles D. work

3. Who among the individuals below creates and implements the laws of the land?
A. celebrities4. C. children
B. political leaders D. religious leaders

3. Which of the following promotes ethical behavior, responsible personal decisions,

and social justice?
A. celebrities C. children
B. political leaders D. religious leaders

5. What is the function of a person in authority to help his/her colleagues in

attaining the organizational goals set by the company?
A. guidance C. instruct
B. followership D. leadership

6. How do you call that influence of a person to another person which causes the
latter to change his behavior?
A. personal relationships C. followership
B. leadership D. social influence

7. Which among the items below refers to an idea about a certain person?
A. concept C. perception
B. self-perception D. self-esteem

8. How do you call about a person’s awareness or calculations about himself?

A. self-concept C. self-esteem
B. self-efficacy D. self-confidence

9. Which of the following refers to a specific self-evaluation or personal judgment

of oneself?
A. self-concept C. self-esteem
B. self-efficacy D. self-confidence


10. What is being developed from a person who has undergone lots of experiences
to the extent that he always presumed as an effective and efficient individual?
A. self-concept C. self-esteem
B. self-efficacy D. self-confidence

11. Which of the following is a manifestation of a man’s behaviors and actions as

they relate with other people?
A. beliefs C. philosophies
B. principles D. values

12. Which among the stages of an individual that changes from a child to an adult?
A. adolescence C. adulthood
B. middle adulthood D. adult

13. What is the common role of political leaders? A. They keep social
B. They educate the next generation.
C. They promote responsible decision-making.
D. They lead and implement the laws of the land.

14. What kind of social influence explains the behaviors of adolescents when they
do something as they are told and as a result feel that they belong to a group?
A. conformity C. hospitality
B. compliance D. obedience

15. Which of the following statements describes one’s development of

A. It happens all throughout a person’s lifetime.
B. Development of self-perception is how you see yourself.
C. It is affected by the way a person communicates with others.
D. How you behave in social relationships forms your self-perception.

Roles of Individuals and the

Lesson Influence of Leadership or

What’s New?

Activity 1. Influences, Scenarios, and My Actions

Directions: Review how you think and act considering some of these influencing
factors (parents, peers, culture, and society). Provide a course of action
or decision with a short explanation relevant to your own experience on
the corresponding box in the table. Use a separate sheet of paper to do
this activity. Refer to the given scenarios.

1. Choosing your SHS strand/track to take in studying.
2. Joining a club or organization inside and outside school.
3. The way you dress or your clothing style.
Course of Actions
Factors Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3



What is it?

As you grow up, you get to know people and build relationships of which you
have first your family. As human persons, it is expected that you build relationships
or social relationships that affect the way you think, decide and even act on certain

Hence, adolescence is a crucial part of your development as a person. And

the different factors such as social relationships that influence you are also important.
Social relationships are your interactions with other people. These kinds of
relationships vary from the “degree of intimacy and vulnerability you offer to other
people so as to cooperate and achieve a certain objective” (Torres 2017, 3).
There are four (4) main types of relationships that influence you as an
adolescent: (1) Parents, (2) Peers, (3) Community, and (4) Society.

Now, as you commit to social relationships, you also have various roles to
represent. In society, you can be someone based on a social situation that you
decide to take in as a social relationship. Wherein in these relationships, leaders,
and followers also exist.

Leadership is the ability of the person in authority to guide others to achieve

certain goals. While followership is the act or condition of following a leader. Being
a follower is not passive, one must be a critical thinker and interactive in the act of
helping the leader achieve the goal/s. Thus, the leader and the follower need each
other. There is a dynamic relationship of mutual benefit and support between them.

They have various roles to play and basically, this may take a toll of influence
on each member. Take for instance the following examples:

▪ Political leaders

▪ These are the people who

create and implement the
laws of the land. They are
the role models through
which we follow the laws.


▪ Religious leaders
These are the individuals who guide
their followers
according to their faith.
They are keepers of
religious traditions and
Source : 0 are also moral leaders.

▪ Teachers

▪ They are the educators of young minds. They

impart knowledge to the young generation to
become the next generation of leaders.
▪ Children

▪ They are the ones that need to be taken care of

and ensured that they are supported with the
services they most need.


▪ Church members

▪ They are the people who commit to practicing

their faith. They let their faith grow and carry out
their faith traditions.


▪ Celebrities

▪ They are the people who promote ethical

behavior and responsible personal decisions.
They are also expected to show good
behaviors as they are always seen in public.

Social influence is another important concept in social relationships. Some social
influences are known as:

▪ conformity - is behaving as others do. This is desiring to belong to

peers and seek their approval to feel that you are
one of them.
▪ compliance – an individual is doing something that another individual
has told them to do. This is also another way of an adolescent to feel
that they belong with peers.
▪ obedience – this is accepting and doing something directed to you by
a person you look up to as someone in authority. In most cases in
obedience, you believe that you don’t have a choice.
Now, as an adolescent, you must have experience recognizing yourself,
knowing your strengths and limitations, and discovering about the person that you
are. By that, you are now capable of knowing where you stand which is either a
leader or a follower whichever suits and makes you a better person.

What’s more?

Activity 2. A Reflection of My Social Relationships

Directions: Reflect on the social relationships you have right now. Answer the
following questions in your notebook or paper.

1. Which do you prefer—leading or following? Why?


2. Identify a social group with whom you belong now, like your family or a class
in school. What responsibilities do you have as a leader? Or as the person
being led?

3. What does it take to trust someone to lead you? What does it take to be a
trustworthy leader?

What I have learned?

Fill in the sentences based on the concepts discussed in What Is It. Answer in a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Social influence is ______________________________________________.

2. Leadership is __________________________________________________.
3. Followership is _________________________________________________.

Perception of Oneself and Others

What’s in?

After learning that you are capable of building and engaging in different
relationships with other people, you are now challenged to do more of discovering
yourself and how others see you.

Activity 3. Looking at Myself

Directions: This activity is best known for the concept that a person's identity
develops with his/her interaction in society and how others perceive him
(Qureshi, 2014). Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of

1. Paste your picture inside the square. Then draw a simple image of the person
or paste a picture of person/s as shown below.
2. What are their thoughts about me? Write for each person you have identified
in item 1.

3. How do you feel about how they see you as a person?

What is it?

Perceiving and Presenting the Self

Generally, perception is described as a mental image, while self-perception is

the idea of the kind of person you perceive yourself to be. Given these definitions of
the terms, how do you understand or see yourself as a person?

The development of self-perception happens all

throughout a person’s lifetime. Many questions
arise as to what kind of person you are and what
kind of person others see and/or know you.

Thus, in the study of the self, there are

three (3) core concepts to understand -
selfconcept, self-esteem, and self-efficacy.
There is a great relationship among these three
concepts in understanding the self. Selfefficacy
influences self-esteem which also influences
self-concept. Before going deeper into the
relationship among these three, let us first
understand each concept.

Self-concept is the person’s awareness or thinking about himself/herself.

Selfconcept is developed in ways like a person’s interactions with others and their
reaction to him/her and comparisons to other people (as in superiority and inferiority,
similarity and difference).

Next, self-esteem is the specific evaluation or judgment a person creates

about the self-concept. Self-esteem affects the way a person communicates and
behaves by which this concept varies throughout life and the context a person is in.
Lastly, self-efficacy is developed through experiences. This is also about the
person’s extent of seeing himself/herself as an effective individual.

Going back to the explanation between the relationship of the three core concepts,
here is an example:

Pedro did a good job on his first college speech. During a meeting with his
professor, Pedro indicates that he is confident going into the next speech and thinks
he will do well. This skill-based assessment is an indication that Pedro has a high
level 6
of self-efficacy related to public speaking. If he does well in the speech, the praise
from his classmates and professor will reinforce his self-efficacy and lead him to
positively evaluate his speaking skills, which will contribute to his self-esteem. By the
end of the class, Pedro likely thinks of himself as a good public speaker, which may
then become an important part of his self-concept.
Throughout these points of connection, it’s important to remember that
selfperception affects how we communicate, behave, and perceive other things.
Pedro’s increased feeling of self-efficacy may give him more confidence in his
delivery, which will likely result in positive feedback that reinforces his self-
perception. He may start to perceive his professor more positively since they share
an interest in public speaking, and he may begin to notice other people’s speaking
skills more during class presentations and public lectures.
Over time, he may even start to think about changing his major to
communication or pursuing career options that incorporate public speaking, which
would further integrate being “a good public speaker” into his self-concept. You can
hopefully see that these interconnections can create powerful positive or negative
cycles. While some of this process is under our control, much of it is also shaped by
the people in our lives (Perceiving and Presenting Self).

What’s more?

Activity 4. My 3S – Self-concept, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Esteem

Directions: Make a self-assessment. Reconsider how you see yourself and how
people see you. Make a creative description of your self-concept,
selfefficacy, and self-esteem. You can choose a narrative description or
a figurative illustration. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.
What I have learned?

Activity 5. The Person I Am (adapted activity from HuXaifa Qureshi, 2014)

Directions: After learning all about self-perception, self-esteem, and self-efficacy

apply them to your own life. Try to present yourself by supplying the
blanks with appropriate descriptions of yourself. You can be creative in
writing these into your paper.

1. My name is _____________________ and I am a future ________________.

2. Someday I would like to _______________________ by ________________.
3. Most people describe me as ____________________, but I describe me as
4. I was born in _____________________ and raised in __________________.
5. I have a fear in ___________________ but I think ____________________.
6. My favorite quote/saying/motto of all time is
because it ____________________________________________________.


• Social relationships are your interactions with other people which will vary
from the “degree of intimacy and vulnerability you offer to other people.
• Four (4) main types of relationships that influence you as an adolescent:
(1) Parents, (2) Peers, (3) Community, and (4) Society.
• Leadership is the ability of the person in authority to guide others to achieve
certain goals.
• Followership is the act or condition of following a leader.
• Social influence is the impact of a person on another person which causes
the latter to change his behavior as convinced by the influencer. Some social
influences are known as conformity, compliance, and obedience.
• Perception is a mental image, while self-perception is the idea of the kind of
person you perceive yourself to be
• Self-concept is the person’s awareness or thinking about himself.
• Self-esteem is the specific evaluations or judgments a person creates about
the self-concept.
• Self-efficacy is developed through experience. This is also about the
person’s extent of seeing himself as an effective individual.
Assessment: (Post-Test)

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and analyze the questions below and choose the
letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. How do you call that feeling to which you have already an idea about that
certain individual?
A. concept C. perception
B. self-perception D. self-esteem

2. Mr. Choi is very certain about his conduct towards other people and how he
behaved if caught in a situation. How do you call that awareness or a
person's thinking about himself?
A. self-concept C. self-esteem
B. self-efficacy D. self-confidence

3. Mi Kyung was chosen as a judge for the Bb. Corona Pageant. She was
assigned as an evaluator of the candidate’s attributes towards other
participants. What are the bases she needs that is necessary to create
specific evaluations or judgment on the person’s characteristics?
A. self-concept C. self-esteem
B. self-efficacy D. self-confidence
4. Irene is being bullied in school because of her black skin tone and acne,
which leads her to low self-esteem. When she went to high school, everyone
noticed that her skin becomes fairer and looks more beautiful that turned her
to be the campus crush. Because of that, she now became confident and has
overcome her shyness. What development or stages in life that Irene has
gone through?
A. self-concept C. self-efficacy B. self-esteem D. self-confidence

5. Lukas is a very talkative person and at the same time, very friendly which
makes him known to be the next child star in school. What degree of intimacy
does Lukas is offering to other people?
A. interpersonal relationship C. intrapersonal relationships
B. personal relationships D. social relationships

6. Which of the following is needed by a person to possess or have, to enter

into a serious relationship?
A. job C. mask
B. roles D. work

7. Who among the individuals below that is tasked to create, submit, review
approve and implement the laws necessary for a certain country/place?
A. celebrities C. children
B. political leaders D. religious leaders

8. Who among the people below, promote ethical behavior, responsible

personal decisions, and social justice?
A. celebrities C. children
B. political leaders D. religious leaders

9. What is the common role of teachers? A. They keep social traditions.

B. They educate the next generation.
C. They promote responsible decision-making.
D. They lead and implement the laws of the land.

10. What kind of social influence explains the behaviors of adolescents when
they behave as others do to feel that they belong to a group?
A. conformity C. hospitality
B. compliance D. obedience

11. Which of the following statements describes one’s development of

A. It is affected by the way a person communicates with others.
B. Development of self-efficacy goes along with self-confidence.
C. It is formed through experiences and the extent of seeing oneself.
D. How you behave in social relationships forms your self-perception.

12. Which of the following guide’s a man’s behavior and action as they relate
with others in most situations in life.
A. beliefs C. philosophies
B. principles D. values

13. Kylie loves to dance when she was 5 years old. But now that she is turning
18, she doesn’t want anymore to join any dance event. How do you call that
situation in which an individual is changing from child to being mature?
A. adolescence C. adulthood
B. middle adulthood D. adult

14. Mang Kanor is the barangay captain of their place. And as a chieftain, he
encourages and guides his constituents to set goals that could make their
place proud of. What do you think is the significant role played by Mang
Kanor in their barangay?
A. guidance C. instruct
B. followership D. leadership

15. Diego encouraged James to become the best player in their town. James
made Diego his inspiration in achieving his goal. What is the impact of Diego
on James which causes him to change his behavior?
A. personal relationships C. followership B.
leadership D. social influence


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modified August 6, 2014. Accessed June 18, 2020.


AND PAKIKISAMA.” Facts and Details. Accessed June 18, 2020.

Libretexts.“2.3: Perceiving and Presenting Self.” Social Sci LibreTexts. Last modified
September 25, 2019.

Muctar, Ehsan.“Chapter 7 - Understanding the Self and Others.” Share and Discover
Knowledge on SlideShare. Last modified January 9, 2017. Accessed June 18, 2020.

Pier.“Filipino Culture - Core Concepts.” Cultural Atlas. Accessed June 18, 2020.
Torres, Rupert Garry.“Social Relationship in Middle and Late Adolescence.” Share and
Discover Knowledge on SlideShare. Last modified March 7, 2017. Accessed June 18,

Walinga, Jennifer, and Charles Stangor."7.3 Adolescence: Developing Independence and

Identity – Introduction to Psychology – 1st Canadian Edition." BCcampus
Open Education. Last modified October 17, 2014. Accessed June 10, 2020.

“Definition of PERCEPTION.” Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's Most-trusted Online

Dictionary. Accessed June 18, 2020.

“Definition of SELF-PERCEPTION.” Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's Most-trusted

Online Dictionary. Accessed June 18, 2020.

“33 Self-Awareness Activities for Adults and Students.” Develop Good Habits. Last modified
June 19, 2020. Accessed June 20, 2020.

“Self Awareness - A Story About The Grass Eating Tiger.” Erika Mohssen-Beyk. Last
modified February 23, 2020. Accessed June 18, 2020.

“Self & Cooley’s Looking Glass Self.” Share and Discover Knowledge on SlideShare. Last
modified May 27, 2014. Accessed November 4, 2020.

“Social Influence.” Changing Minds and Persuasion -- How We Change What Others Think,
believe, Feel and Do. Accessed June 18, 2020.

“Social Relationship in Middle and Late Adolescence.” Share and Discover Knowledge on
SlideShare. Last modified November 16, 2016. Accessed June 18, 2020.

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