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Deductive reasoning

Its a basic form of reasoning where general statements are used to come up with
specific logical conclusions
It starts majorly with a general statement or hypothesis and examines the
possibility of extrapolating the observations of possibilities to reach a specific
logical conclusion
In deductive theres is normally first a premise then a minor premise then finally
an inference which is a conclusion based on reasoning and evidence
A common of deductive reasoning is syllogism in which two statements that is a
major premise and a minor premise together reach a conclusions
It majorly begins with a premise which is proven through observations

Example of deductive reasoning

“All form two students like mathematics, Billy is in form two, therefore Billy like
The major premise here is all form two students like mathematics is a general
statement followed by a minor premise which billy is form two which has led to
the conclusion that billy likes mathematics

Inductive reasoning
This is a form of reasoning where a likely premise not necessarily certain is
extracted from specific and limited observations, her we draw general conclusions
from a specific situation or data
In inductive inference we make many observations , discern a pattern in the
observations , make a general statement and infer an explanation or theory from
the data
Scientists use inductive reasoning in scientific methods to come up with
hypothesis and theories

Example of inductive reasoning

Boys in form two are good in mathematics, therefore boys are better in
mathematics than girls in the whole school.
The statement that boys are good in mathematics was very specific to only form
two students and has been used to infer that boys in the whole school are
generally good in mathematics than girls

A fallacy is kind of error in reasoning
The vast majority of the commonly identified fallacies involve arguments,
although some involve only explanations, or definitions, or other products of
An informal fallacy is fallacious because of both its form and its content. The
formal fallacies are fallacious only because of their logical form
Fallacies may be created unintentionally, or they may be created intentionally in
order to deceive other people.
Fallacy also refers to any false belief or cause of a false belief
The term “fallacy” is not a precise term. One reason is that it is ambiguous
The importance of understanding the common fallacy labels is that they provide
an efficient way to communicate criticisms of someone’s reasoning

Appealing to the gallery

Also known as Argumentum ad populum,this fallacy occurs anytime a sheer
number of people who agree to something is used to make you agree to a reason,
majorly used by politicians as they say things which they believe will be
acceptable to masses to persuade others who had not made a decision to be
suede to make the same decisions as the masses

This type of fallacy belongs in the category of relevance

It may take a direct or indirect approach

Relevance of logic to human life

Logic can also be a good tool to analyze other people's arguments. When
someone grasps how to interpret arguments and how they should and should not
be constructed, they will uncover all types of faulty arguments out there that can
damage their opponent's conclusion, especially during debates.
Logic and reasoning are vital in work training and development. Logic and
reasoning are fundamental in management, administration, law, finance,
engineering, physics, chemistry, archeology, history, and other areas.

Logic shapes every choice of our daily lives. Logical thinking enables someone to
learn and make decisions that affect their way of life.

Logic is important because it influences every decision we make in our lives.

Logical thinking allows us to learn and make decisions that will affect our lifestyle

Logic helps one to analyze life rationally. Rationality is the solid base of life. In
everyday life one has to decide now and then what is good, and what is bad. What
one has to accept and what one has to reject. Logical mind helps one to decide
what is best for him/her.

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