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Report about Conseil de la région Casablanca-Settat 

About both institution: 

The first visit took place in Le conseil de la région casablanca Setat, that is deliberative

assembly of the Moroccan region Casablanca-Settat, a decentralized local authority acting on the

regional territory. It is made up of 75 regional councilors elected for 6 years by direct universal suffrage

and chaired by Abdellatif Maâzouz since 2021. The regional council has set up several committees to

support its new regional orientation. 

 Standing committee in charge of budget, finance and programming 

 Standing committee responsible for economic and rural development, investment promotion,

training and employment 

 Standing committee in charge of culture, cooperation, communication and partnerships 

 Standing Committee on Family, Women, Youth, Health and Sport 

 Standing committee responsible for education, applied scientific research, the development of

modern technologies and digitization 

 Standing committee responsible for transport, mobility, clean energy, territorial development

and basic equipment 

 Standing committee responsible for land use planning, the environment and water 

About the visit: 

The visit took place in Le conseil de région Casablanca located in Mahkama du Pacha,that is an

administrative building constructed 1941-1942 in the Hubous neighborhood of Casablanca, Morocco. The

complex served as a courthouse, the pasha's residence, the governor, parliamentary reception hall and jail.

The construction of the courthouse was carried out during World War II, when French authorities usurped

most modern building materials in their colonies, such as steel and cement, for the war effort. As a result,
even though the courthouse was built in the mid-twentieth century, it was built with traditional methods,

brick by brick. The complex is characterized by traditional Mauro-Andalusi architectural

features: zeleej, stucco work, carved cedar wood, and green-tiled roofs.  

M. Houssam OUBBAD plays host and shows us hospitality during the whole visit.He launched a powerpoint

presentation about their main mission and objectifs for région Casablanca Settat that is one of the

twelve administrative regions of Morocco. It covers an area of 20,166 km² and recorded a population of

6,861,739 in the 2014 Moroccan census, the majority of which lived in urban areas. There is one controlling

entity that controls it, located in the capital of the region is Casablanca.In the first place, The host starts its

presentation by giving the difference between “la province et la préfecture” that is related to the nature of

the main populated area (urban vs rural). In the second place, the host elaborates more about the current

general territorial division of Morocco in comparison with the past one and the reasons of redivision.The

second part is about the main industries in Casablanca region and how they contribute to the 1/3 GDP of the

entire country. The second part concerns the risks cartography and the synergy of the region with others in

addition to the various aspects of the administrative management (basic regulatory text-111-14) .The third

part is about the level of skills: specific competences including the road development, creation of an artisanal

activity zone, promotion of the social economy as well as the training components at the level of the

international agency (constructions), and so on. The fourth part is about the flow of circular, green and blue

economy, the public projects negotiation in addition, to the different uses of renewable energies. 

Mr.OUBBAD also focused on the inspection (I.G.F) and financial side money management (I.G.A.T), the court

of auditors as well as the division and the missions of the strategies in the territorial level together with the

public policy projection and the sociology of management. The host emphasizes two different levels of

division, the first one considers the “PDR”in the regional level that includes the regional land use plan that

will last for 25 years ( from 2021-2045) which is constituted of two main plan: the creation of homogenous

project space with a territorial brand and the treatment of the structural projects in a Moroccan concept. The

second part is about the “PPP” in the province level,that includes the provincial land use in Casablanca and
other cities of the region such as Settat, Berrechid, Mohemadia, Mediouna, El JadidaSidi Bennour, Benslimane

and so on. 

The structural programs launched by the institutions are mainly related problems that should be solved for

the population's common benefit. The first theme is about the preparation and valorization of the humid

zones, by that all their efforts are related to the development of forest areas, enhancement of regional

biological sites in addition to the Developpement of green space that this region lacks in comparison with

others. Their second concern is about the urban and rural transportation, by that the city will be equipped

with 80KM of public transport, one of the procedures that will be done to achieve it: the construction of tram

line 3, the reduction of greenhouse gas by 15% in addition to the creation of 2 BHNS lines and 15 relay car

parks.The third concern is about the drinking water, by that a lot of efforts will be made by the state to the

quality of life of inhabitants of the region by ensuring their fiundamental right to access it. Other projects that

were highly stated and elaborated on are about the traineeship and the creation of startups that is

considered one of the most important ones that will have direct impact on society and its economy.The

region will facilitate and give more advantages to startups and will also open training center,in order to raise

citizens’ chances for employment. Le Conseil De région Casablanca-Settat is also concerned about solving

problems related to village tourism, industrial zones, improvement of road networks as well as the areas of

historical memory. 

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