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GPPa-1-18. Maksutova Aida
Technical translation has its own specific
character, and the main features include the
need for the most accurate description of
technological processes, a competent
translation of specific terms and an observance
of an appropriate presentational style. The
translation of technical documentation,
including instructions for the use of hardware
and software requires linguistic and professional
Main types of technical translation:

o Translation of technical documentation

o Translation of passports for equipment.
o Translation of scientific and technical literature
o Translation of technical texts
o Localisation of software and translation of
o Translation of instructions
o Translation of equipment catalogues
Translation of technical documentation

Translation of technical documentation, containing

specific information related to various areas of
expertise. The peculiarity of this type of translation lies
not only in translating individual words, phrases and
sentences. The translator must take the specific topics
of the particular translation into account for this is
what determines the qualification of a technical
translator in a particular field.
Translation of passports for equipment.

Translation of passports for equipment. Due to the

special significance of the information specified in
the passport documentation, this is a challenging
translation that can be performed only by a translator
who is perfectly fluent in technical terms and who
can convey the information in a language used by
corresponding professionals. This type of translation
also requires compliance with all regulations and
standards applicable in the particular industry.
Translation of scientific and
technical literature

Translation of scientific and technical

literature – performance of this serious work
requires a lot of knowledge and acquired
experience since in this case the translator
has to convey not only the precise meaning
of texts, but also reflect the individual style
used by the authors in the original text.
Translation of technical texts

Translation of technical texts requires the precise use

of terms without losing the general meaning. These
may be translations on automotives, construction and
other highly technical subjects. This type of translation
has a very important feature - the translator should
have a good comprehension of the topic being
translated for sometimes technical terms do not have
direct translations in the target language.
Localisation of software and
translation of interfaces

Localisation of software and translation of interfaces

includes a full range of services for adapting the
elements of the interface as well as auxiliary files and
documentation. This is performed by specialists with
excellent scientific and technical expertise.
Translation of instructions

Translation of instructions for various devices

and equipment as well as user manuals,
guidelines for installation and repair of
equipment requires outstanding language skills
and the ability to express complicated things
using simple expressions.
Translation of equipment

Translation of equipment catalogues is usually

performed in close collaboration with the client for in
most cases the translator must strictly follow internal
glossaries and standards for translation and the
formatting of documentation developed by the
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