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Stress is quite a relevant issue in the society and it has affected lives of many

individuals. However, the good thing is the fact that there are different ways of relieving

stress. First is taking care of one’s self. One of the main reasons why people get

stressed is the lack of self-care. People put themselves under too much pressure to the

point that they don’t realize the risk of their mental, physical and even emotional health

they put into. So, it is really recommendable to take good care of one’s self especially

by having a healthy lifestyle along with constant exercise.

Next is focusing on optimism. Being an individual living in a messy world where

negativities and chaos exist greatly contribute to the level of stress a person can obtain.

Thus, it is important to focus on positivity and look behind the shadow of chaos to

realize that there is good in every bad. In that way, burdens may be lessened knowing

that a positive mind will always lead into a positive life.

Although these ways are really helpful, overcoming stress does not always lead

to having a quick result since it is a process and it takes time.

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