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‘Ascana City, Parasaquo 1702 Phipines Tot +632.0050 0900 Fax +652 6058 9096 Website: itaya.sten.comipiliopines (Contac: eontac.oomitsins com April 27, 2022 ASSOCIATED MARINE OFFICERS’ & ‘SEAMEN'S UNION OF THE PHILS. (AMOSUP) TCC RETIREMENT FUND OFFICE ATTENTION : TCCC RETIREMENT FUND OFFICE The bearer,Mr. DANILO R. LANURIAS is requesting that he be allowed to withdraw his TCCC Provident Fund contributions from your good office from which we confirm that we have no objection for said claims. Herebelow is the summary of his retirement fund contributions relative to the vessels covered by TCCC agreement which the above crew had duly served: VESSEL RANK __|| SALARY ‘SIGN- ‘SIGN- ‘ON OFF. TTRADEWIND PASSION __| [3/E 1237.00 || 14-Jul-19 || 20-Mar-20 TTRADEWIND PASSION __| [3/E 7,559.00 || 05-Aug-20 ||" 03-Mar-27 [TRADEWIND ADVENTURE| [3/E 4,559.00 || 22-Jul-27 17-Feb-22 Our sincerest thanks for your usual kind con: n on this matter. Very truly yours, PACIFIC OCEAN MANNING, INC. vy Ms. LOUISE ABBY INSAO AMOSUP-In-Charge FBvcrew Iw Tomes | esse poamoumn Formation] Toran [muonreoer wr |_| ste rennuane ae mancnos fmay | aie 554 fe mln = a ea ale G49 AuGUST (55.40 SEPTEMBER 5-40 OCTOBER 155.40 NOVEMBER, 55. penenmeen 1S. st wr MONTHIYEAR | VESSEL POSITIONIRANK ——_—__j IW. 10 JANUARY “or FEBRUARY |7] MARCH TAD ND Sie |conTRIBUTION| AI. TOTAL APRIL, may JUNE JuLy AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER

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