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These are the cements which are used in adjunct to obturating material to seal the canal perfectly. Ideal properties: Excellent seal when it seals. Adequate adhesion among the canal walls and filling material
Be radio-opaque. Non staining. Dimensionally stable

Easily mixed & introduced in canals. Easily removed if necessary. Insoluble in tissue fluid.

Non irritating to peripheral tissue. Slow setting. Functions: Cementing the core material into the canal. Filling of the discrepancies between the canal wall and core material. Lubricant. Bactericidal agent.
Acts as a marker for accessory canals, resorptive defects, root

fractures and other spaces into which the main core material may not penetrate.

Composition:Powder Zinc oxide. - 42%Staybelite Resin. - 27% Bismuth bicarbonate. - 15% Barium Sulphate. - 15% Sodium Borate Anhydrous. - 1% Liquid Eugenol or oil of Pigmenta Leaf. Powder and Liquid is mixed to creamy consistency. Tests for proper consistency are: Drop test and string test. Grossmans sealer reduces leakage and provides adequate seal.

Composition: Powder. Zinc oxide. Canada balsam. Resin. Gutta-percha. Liquid. Chloroform.

It is a polyvinyl resin (polyketone). It consist of a fine pure white powder and a viscous, honey colored liquid. Composition:Powder. Zinc oxide.

Bismuth phosphate. Liquid. Polyvinyl resin. Advantages: Good adhesion to teeth. Rapid set. High

tensile strength. Resistance to permeability.

AHAdvnatages: Strong adhesive properties. Provides good seal. Disadvantages: Staining of tooth structure. Insoluble in solvents.


An epoxy resin containing a non toxic hardener. Radio-opacity is imparted by bismuth oxides.

It is germicidal. Composition:Powder. Zinc oxide. Precipitated silver. White resin. Thymol iodide. Liquid. Oil of cloves. Canada balsam. Advantages: Excellent lubricating property. Excellent adhesion. Adequate setting time. Disadvantage: Possibility of discoloration of tooth. (due to silver.)

Composition:Zinc oxide. Bismuth trioxide.

Oleoresins. Thymol iodide. Oils. Modifiers. Advantages: Excellent lubricating property. Does not stain the tooth. Disadvantage: Rapid setting.

It is germicidal Composition:Powder Zinc oxide Calcium phosphate Bismuth subnitrate Heavy magnesium oxide. Liquid Canada balsam Oil of clove

- 10 gm. - 2 gm. - 3.5 gm. - 0.5 gm. - 20 ml. - 6 ml.

Advantages: Low tissue irritation Adequate setting time Limited lubricating qualities.

MTA SEALER Composition:Tricalcium silicate Bismuth oxide Dicalcium silicate Tetracalcium Aluminoferrite Calcium sulphate dehydrate Advantages:-

Repair material that does not irritate the surrounding tissues and has good sealing properties Ease of manipulation Unique ability to stimulate osteogenesis and cementogenesis

To be carried to or through the apical foramen to influence the healing

or repair of a peri-apical lesion. Consist of base of zinc oxide-Eugenol and various chemical agents such as Indoform, thymol blue, amphoterated phenol and paraformaldehyde. Advised at the time when the dental profession correlated a peri-apical lesion with infection.

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