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What did Eddie learn after meeting the five people in heaven?

There are five people that Eddie met in the heaven. Everyone he met in the heaven also taught him a lesson. They did not directly teach him a lesson but base on Eddies life to inspire him. 1. Firstly, Blue Man which is the first people Eddie met in heaven, conveyed him a message about life and death. He told Eddie that everyones life is interconnected, we can no more separate one life from another. This implied that everyone has his own role and importance on earth or even in the world. Blue Man has ever said Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know. Even a person that Eddie didnt know, may finally met Eddie and know him. 2. Secondly, Captain which is the second people Eddie met in heaven, transferred him a message about sacrifice. He told Eddie that when he lost one thing, he might also gain one thing simultaneously. Eddies one leg is disabled since the World War II , however, he can keep him alive because of this event. That is what Captain wanted to let Eddie know. Captain had ever said Sacrifice is a part of life. Its supposed to be. It is not something to regret. It is something to aspire to. This taught Eddie that he should proud of himself because he sacrificed his life to save a girl. This is also what Blue Man had said everyone are all connected. Eddie connected with the girl(Amy) he saved. 3. Thirdly, Ruby which is the third people Eddie met in heaven, sent him a message about forgiveness. She said Hatred is a curved blade, the harm we do, we do to ourselves at the same time. This taught Eddie that hating a people is a bad thing, he did harm to himself while he hated his father. Finally Ruby inspired Eddie and Eddie learnt to forgive his father. 4. Fourthly, Marguerite. Conveyed Love. Lost love is still love. It takes a different form. Life has to end, but love doesnt. She died of brain tumor. Eddie learnt that although Marguerite had left Eddie, love still exist between them. The love between them did and would not come to an end because Eddie loved his wife so much. 5. Fifthly, Tala. Conveyed Meaning of life. She brought Eddie to another heaven. Eddie found that although his career was very ordinary, he prevented many accidents from happening, securing thousands of people. Eddie learnt that although his life was so routine, life can also be meaningful to others, like the people that secured and saved. 6. Apart from the five main theme conveyed by the five people in heaven. Eddie also found that heaven is not a place like a paradise garden where he could float on clouds and rivers. But it is a place to understand what happened in his life, to have it explained.

Why did Eddie finally return to Ruby Pier? There are probably some reasons for Eddie to return to Ruby Pier. 1. Throughout his life, he lived and worked Ruby Pier. That is a place that accompanied Eddie for almost his whole life. It is like a home for Eddie. 2. As mentioned in the story, Eddie wanted Marguerite desperately, one more minute, half a minute, or even five more seconds. In the end of the story, Marguerite was waiting for Eddie in the Ruby Pier in the heaven. 3. Eddie had worked for maintenance in Ruby Pier for almost his whole life. Repairing and maintenance of facilities in Ruby Pier had come a mission for him. In the end, he returned to Ruby Pier so as to work for the thousands of people in that heaven, like what he did throughout his life on earth. This is a continuation of his life on earth. This echoed the start of this book which is the end. 4. He returned to Ruby Pier so as to see the growth of the girl (Amy) he saved. Like the five people Eddie met in heaven, they also see Eddies growth and what had happened to Eddie before his death. 5. That is the main theme of the book. Eddie returned to Ruby Pier to wait the girl he saved. When the girl reached her heaven, Eddie would appear and become the first person whom the girl met in her heaven, aiming at teaching her a lesson about life and death and sacrifice which was inspired by Blue Man and Captain respectively. This implied that the girl would be the same as the encounter of Eddie, reaching a continuity of the story. Which scene/happening in the book surprises you most? Why? The scene where Eddie and the last person Eddie meet in heaven Tala surprises me most. At the beginning of the story, Eddie sacrificed to save a girl. When Eddie died, he felt two small hands in his own. This aroused my curiosity and my concern. Throughout the story, Eddie kept emphasizing he felt two small hands in his own to every people he met in heaven, but he still could not find out whose hands they were. Before Eddie meeting the fifth person he met in heaven, I kept thinking about whose hands they were, I guessed they were Amys hands. Amy is the person who was saved by Eddie. Until he met the last person in heaven, the mystery was then figured out. Out of my expectation, after Tala had inspired and taught Eddie a lesson, Tala explained that they were her hands. She added that she brought Eddie to heaven to keep him safe. And this led Eddie to meet the five people in the heaven. The writer wrote in such a skilful way, aiming at creating mysterious scene. This raised readers curiosity and give an opportunity for readers to predict the end of the story. Therefore, this scene surprises me most.

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