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Pradana,Arya Vandy Eka. 2018, Differences in the effect of topical 2% ficidiic acid,
topical nadifloxacin and povidone iodine on open wound healing in male wistar rats
(Rattus norvegicus). Faculty of Medicine, University of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya,
Final Project, Medical Education Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya,advisor : Noerkumala Indahsari S.Si M.Si

Skin is the first line of defense against attacks of various kinds of bacteria. Topical antibiotics
are drugs applied to the skin with the aim of killing bacteria and preventing infections that can be
caused by bacteria. Untreated infection will spread and become a more serious problem. The purpose
of this study was to investigate the difference in the effect of topical 2% fusidiate acid, topical
nadifloxacin and povidone iodine on the wound healing process. This research is experimental
analytic with post test only control group design. The study population was divided into four
treatment groups with each sample of 5 male white rats (Rattus norwegicus). All groups were treated
with punch biopsy wounds then treated for P1 group given a topical 2-fusidate, P2 was given topical
Nadifloxacin, P3 was given Povidone Iodine and Control group was given only Vaseline Independent
variables were topical 2% fusidic acid, topical nadifloxacin, povidone iodine and control , while the
dependent variable is the process of healing open wounds. Data analysis using onova anova and post
hoc LSD test with significance level (α = 0,05). The result of statistical test oneway anova got P value
<0,05 mean there is different process of wound healing of four treatment group (multivariate). LSD
test obtained P <0,05, mean there is difference of healing process of open wound between group
(bivariat). It can be concluded that 2% topical fusidiate, topical nadifloxacin and povidone iodine are
effective against the speed of open wound healing process in male wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus).
The open wound healing process of group P2 (topical nadifloxacin) is faster then group P1 (topical
2% fusidic acid) then P3 group (povidone iodine). Expected in the provision of topical antibiotic
therapy to the wound healing process, health officials are expected to use wisely that is appropriate
selection of antibiotics, appropriate dosage and duration of therapy.

Keywords: topical 2% fusidate, topical nadifloxacin, povidone iodine and open wound healing

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