Uncle Jack's Guide To Crime & Punishment

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Clean Record

in current jurisdiction

Dormant Fine
Commit Active Fine Pay Cmdr Will not mature into
Minor Can pay in local Fine within 7 No dies within 7 Yes Bounty (unless
Security Office. days? days? reactivated).

Major No

Active Bounty Commit new offense in same

jurisdiction, or get scanned by NPC
Cmdrs & NPC's can
from same jurisdiction.
attack on sight. Capped
at 1MCr.

Ship destroyed but Jurisdiction:

Bounty not detected.
Sufficient time (scaled to - Crimes are logged against minor faction having jurisdiction.
offense, up to 7 days) Killed by NPC - The Controlling Minor Faction of a system has overall
passes. New major or Cmdr. jurisdiction in that system.
crimes will reset timer. Bounty is Spawn - Near stations the minor faction owning that station has
Finable offenses paid out. in station where No jurisdiction.
increase bounty but do wanted? - Current jurisdiction listed at the bottom of the Target
not reset timer. Information Panel.
Dormant Bounty
Yes Not visible to other Cmdrs
Minor Offenses (Fines):
or in other jurisdictions.
- Unlawful discharge of weapons (no-fire zone)
- Carrying stolen goods (must be scanned by authority)
- Carrying prohibited goods (must be scanned by authority)
7 days pass without Commit new crime in Ship scanned by NPC from - Illegal dumping: jettisoning cargo near station, or jettisoning
Bounty being detected & same jurisdiction within 7 jurisdiction issuing bounty toxic waste (must be seen by authority)
reactivated. days. within 7 days. - Loitering on landing pad
- Failing to dock within allotted time
- Collisions while speeding (>100 m/sec near stations)

Major Offenses (Bounties/Hostile station response):

Bounty removed & turned
into Legacy Fine for the - Murder: Destroying a (locally) clean ship
same amount & jurisdiction. - Assault: Firing on a (locally) clean ship
Does not expire, no cap. - Destruction of another ship resulting from collision while
speeding (>100 m/sec near stations)
- Attacking ship before scan is complete
- Weapon discharge in docking bay
- Loitering in airlock (> 6 min to exit station)
Pay off Legacy Ship destroyed & respawns in station - Docking without permission (after 60 second timer)
Fine in station in owned by issuing minor faction. Legacy - Docking on incorrect pad (after 60 second timer)
same jurisdiction. Fine is added to rebuy cost.

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