Lab 1

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1. Install Web Server + Setup a New Website + Website Layout

1. Install Web Server + PHP + MariaDB + PhpMyAdmin

Go to:
Choose appropriate version for your OS

a. On MS Window and Linux: download and install XAMPP
b. On MacOS:
• Apache web server pre-installed with the OS, you don’t have to
install it again, just configure and use it.
• Install PHP
• Install MySQL (MariaDB)

Edit httpd.conf under your Apache folder and set appropriate paths and other

2. Setup your first website
• After you completed part 1 above, you can access http://localhost to access
your first website.
• You can create a new folder under root folder of the site, name it as (for example:,,, ….). Then you can
access your website by specifying http://localhost/

3. Suggest layout for your website (use HTML5 + CSS3)
Refer to:

Your website interface contains:
• Header (company logo, company name, …)
• Navigation buttons, links, ….
• Body
• Footer

For your layout:
• Choose appropriate sizes of all the parts of your web page interface
• Choose appropriate forecolors and background colors (refer to the Color
Wheel, search this keyword from Google search engine)

• Complete your layout + interface
o Make sure your interface looks nicely, like a real web page interface
o Make sure you use margin and padding correctly
o Don’t use table to create your web page layout

• Submit your interface to BK-Elearning
o Deadline: at the end of the same day (11:59pm).
o What to submit: a) Source code file; b) Captured image of the layout

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