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11/7 What do you notice about the writing - the way the author wrote?

Think back to tone

and mood.

Well James Patterson is a very experienced and talented writer. So the tone is kind of the

same throughout the book. The tone is very suspenseful and eerie with hints of comedy snuck in

at times when it gets to feel too heavy.

11/9 How is this book like other books you have read in this genre?

This book is very similar to another book I’ve read in this genre and by this author.

Maybe because that book was the prequel but it is still similar. It is similar in the way the

characters act with each other, even with the character development that has happened between

the two books. It also has similar humor and suspense.

11/10 How is this book different from other books you have read in this genre?

This book is unlike another book because it 1, is set in a different time frame than most

books, 2, it introduces new concepts of government and political themes, and 3, it has more

violence in it than other books.

11/14 How was your prior knowledge been challenged or confirmed after reading the


My prior knowledge has nothing to do with this book. I am simply intaking more

knowledge as I’m reading. So my brain power to think is not required when I’m reading, other

than to process the words.

11/15 What reading strategies did you implement to help you understand the text better?

My text is very easy to understand, although I do need to understand when the characters

use sarcasm and wit.

11/16 Based on evidence from the text, and your prior knowledge, what do you think will

happen next in the story?

I think Becca will become friends with Miss Mia, the daughter of the president. And I

think Cassie will somehow find out where Becca is and be able to help her with her mission.

11/17 How has your thinking or mindset changed while/after reading this book?

My mindset has pretty much stayed the same throughout the book, although I expect

what’s going to happen in the book more now.

11/18 What are the key events in the story?

The key events in my book are mostly not very nice things like violence and abusive

behavior. I don’t think I should elaborate too much because those things aren’t very school


12/1 What is one text to text connection you have?

In this book I keep getting reminded of the prequel to the book just to get a frame of

reference for how things are set up in this world.

12/5 If you were to have lunch with the main character, what would you talk about?
I think me and the main character would probably talk about our boyfriends and the

gossip in our environments. Those are both things that both of us enjoy talking about.

12/6 Which part of your book would you change?

I would change how often the book switches point of view. I like getting to hear both

sides of the story but I wish it were half one person, half the other person so I didn’t get confused

on who was talking.

12/7 Do any of the characters remind you of someone you know?

Not really because I don’t know any people who were kidnapped, brought to a prison,

trained to be assassins, then told to kill the president. Although it would be super cool if I did.

We did not do SSR on the 8th

12/9 What are some similarities and differences between two central characters?

Cassie and Becca are very different but similar in that they both want what's best, they

are both super stubborn, and have a lot of tenacity. They are different because Cassie likes to

read, and likes to be tidy and have everything clean and planned. Becca on the other hand, could

give less cares in the world and just wants to have fun all the time.

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