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Virchow father of microscopic pathology Cell Doctrine Demonstrated the process by which blood clots Recognize the importance of the cell as the basic unit for alterations in the diseases He found the importance of science in cellular pathology Discovered leukemia Cell arise from other cells

Chinese 3,000 BC Proverbs tasted and tested effectivity of drugs, good and bad Plant sources for drugs composed Materia Medica Chinese Emperor Shen Nung personal effects with the good and bad effects of all his medicinal plants. HUA TUO 1ST first person to perform surgery with the aid of anesthesia Greek Illness was no longer a punishment by gods; rational method of management. Patient from the word patior, to suffer, Clinic from the word kline, to recline

Louis Pasteur Germ Theory Disease Ignazz Semmelweiss The reason why the colleagues of Ignazz Semmelweiss rejected his teachings about the transmission of the germs that caused puerperal fever was they refused to take the responsibility for the death of their patients. Puerperal fever (Child-bed Fever) infected Reproductive System The observation of Semmelweiss was that the lowest occurrence of puerperal fever was among women who delivered by midwives because Midwives practiced handwashing Robert Boyle Member of the Invisible College Father of Modern Chemistry his law applies on respiration Invented or discovered lithium, oxygen and hydrometer

Middle Ages Benedictine monks translated medical books from Arabic to Latin Saints and diseases Medical School of Salerno Medical Man was first called Doctor Hospice and Hospitals Physicians invented a gown and mask to protect themselves from the bubonic plagues An increase in human dissections Arabic Medicine Alkali, Alcohol, Syrup Muslims made huge contributions to this field. Muslim doctors established the worlds first hospitals. Theirs hospitals contained separate wards for patients so that others didnt catch diseases other than the ones they already had. Muslim Pharmacists also made hundreds of medications. They also used anti septics and sedatives. AVICENNA best Arab anatomist Introduced the CANON OF MEDICINE IBN ZUHR(AVENZOAR)- 1ST physician known to have carried out human dissections and post mortem autopsy IBN AL-NAFIS father of circulatiory physiology Code of Hammurabi Guideline on the proper conduct in business, medicine and agriculture. Hippocrates Father of Medicine The first to teach holistic medicine Taught the value of making a prognosis First to teach that health is brought about by the equilibrium of the humor Fundamental teaching: First Do No Harm Primum non nocere Aphorism: Consumption occurs chiefly between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five Typhoid Fever Aphorism: In every disease it is a good sign when the patients intellect is sound and he enjoys his food; the opposite is a bad sign. Asking about appetite, evaluating the patients mental alertness helps in making a prognosis. Aphorism: When on starvation diet, the patient should not be fatigued. A person who is on starvation diet must not exert physical effort, so as not to become tired.. Hippocratic face the facies of impending death

Giovanni Morgagni

The Cry of the Diseased Organs Father of Modern Pathology The Seats and Causes of Disease investigated by Anatomy about Anatomic Pathology

William Harvey Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus Wrote an Essay on the Generation of Animals, the basis for Modern Embryology. John Hunter His Vacuum pump proved that the mouse could not survive without air. An expert in Comparative Anatomy and Physiology Wrote a Treatise on Venereal Diseases Inoculated himself with Syphilis as an experiment Helen Taussig Pediatric Cardiology Rheumatic Fever Blue Babies had dyslexia Knew that THALIDOMIDE can cause heart septal defects ALFRED BLALOCK left subclavian artery was anastomosed to the left pulmonary artery in an end-to-side fashion Performed open heart surgery on children with congenital defects - The Blalock-Taussig surgical procedure was meant to relieve the cyanosis of Tetralogy of Fallot - The third person in the team who contributed to the successful open heart surgery was Vivien Thomas - Omnis cellula e celula = All living cells arise from preexisting cells through cell division

Pinched nose Hollow eyes Cold ears with lobes turned outward Focus on drinking plenty of fluids, rest and massage for curing minor illness

opportunities to do more human dissections due to cultural constraints.

*Hippocratic Oath pledges loyalty to the teacher and his family - Fraternity - Ethical Principles of Medicine - Confidentiality *The Asklepian Temple healing was effective because it removed the psychological factor in the causation of diseases through bathing, music, resting and counseling. Galen

Taught that blood was found in vains and arteries but did not move or flow and that blood passed through the pores on the ventricular septum master of medical philosophy, and considered the study of philosophy to be essential to a physician's training believed that the body was the physical vehicle for the indwelling soul three varieties of pneuma, or vital energy Four Faculties of the organism developed and expanded the humoral physiology and pathology of Hippocrates believed in the Aristotelian doctrine that, in Nature, form follows function. If we want to understand the function of an organ, tissue or body part, we must first study its form. concluded that the kidneys produce urine organs and muscles they controlled by arious spinal nerve roots Galenic degrees Theriac, an herbal jam or electuary with some 64 differnt ingredients that was a virtual panacea or cure-all for many diseases, and an antidote to many poisons. He wrote a treatise on the subject, entitled De Pulsibus. first to use experiments to probe the function on the body prince of physicians Heart is the central organ of the vascular system

Ambroise Pare One of the fathers of surgery and modern forensic pathology Had the Eye of an eagle, the heart of a lion, Hand of a woman Elevated the practice of surgery to a respectable level Will always be remembered for making his patients comfortable Wrote a book on the method of treating wounds Taught that hemorrhage is best arrested by ligature not by cautery. I dressed him, God healed him Humility virtue Stop hemorrhage by using ligaments and abandoned the cautering irons and application of pressure Pioneered the treatment of gunshot wounds Leader in surgical techniques and battlefield medicine especially in treating the wounds Andreas Vesalius Father of Modern Anatomy De Humani Corporis Fabrica His discoveries were the fruits a series of human dissections and other experiments Discovered the true anatomical structures of the body as we know them today * Titian artist who drew the illustrations of the human anatomy in the book of Vesalius Philippine Folk practice Herbal-Gabon for diarrhea Coconut water for kidney disease Flying lizard to cure asthma LOUIS PASTEUR one of the fathers of modern microbiology Postulated the germ theory of disease father of immunology CHAMBERLEN use of forceps for delivery Forceps was invented by DR. PETER (closely guarded secret) Founded in vicinity in Rome MITA PARDO DE TAVERA MARIA PAZ MENDOZA GUANZON 1st Filipina to obtain the degree of tropical medicine and public health HONORIA ACOSTA-SISON 1ST Filipina physician MOTHER OF PHIL. OBSTETRICS Temple healing eating a teaspoonful of salt to cure fever Healing practices with a magico-religious connotation are the ff: Dancing, chanting Wearing of amulet protection against harm, illnesses and witches and bad spirits Aroma therapy JOSEPH LISTER provided principles of antiseptics in the treatment of wounds Pioneer of antiseptic surgery Successfully introduced carbonic acid (phenol) to sterilize surgical instruments and to clean wounds which led to reducing post operative infections and made surgery 3 methods to eliminate microorganism responsible for gangrene:

The 4 Humors All four of these humors, or vital fluids, are present in the bloodstream in varying quantities: Blood AIR the Sanguine humor red, hemoglobin-rich portion. Phlegm - WATER Phlegmatic humor present as the clear plasma portion. Yellow Bile - FIRE Choleric humor present as a slight residue or bilirubin, imparting a slight yellowish tint. Black Bile - EARTH Melancholic humor present as a brownish grey sediment with platelets and clotting factors. The fallacies in the teachings of Galen were perpetuated for 1,500 years because of Limited

o Filtration o Exposure to heat o Exposure to chemical solutions WILLIAM THOMAS GREEN MORTON dentist First to publicly demonstrate DIETHYL ETHER as general anesthesia Pioneer of GA

RENE LAENNEC invented the STETOSCPOE in 1816 founder of clinical diagnostic Liver cirrhosis was named after him MARIE CURIE discovered RADIATION Founded radiology and nuclear medicine Died due to leukemia from radiation exposure which gave the world of science material for research WHILHEM CONRAD ROENTGEN - discovered x-ray DOCTOR MAGISTER- This title was first conferred on the graduates of SALERINO The invention of calendar made an improvement in their practice by allowing them to take note of the duration of the disease

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