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As the survey statistically showed the results under the category of Electronics we conducted few more
observation on why some of the students did not feel good or fine with the electronics appliances within
our room

For the first discussion that was seen on the survey only 55% of the students agreed that all the plugs in
the room are working thus giving the researchers more thing to observe to find the solution, after some
time of observing researchers found that the plugs in the far right corner are not working properly that
causes the other 45% to disagree in “All plugs are working properly”. Next is for the light and the
illumination of the room 55% of the students disagrees that the light in the classroom gives comfort for
studying since the some of the lights in the classroom are not functioning properly that makes up the
lack of brightness in the classroom. Last but not the least is about the classroom ventilation, 100% of the
students disagrees that the ventilation and the fans in the room were able to give the whole class a
much more comfortable temperature, and this might be the cause of the numbers of students as for the
numbers of fans around the classroom.


Thirty percent of the class disagreed with the survey's findings that 14 (or 70%) of respondents could
plainly see the chalkboards from the back of the room. As we observed the classroom, 30% of the
students are unable to see from the back of the room due to the sun's rays reflecting off the board,
which causes their eyes to become overwhelmed by the reflection of the sunlight added the thin layer of
chalk that is written in the board that the students can barely see. For the number of armchairs, there
are still 4 (20%) and 2 (10%) respondents who are dissatisfied with the number of armchairs. This is
because the other armchairs are mostly damaged and not very comfortable to use, which is why some
of the armchairs in the classroom are unused because of their quality. Those who voted satisfied, very
satisfied, or neutral are the students who have fixed and usable armchairs that are still comfortable to


19 of the respondents, or 95%, said that they require a projector. According to what we have observed
in our classroom, projectors are necessary for students in order for them to readily report their work
and for the listeners to correctly examine the report. The only problem is that there aren't many
opportunities for each class to have enough money or cash to purchase a projector. As a result, it can be
challenging for teachers and students to report on and discuss classes, particularly when such courses
are created on a PowerPoint and not all pupils can see the visuals or text being presented. Students can
benefit from having a projector because of its features, which include a customizable screen size, huge
images that enable them to see the images well, and eye comfort that provides. And as for the trash bag
100% of the students answered that the room needs a trash bag to have an easy disposure of garbage,
while the majority of the students said that the numbers of broom and dustpan is enough for the
cleaners each day.

Most students are really comfortable in what the room offers thus we must make sure that all the
students were comfortable enough, so we plan to use what the survey results have given us in order to
improve the classroom

For Electronics, we must request the change of the not function light to improve the brightness in the
room, same goes to the fans that does not work properly.

For utilities, we just have to make sure that we don’t lose some armchairs and request some of the
armchairs to be fixed to have more seats in the room

For the material, we must buy a trash bag for an easy disposure of garbage, while for the projector we
will strive hard in order to obtain one for the whole class.

In conclusion we will strive to get the best improvement that the room and the students can still offer to
have a better year, a better comfort ability, and a better study.

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