Literal Reading Part 3 Salinan

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Nama : I Putu Doni Irawan

Nim : 21188203058

Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : C

Activity 1: Guessing meaning

1. Ravenous = hungry
2. Flippers = swiming fins
3. Mold = place to print things
4. Porch = home yard
5. Stoop = looking down
6. Eaves = roof
7. Pressing = urgent
8. Gaudy = salient
9. Dike = dam
10. Shred = ripped

Activity 2 : Defining context cluses

1. Dignity = self-esteem
“holding her head up high as she was maeched off the protest site . “is a definition of “self –
2. Paradise = beautiful world
“when rex had a bone, a warm spot to lie, and someone petting him. “is a definition of
“beautiful world”
3. Fascinate = spellbound
“alvin went to the museum every Saturday “. is a definition of “spellbound”
4. Yearn = want
“even though john had a good job and nice family”. Is a definition of “want”
5. Seldom = rarely
“Since professional athletes have to stay in peak physical shape”. Is a definition of “rarely”

Activity 3 : Guessing the meaning

1. Grammatical function of askance : adjective
Approximate meaning of askance : doubt
2. Grammatical function of rubble : noun
Approximate meaning of rubble : wreckage
3. Grammatical function of slipshod : adjective
Approximate meaning of slipshod : careless

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