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Nama : I Putu Doni Irawan

Nim : 21188203058

Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Activity 1 : Getting key idea from sentence

1. Even teenagers with good driving records pay higher insurance rates that adults.

2. While the prices have steadily declined, personal computer are still too expensive for the average

3. Neighborhood action groups make a manjor difference in the quality of life in most citties.

4. The mayor’s aides canceled a scheduled meeting with and active community group that
supported the mayor’s reelection .

Activity 2 : Geeting main idea from paragraph

1. Functional organization is efficient, but there are two standard criticisms.

2. According to trompenaars, the relationship between boss, colleagues and friend is divided into 2,
namely, universalist and particularist.

3. Marketers are always looking for market opportunities and profits to satisfy and insatiable need.

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