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Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto Protocol was an int ernat ional t reat y which ext ended t he 1992 Unit ed Nat ions
Framework Convent ion on Climat e Change (UNFCCC) t hat commit s st at e part ies t o reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, based on t he scient ific consensus t hat (part one) global warming is
occurring and (part t wo) t hat human-made CO2 emissions are driving it . The Kyot o Prot ocol was
adopt ed in Kyot o, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and ent ered int o force on 16 February 2005.
There were 192 part ies (Canada wit hdrew from t he prot ocol, effect ive December 2012)[5] t o t he
Prot ocol in 2020.
Kyoto Protocol
Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC

   Annex B parties with binding targets in the second period

   Annex B parties with binding targets in the first period but not the second
   Non-Annex B parties without binding targets
   Annex B parties with binding targets in the first period but which withdrew from the Protocol
   Signatories to the Protocol that have not ratified
   Other UN member states and observers that are not party to the Protocol

Signed 11 December 1997[1]

Location Kyoto, Japan

Effective 16 February 2005[1]

Condition Ratification by at least 55 states to the


Expiration 31 December 2012 (first commitment period)[2]

31 December 2020 (second commitment

Signatories 84[1] (1998–1999 signing period)

Parties 192[4][5] (the European Union, Cook Islands, Niue,

and all UN member states except Andorra,
Canada, South Sudan, and the United States as
of 2022)

Depositary Secretary-General of the United Nations

Languages Arabic, Mandarin, English, French, Russian, and

Full text

Kyoto Protocol at Wikisource

Kyoto Protocol Ext ension (2012–2020)

Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol

Acceptance of the Doha Amendment

   States that ratified
   Kyoto protocol parties that did not ratify
   Non-parties to the Kyoto Protocol

Type Amendment to international agreement

Drafted 8 December 2012

Location Doha, Qatar

Effective 31 December 2020[6]

Condition Ratification by 144 state parties required

Expiration 31 December 2020[7]

Ratifiers 147[6]

Full text

Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol at Wikisource

The Kyot o Prot ocol implement ed t he object ive of t he UNFCCC t o reduce t he onset of global
warming by reducing greenhouse gas concent rat ions in t he at mosphere t o "a level t hat would
prevent dangerous ant hropogenic int erference wit h t he climat e syst em" (Art icle 2). The Kyot o
Prot ocol applied t o t he seven greenhouse gases list ed in Annex A: carbon dioxide (CO2), met hane
(CH4), nit rous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur
hexafluoride (SF6), nit rogen t rifluoride (NF3).[8] Nit rogen t rifluoride was added for t he second
compliance period during t he Doha Round.[9]

The Prot ocol was based on t he principle of common but different iat ed responsibilit ies: it
acknowledged t hat individual count ries have different capabilit ies in combat ing climat e change,
owing t o economic development , and t herefore placed t he obligat ion t o reduce current
emissions on developed count ries on t he basis t hat t hey are hist orically responsible for t he
current levels of greenhouse gases in t he at mosphere.

The Prot ocol's first commit ment period st art ed in 2008 and ended in 2012. All 36 count ries t hat
fully part icipat ed in t he first commit ment period complied wit h t he Prot ocol. However, nine
count ries had t o resort t o t he flexibilit y mechanisms by funding emission reduct ions in ot her
count ries because t heir nat ional emissions were slight ly great er t han t heir t arget s. The financial
crisis of 2007–08 helped reduce t he emissions. The great est emission reduct ions were seen in
t he former East ern Bloc count ries because t he dissolut ion of t he Soviet Union reduced t heir
emissions in t he early 1990s.[10] Even t hough t he 36 developed count ries reduced t heir
emissions, t he global emissions increased by 32% from 1990 t o 2010.[11]

A second commit ment period was agreed t o in 2012 t o ext end t he agreement t o 2020, known as
t he Doha Amendment t o t he Kyot o Prot ocol, in which 37 count ries had binding t arget s: Aust ralia,
t he European Union (and it s t hen 28 member st at es, now 27), Belarus, Iceland, Kazakhst an,
Liecht enst ein, Norway, Swit zerland, and Ukraine. Belarus, Kazakhst an, and Ukraine st at ed t hat
t hey may wit hdraw from t he Kyot o Prot ocol or not put int o legal force t he Amendment wit h
second round t arget s.[12] Japan, New Zealand, and Russia had part icipat ed in Kyot o's first -round
but did not t ake on new t arget s in t he second commit ment period. Ot her developed count ries
wit hout second-round t arget s were Canada (which wit hdrew from t he Kyot o Prot ocol in 2012)
and t he Unit ed St at es (which did not rat ify). As of Oct ober 2020, 147[6][13] st at es had accept ed
t he Doha Amendment . It ent ered int o force on 31 December 2020, following it s accept ance by
t he mandat ed minimum of at least 144 st at es, alt hough t he second commit ment period ended
on t he same day. Of t he 37 part ies wit h binding commit ment s, 34 had rat ified.

Negot iat ions were held in t he framework of t he yearly UNFCCC Climat e Change Conferences on
measures t o be t aken aft er t he second commit ment period ended in 2020. This result ed in t he
2015 adopt ion of t he Paris Agreement , which is a separat e inst rument under t he UNFCCC rat her
t han an amendment of t he Kyot o Prot ocol.


First commitment period: 2008–2012

Flexibility mechanisms

Stabilization of GHG concentrations

Details of the agreement

Ratification process

Government action and emissions

Cost estimates

Views on the Protocol

Conference of the Parties

Amendment and successor

See also


Further reading

External links

Retrieved from

Last edited 12 days ago by Adam MLIS

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