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Arselita P.

Bandeco BSA 1A NSTP Pre-final Exam

Explain the following questions comprehensively with example.
1. What are the requirements for registration?
The requirements for the registration are the following; must be a Filipino citizens, must
be eighteen years old on or before election day, should be a resident of the Philippines for at
least one year and a resident of the place where one’s intend to vote for at least 6 months
preceding the election day, otherwise disqualified by the law.
2. Explain the meaning, the best way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
“The best way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”, this means that people with
evil intentions would surely success when good people would just turn a blind on it. For
example in an election, candidate who would buy votes would surely be not a good leader, but
as people would go along with it, and would vote this man as he has a lot of money, then evil
would surely triumph. Another case is that, when there is only one candidate for a certain
position, and this candidate is known to be corrupt and evil doers, on the other side good men
are afraid to fight this man as he is ruthless and powerful, thus this man is victoriously elected
as people have no other option than him.
3. Differentiate Election from registration.
Election is a process where people choses their leader for a fix period of time/term. Whereas
registration or voter registration is a requirement for all qualified Filipino citizens in order to
participate in any Philippines’ election, it is the eligibility to vote. Agent of the government
responsible for voter’s registration is the ComeLec or the Commission on Election. Thus, in
order to take part in election process one’s must register first. For example, this coming
election 2022, I can’t vote if I’m not registered to the COMELEC.
4. Explain the meaning of, Good leaders are made not born.
Good leaders are made not born, this line means that leadership skills are learned and
acquired through continual work, study, training, and in experience. Good leaders are not
come naturally, they are the fruits of great desire and willpower. For example, the best boss in
the world-Prince Adam, in the perks of crisis for his company he managed to solve and
brought tremendous success for the company as he become a good leader. Being a good
leader solves the crisis his company went through. He sacrifice a lot, study, reflect on his self
and look for the well-being of his people, thus today they are much more than boss and a
worker , because they are family.
5. What is RA 9189?
Republic act 9189 or the Overseas Absentee Voting Law entitles to all Filipino citizens
overseas, and immigrants and permanent residents with affidavit of intent to continue residing
in the Philippines, to vote for elective positions on the national level: President, Vice-President,
Senators and Party-List Representatives, not otherwise disqualified by the law. This is the law
that gives privilege to an overseas Filipino and not Filipinos living here in Philippines to
participate and vote for the national level. For example, Juan is an immigrant from China,
under RA 9189 if he has the confirmation intending to stay here in the Philippines, then he can
6. Enumerate the four factors of leadership, select one and explain.
The four factors of leadership are; leader, follower, communication and situation.
For the success, progress and harmony of a group or organization, communication plays a
vital role on it. Communication may build or harm a good relationship, depending on how a
leader communicate to his members. And as they said words speak louder than words, in
which being a leader, you must act as the example to your follower. Just like what Jesus did,
as he came into this world, fully human in every ways, made John the Baptist baptized him,
even he does not have to as he is sinless and righteous in all ways, which he has nothing to
repent of, however he chose to be baptized in the water to set as an example to his followers
to do so. Thus, as a leader it should start with you, your actions and words does matter.
7. Enumerate the 9 principles of Leadership. Select 1 and explain with example.
The nine principles of Leadership are; know yourself and seek self-improvement, be
technically proficient, seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions, make sound
and timely decisions, set the example, know your people and look-out for their well-being, keep
your workers informed, develop a sense of responsibility in your workers, and lastly ensure
that tasks are understood, supervised and accomplished.
I believe that one of the best attributes of a good leader is having or knowing one’s self. As a
leader or even as a person it is very essential to examine the self. Having the knowledge of
what you know, what you can be and what you can do is a power, power to inspire and
influence the others. Which are the traits that a good leader must have. Most importantly, a
leader must seek self-improvement through continuing self-study, training, and self-reflection,
as these enhances one’s skills in being a good leader. For example, Pedro is an SSG
President, he is a good leader, in which he wants to improve his leadership skills and to
contribute more progress to the school. Factly, he never failed to examine his self, never failed
to study and went to trainings and seminar regarding leadership.

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