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fields to validate in

Disaster Recovery Plan Test

Does DR Plan has detailed steps?

Is there an owner accountable for the DR Plan?

Is DR plan up-to-date and accurate?

Is there DR test evidence recorded for the DR test?

Is DR test evidence accurate?
Why detailed DR Plan
is important?
To help prevent data loss

To minimize system downtime

To ensure business continuity of critical operations

To prevent customer dissatisfaction

To meet compliance requirements

To help auditors in validating DR evidence :)
Why every DR Plan
should have an owner?
To ensure clear ownership & accountablity for DR

To approve changes and updates to the plan

To have a single point of contact for all DR issues

To communicate DR issues with top management

To oversee periodic DR drills

To ensure preparedness of the organization
Why DR Plan
should be updated?

Changes in technological infrastructure

Changes in business operations

Changes in compliance requirements

Results of risk assessments
Why every DR drill
should have an evidence?

To ensure compliance requirements

To improve credibility of the organization

To demonstrate that you are ready to respond!

To assist auditors in validating DR plan

To identify areas of weakness in DR plan
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ITGC Testing

Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

ISO 27001 ISMS

ISO 27701 PIMS

Data Privacy

IT Auditing

Risk Management

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