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"Maybe it is because they have relied solely on their own capacities, rather than on the contributions of

the ordinary peoplle they are responsible for.'

I certainly agree

Because some people are limiting other people in what they should and should not be doing and as a
result they only take the talent or ability they just keep their talents and capabilities by themselves.

"But is it not ironic that while many of our leaders have succeeded in achieving their personal goals, the
country has lagged behind?"


Some of our leaders are overly focused with their personal goals from the moment they enter the
palace. Because of this, they often have a tendency to forget their sworn job, which requires them to
lead the Filipino people and take excellent care of the Philippines by performing the task that was given
to them.

Should you choose to be a big fish in a small pond, or a small fish in a big pond? Whatever your doubts
are, follow your heart. When i left San Miguel Corporation, in 1986, I knew that serving home was where
my heart was. I must say desire and commitment for outweigh knowledge and skill. The latter can be
learned. Without the former, you're life's work will be a profession and not a vocation. Find your own
niche. Change careers if you must. But make sure you succeeed


Although most people have the privilege to venture in to a higher level with more opportunities, some
people simply don't have the same chance to move to a higher level or what they call "a big pond"
because of financial status and sometimes even family responsibilities. People can somehow be talented
enough to become one of the best in what they do, but not given the opportunity and chance unlike
privileged people who has their dreams and future at the palm of their hand.

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