Climate Change

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peter Bassem amin/7-recto

-what is climate change ?

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in
temperatures and weather patterns. These
shifts may be natural, such as through
variations in the solar cycle. But since the
1800s, human activities have been the
main driver of climate change, primarily
due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and
gas. Burning fossil fuels generates
-what is climate change ?
greenhouse gas emissions that act like a
blanket wrapped around the Earth,
trapping the sun’s heat and raising
temperatures. Examples of greenhouse gas
emissions that are causing climate change
include carbon dioxide and methane. These
come from using gasoline for driving a car
-what is climate change ?
or coal for heating a building, for example.
Clearing land and forests can also release
carbon dioxide. Landfills for garbage are a
major source of methane emissions.
Energy, industry, transport, buildings,
agriculture and land use are among
the main emitters.
-what causes climate change ?
The main cause of climate change is
burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas
to produce energy and power transport.
Along with other human activities, like
cutting down forests and farming, this
releases heat-trapping pollution called
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere,
-what causes climate change ?
warming the planet and destabilising the
climate. The world is now warming faster
than at any point in human history. The
effects are extreme weather like heavy rain
or droughts, long-term shifts in weather
patterns, melting ice and rising sea levels.
Climate change is already having huge
impacts on people and the environment
-what causes climate change ?
world wide. Human activities that release
greenhouse gases need to be urgently
curbed as much as possible to ensure a
stable climate and safe world for everyone.
Thermal pollution from coal plants is the
degradation of water quality by power
plants and industrial manufacturers - when
water used as a coolant is returned to the
-what causes climate change ?
natural environment at a higher tempera-
ture, the change in temperature impacts or-
ganisms by decreasing oxygen supply, and
affecting ecosystem composition.
-how to stop climate change ?
1.Avoid deforestation and plant more and
more trees so the amount of carbon diox-
ide in the atmosphere can be reduced.
2.Avoid using vehicles that emit green-
house gases into the atmosphere and opt
for public transport, bicycles or walk, if
-how to stop climate change ?
3.Becoming more energy efficient by turn-
ing off lights if not required, unplug devices
that you are not using anymore, replace
your light bulbs with energy-efficient light
bulbs, etc.
4.Do not overuse the natural resources.
-how to stop climate change ?
5.Reuse, reduce and recycle is the best way
to preserve the environment at an individu-
al level. Recycling is a cost-effective and eco
-friendly process that eliminates waste and
doesn’t emit greenhouse gasses into the
6.Encourage the use of renewable energies.

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